In 2013 the federal Bureau of Land Management (BLM) obtained federal court orders authorizing the agency to “seize and remove to impound” hundreds of Cliven Bundy’s cattle on the public ranges around Bunkerville, Nevada.   The agency interpreted these court orders broadly, and descended on the area in April 2014 with some 200 body-armor-wearing agents, semiautomatic weapons, sniper teams, undercover informants, and surveillance cameras aimed at the Bundy residence. The BLM brought more than corralls and horse trailers.  They brought backhoes, dumptrucks and earth-moving equipment to tear up water lines and other infrastructure that had been built by Bundy and his … Continue reading

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For the past six weeks Oregonians have been treated to a political trial of the “Malheur 7” (Ammon Bundy, Ryan Bundy, Shawna Cox, Jeff Banta, David Fry, Neal Wampler and Ken Medenbach,).  I was privileged to have a ringside seat at the trial as a volunteer researcher and paralegal for Ryan Bundy (who represents himself) at the trial.  As I write these words, the jury is out, considering whether the defendants conspired to prevent U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service or Bureau of Land Management officers from performing their duties at the Malheur National Wildlife Refuge in rural eastern Oregon.  The Bundy brothers … Continue reading

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Contemporary academia is awash in government money.  Not surprisingly, the vast majority of its scholarly ‘findings’ exalt and promote expansion of the state.  Modern college campuses are dens of extreme pro-government, socialist and elitist sentiment.  Statistically, the American professoriate is more loyal to the Democratic Party than the voters of San Francisco or the government employee unions of Washington, D.C. Because of the ideological lopsidedness of today’s colleges, the peer-review process barely functions as a gatekeeping device for weeding out questionable scholarship. Here are three recent “studies” that have garnered overwhelmingly favorable attention in the world of academia (and in … Continue reading

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