In response to the Orlando nightclub mass shooting, the U.S. House Democrats are making fools of themselves in their sit-in filibuster, as they display their childishness and ignorance on the gun control issue. Their purely emotional calls for more gun control and denying guns to people whose names are placed on a no-fly list or a terrorist watch list without due process are thoroughly lacking in rational thought. But I’m more disappointed in the news media who are covering the pro-gun control crowd’s emotional arguments, but not covering any actual intellectual, historical and empirical arguments against gun control. For example, … Continue reading

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Now that Mary Matalin and the mainstream media have mentioned the Libertarian Party as a possible alternative to the Republicrat Party, already there is misinformation about what libertarianism actually is. For starters, Libertarian Party presidential candidate Gary Johnson’s apparent choice for Vice President is former Massachusetts Gov. Bill Weld. People are actually referring to Weld as a “libertarian” because he is supposedly a “fiscal conservative/social liberal.” Sorry, folks. But “fiscal conservative/social liberal” means “Let’s make the existing intrusive governmental apparatus more efficient (which is close to impossible), and let’s expand private property-destroying, freedom of association-destroying Civil Rights laws even further.” … Continue reading

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It seems that most people have the view that the U.S. government isn’t doing enough to prevent Islamic extremist terrorist attacks, such as the one which occurred in Brussels. The government stenographers of the mainstream media, cable news and talk radio make sure that the only valid angle to the discussion is whatever promotes expanded U.S. government powers, better military strategy, better “intelligence,” and so on. The U.S. Presidential candidates declare, “We will defeat radical Islamic terrorism, and defeat ISIS” with much confidence. That is, increase and intensify the same failed interventionist policies that got us here in the first … Continue reading

The post Contributors to Radical Islamic Extremism appeared first on LewRockwell.

With Planned Parenthood and its depraved shenanigans in the news again, I thought it fitting to repost my post on the death in 2011 of Dr. Bernard Nathanson, known for his documentary, “Silent Scream.” February 22, 2011 OB/GYN Producer of “Silent Scream” Dies at 84 Dr. Bernard Nathanson, a founding member of NARAL or National Abortion Rights Action League, who then became a staunch anti-abortion activist, has died at 84. He was the OB/GYN physician who produced the film Silent Scream, which was a documentary demonstrating through ultrasound the process of an abortion. After performing thousands of abortions, and after several … Continue reading

Has freedom of speech become a thing of the past in America? College campuses now are intellectual prisons, and the thin-skinned offendotrons are the guards. And in post-9/11 America you can’t criticize the Regime without being called a “traitor” or “unpatriotic.” The political and social fascists and control freaks really seem to be trying to drive people into silence these days. For example, on college campuses if you say something deemed offensive, you might actually receive a formal complaint from another student. Or if you’re a professor, you might receive an official reprimand because just one student complained about a … Continue reading

The recent situations involving racial tensions, police criminality and violence in Ferguson, Baltimore and elsewhere have solutions just waiting to be implemented. And those solutions involve freedom, believe it or not. For example, if free lives actually did matter, it is doubtful that a government’s monopoly over policing and security could be justified. The same could be said for restrictions on the right to self-defense. When free lives matter, there would not be white police shooting and killing black victims, because anyone involved in community policing or security would be civilians, either as paid workers or volunteers. No one would … Continue reading

In 21st Century America, hypersensitive people are going out of their way to make their imagined oppressors or assailants feel miserable, and the hypersensitive are acting like bullies and inflicting acts of aggression and suffering against innocent others as well. But why are so many people so thin-skinned nowadays? It seems to be such a world-wide phenomenon now. A lot of people have to be very careful with what they say and they have to censor themselves around others. But such socially pathological tiptoeing, intolerance and outright censorship has made its way up to academia and the court system. 30 … Continue reading