Envy is an emotion that all human beings possess to one extent or another. It has no doubt been around since “civilized” man first arrived on the scene. But today’s envy is much more extreme than it was just a few decades ago. I believe we are now in the midst of what historians may someday look upon as the Golden Age of Envy. I am convinced that envy is, in fact, the motivating force behind most of the world’s evils. So the question is, how did America and the Western world devolve to such a low point on the … Continue reading

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The question of whether man is wolf or sheep has been around for a long time and, not surprisingly, there are strong opinions on both sides. It’s certainly not hard to understand the sheep side of the argument. The majority of people are easily influenced by institutional leaders, whether they represent the state, the church, corporate America, or other. They’re like gullible, half-asleep children, willing to submit to anyone who speaks with a tone threatening enough to scare them or pleasant enough to persuade them of the moral necessity of a cause. Thus, they follow the directions of their leaders … Continue reading

The post Is Man Wolf or Sheep? appeared first on LewRockwell.

I happened to bump into an old acquaintance of mine the other day whom I hadn’t seen in years. What I remembered about him was that he was one of the most narcissistic people I’ve ever known. And, true to his old self, he immediately began talking about money. At one point in our conversation, I said to him (though I don’t recall the exact context) that money is not the endgame, but merely a means to an end. To which he snapped, “People may like to believe that bull___t, but the truth is that money isthe endgame. A minute … Continue reading

Have you ever wondered why time seems to pass much more quickly every year of your life? Since virtually everyone experiences this phenomenon, there has to be a concrete reason for it. In other words, it can’t just be everyone’s imagination. As it turns out, there have been many theories set forth to explain this phenomenon, and the one that is most plausible to me is that each additional unit of time we live through is a smaller percentage of the total time we’ve been alive. Of course, we don’t consciously compare any particular time unit with how long we’ve … Continue reading

I’ve written a number of times about the sad ending of my love affair with Glenn Beck, the most talented person ever to grace a television screen. Today, I find him to be such a turnoff that I’m tempted to mute him when he occasionally appears as a second-rate guest on someone’s show. Beck’s fall from grace can be traced directly to a dinosaur-sized ego that knows no bounds. No amount of love or admiration can satisfy his insatiable need for adoration. As result, he’s completely incapable of sticking to a single, successful format, because he’s driven to repeatedly come … Continue reading

Megyn Kelly is razor sharp, impeccably prepared, relentless, tough, verbally skilled, and, to boot, a pretty good looker. She’s also an egomaniacal smart-aleck who seems intent on following Glenn Beck down the path to mediocre celebrity status. When Kelly is on her game and acts like a broadcast professional, there’s no one better. She’s at her best when she’s going after radical–left liars like Baltimore prosecutor Marilyn Mosby, Planned Parenthood’s criminal elite, and just about everyone who perpetuated the “Hands up, don’t shoot” lie. But she’s at her absolute worst when her cranial inflammatory condition — Beckitis — flares up … Continue reading

The longer I live, the more fascinated I am by two things. One is how much control I have over so many issues and events. The other is how little control I have over so many issues and events. The reason I can control so many things is because they are, for the most part, a matter of choice. For example, I can choose to be happy. I can choose to be relentless and move forward in the face of adversity. I can choose to increase the odds of living a longer and healthier life by eating well and exercising. … Continue reading

The next presidential farce (er, race) is already starting to heat up, and it promises to be great entertainment. I admit it, I absolutely love good theater. The presidential campaigns are reality TV at its best — a year-and-a-half of nonstop lies, gaffes, chest-pounding, and some of the best slapstick comedy America has to offer. Granted, it also can become boring, because we’ve heard all the lines so many times before. For example, it’s 100 percent guaranteed that every troglodyte who seeks the dictator’s job will, with a straight face, promise to “stimulate the economy,” “create jobs,” “level the playing … Continue reading

In the United States, free speechers and anti-free speechers have long been at odds. But lately, the battle has been getting more and more intense — and the anti-free speechers appear to be winning. But why is free speech such a big deal anyway? Answer: because it’s supposed to be a safeguard against tyrannical government. So as the anti-free speechers gain momentum, tyrannical government also wins. In theory, the way free speech is supposed to work is this: If every citizen of America were of one opinion and a single individual had another opinion, the majority would have no more … Continue reading

Though it’s difficult for those gullible souls who are excited yet again about one presidential candidate or another to comprehend, politicians (with VERY few exceptions) — in both parties — are not interested in helping the “underprivileged.” Rather, they see them as faceless, expendable, less-than-human creatures who not only can be bribed into voting for them, but can be used for photo ops when needed. Behind closed doors, politicians like to refer to them as “useful idiots.” Even the Civil Rights Act of 1964 is suspect. As the great Thomas Sowell has said, blacks made greater progress escaping poverty before … Continue reading

As the dependably vile Al Sharpton, criminal par excellence, arrives in Baltimore to stir the still-burning embers scattered about town, it’s time to reflect on the City of Charm. Baltimore is perhaps the most authentic big-city blue-collar town in America, but it’s also a sophisticated and historic city. It’s where, in 1814, Francis Scott Key penned the lyrics to what was to become America’s national anthem, “The Star-Spangled Banner,” in a poem titled “The Defence of Fort McHenry.” True, it can’t compare to the jungle beat of rap-crap, but, still in all, it’s had a pretty good run and is … Continue reading

In case you hadn’t noticed, dignity is a rare commodity in our decadent, morally degenerate world of the new millennium. We see confirmation of this all around us in such phenomena as: Talk shows that feature tragic people emotionally and psychologically disrobing themselves in public while sharing their most intimate secrets with millions of lobotomized strangers. Attorneys who routinely advertise on radio, television, and billboards, urging prospects to demand their “rights” through legal action, though not that many years ago such tacky solicitations would have resulted in an attorney’s being blackballed by his profession. A tidal wave of verbal sloth. … Continue reading