Forget about the Confederate flag, what about false flags? The FBI and Department of Homeland Security issued a bulletin last Friday warning of heightened concerns over potential terrorist attacks during the holiday weekend. ABC News reported that the bulletin said July 4th could appear to extremists to defame the Prophet Muhammad and would “likely result in threats or plans to conduct violent extremist acts.” The bulletin also warned government and military officials to be cautious of their social media posts over the weekend. Former CIA Deputy Director Morell told CBS’ This Morning that while such warnings go out routinely, ”there’s nothing routine about this particular one to me.” Reprinted … Continue reading

Newly released government documents claim numerous books were found in Bin Laden’s compound when it was raided by U.S. Navy Seals. They include: Confessions of an Economic Hit Man by John Perkins, The Best Enemy Money Can Buy by Anthony Sutton, Hegemony or Survival: America’s Quest for Global Dominance by Noam Chomsky, Imperial Hubris by Michael Scheuer, New Pearl Harbor: Disturbing Questions about the Bush Administration and 9/11 by David Ray Griffin, The Rise and Fall of the Great Powers by Paul Kennedy Here’s the full list put out by the U.S. government: The 2030 Spike by Colin Mason A Brief Guide to Understanding Islam by I. A. Ibrahim America’s Strategic Blunders … Continue reading

Government is evil and government money corrupts. The federal government say Times Square’s iconic billboards must come down or New York will lose highway money, reports NyPo. Supposedly, a 2012 law puts the Time Square area of glitz and excitement under the restrictions of the 1965 Highway “Beautification” Act — which limits signs to 1,200 square feet. Now Washington is pushing the city Department of Transportation to comply. This anti-billboard craze, btw, started with Lady Bird Johnson. She was no match for her husband when it came to evil, but she was a nutcake national busybody. George Reisman explained the … Continue reading

Citi Group’s top economist, Willem Buiter, sees a big problem with cash. He is of the opinion that becasue interest rates are so low, the Federal Reserve is not able to pump sufficient quantities of money into the economy. He holds this view despite the fact that the money supply has grown by near 50% , since the interest rate controlled by the Fed, the Fed Funds rate, has been near zero. Buiter somehow views this money growth as not sufficnt, despite the fact that sound economics teaches that it is increased production of goods and services, not increased money … Continue reading

As I have written in the past, water is just like any other commodity, if you price it below market clearing levels, you will have shortages. If you allow market prices, shortages disappear. When you have market prices, incentive is provided for development of new sources of water and the price acts as a disciplinary force against “waste.” Most officials in government jurisdictions through out the globe fail to get this and will attempt to impose rationing when their below market price schemes on various commodities result in major shortages. (SEE: Venezuela Turns Into a Socialist Nightmare and Toilet Paper: The … Continue reading

The news of the arrest of two government agents, Carl M. Force and  Shaun W. Bridges, involved in the Silk Road case, signals just how corrupt the Silk Road investigation was. This come directly from the Department of Justice press release:  In one such transaction, Force allegedly sold information about the government’s investigation to the target of the investigation. Note well what Ross Ulbricht’s attorney stated in his opening remarks during the trial of Ross:  And at the end — I will get to the middle as well, but at the end he was lured back by those operators to … Continue reading

The guy who sexually discriminates against women writes: There’s something very dangerous happening in states across the country. A wave of legislation, introduced in more than two dozen states, would allow people to discriminate against their neighbors…., on behalf of Apple, I’m standing up to oppose this new wave of legislation — wherever it emerges. Translation: Although I don’t want to have sexual relations with women, I want the government to coerce others to have transactional relationships even  when they don’t want. But don’t you dare mess with the way I discriminate, bitch! As I have pointed out before, discrimination … Continue reading

Investigators are now of the opinion that the co-pilot of the Germanwings airliner that crashed in the French Alps killing all 150 people aboard appears to have brought the A320 Airbus down deliberately, the Marseille prosecutor said today. German Andreas Lubitz, 28, left in sole control of the Airbus A320 after the captain left the cockpit, refused to re-open the door and operated a control that sent the plane into its final, fatal descent, the prosecutor told a news conference. Here is what caught my eye about recent reports: “The guy outside [the captain] is knocking lightly on the door … Continue reading

I don’t go to Starbucks very often. It’s usually if someone else suggests it. I prefer to get my coffee sitting down at a diner watching people of all sorts come and go, with real waitresses who look like they would smack me if I tried to order a “grande.” Coffee served with a cup and saucer is what I’m looking for. Where I go that’s called “coffee.” I don’t drink coffee at my desk, so it is either at a diner or eating out during a meal. I have always been suspicious of Starbucks, since the first time I … Continue reading

While discussing money in politics on Wednesday, President Obama broached a topic normally confined to academic circles: A law requiring people to vote, reports David Jackson at USA Today. “In Australia, and some other countries, there’s mandatory voting,” Obama said while taking questions at the City Club of Cleveland. “It would be transformative if everybody voted. That would counteract money more than anything.” Oh yeah, this really improves the functioning of government. Argentina, the Congo and Greece are among the 22 countries that coerce people into voting. And just why does Obama think that coercing people to vote won’t result … Continue reading

Over at Salon, Edwin Lyngar tells us that he has given up on libertarianism because of a recent vacation he took to the Honduras. He classified the trip as a nightmare: My libertarian vacation nightmare: How Ayn Rand, Ron Paul & their groupies were all debunked I am really not sure how he reached the conclusion that the Honduras is a libertarian country, but he did:  Eliminate all taxes, privatize everything, load a country up with guns and oppose all public expenditures, you end up with Honduras. Privatize everything? Empresa Nacional de Energía Eléctrica is Honduras’s government owned and operated electrical power … Continue reading

Though it is good to know that even mainstream media feels compelled to listen to Lew Rockwell podcasts, trouble started yesterday with BuzzFeed reporter Andrew Kaczynski dangling this comment for the Ron Paul haters, after listening to Lew’s podcast interview of Ron Paul: Former Republican Rep. Ron Paul, the father of potential presidential candidate Rand Paul and a former presidential candidate himself, said the Congressional Black Caucus does not support war because they want that money for food stamps. “I was always annoyed with it in Congress because we had an anti-war unofficial group, a few libertarian Republicans and generally the Black Caucus … Continue reading

The trial of Ross Ulbricht, admitted founder of Silk Road, is over. He has been convicted on all the charges brought by the government. It is a terrible tragedy. An anonymous commenter to the post, where the Ulbricht family expressed shock at how unfair the trial was, explained best what happens when the government has you in their crosshairs; Having been through a federal criminal trial myself, this description sounds like standard operating procedure. While I feel badly for the mother, she does express an astonishing naiveté of the system and process. A federal trial is not designed to find out … Continue reading

I am glad to see a number of commenters at discussing the significant survival rate in modern industrial countries of those who contract measles.See: Lew Rockwell and Ryan McMaken. I had the measles when I was a child and I seem to recall that pretty much all the kids in the neighborhood did. On the first sign of spots, Dr. Tony was called and he visited the house, doctors made house calls in those days. He confirmed it was measles, and it did not send my parents into panic. Back then, all parents seemed to know that  kids were going to … Continue reading

Switzerland’s central bank said today in a statement that it had agreed with the People’s Bank of China to establish clearing arrangements in Switzerland for renminbi trading and extend a pilot scheme for clients of Swiss banks. “It will promote the use of the renminbi by enterprises and financial institutions in cross-border transactions, and promote facilitation of bilateral trade and investment,” the Swiss National Bank said. Alongside the pact, the PBOC will extend a pilot scheme for foreign investors to clients of Swiss banks, with a quota of up to 50 billion yuan ($8 billion). From Davos, Reuters adds: “We … Continue reading