This a response to an editorial appearing at where the author deems the unfathomable idea of Texas independence as “crazy” and believes there are “more pressing topics” for Texans to consider. To his credit, the author offers a number of questions to communicate his healthy skepticism. I attempt to address those questions: “Would we Texans need passports to visit Disney World, Mount Rushmore, the Grand Canyon or the Redwoods National Park?” You might very well need them (that’s up to the USG), but if you fly to Disney World or anywhere else now, you need to show your ID … Continue reading

The post Skeptical of Texas Independence? appeared first on LewRockwell.

It’s that time on the calendar when government gangsters battle for control of the US Collective. They accomplish this in tightly controlled skirmishes called “elections.” The GOP, one of the two streets gangs designated by the ruling class to constantly fight for control of this collective, recently had their Texas gang summit (state convention) in Dallas. The Proposal The only action at this summit worthy of reporting is the rejection of a proposal, heavily promoted by the Texas Nationalist Movement, to place a call for a referendum on Texas independence on the party platform. The call for such a referendum … Continue reading

The post Terrified of Secession appeared first on LewRockwell.

I’m about to witness my 61st “Independence Day” in the US Collective. And all I see forthcoming is still another celebration of failure, still another empty gesture from clueless citizen/slaves who have no independence. The supposed “independence” noted and celebrated is recorded in the document known as The Declaration of Independence.  Those enslaved by a king at that time, declared themselves subjects instead to some, as yet, undefined government master (later to be defined as a “republic”). The document rails about such worthy goals as equality among men, inalienable rights of life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness, and government … Continue reading