On July 29, former Defense Intelligence Agency Director Gen. Michael Flynn told Al Jazeera that President Obama had willfully ignored DIA warnings, back in 2012, about the danger of Sunni jihadist terrorism in Iraq and Syria, aided by arms flows from Libya, and continued the policy that has led to the rise of the Islamic State (ISIS) and Al Qaeda’s Nusra Front. Gen. Flynn made clear that this was not just a matter of turning a “blind eye,” but was a conscious Obama White House policy decision. Through the subsequent stationing of Patriot missile batteries along the Turkey-Syria border, for the past several years, the Obama Administration and NATO allies created a de facto “no fly zone” in the north of Syria that has allowed ISIS and Nusra to flourish. Any notion that Obama is leading a coalition against ISIS is a total fraud. Obama’s shameless coddling of Saudi Arabia’s King Salman last Friday, one week to the day before the 14th anniversary of the Saudi-backed 9/11 attacks on the World Trade Center and the Pentagon, was just further proof of Obama’s willful backing of the Salafist terror legions.

Now, Russian President Vladimir Putin has called President Obama’s bluff and is sending Russian equipment and military forces into Syria to wage a genuine military campaign against the Saudi- and Obama-backed jihadists. As Lyndon LaRouche first declared last week, the mere initiative of such a genuine military operation, in support of the Assad government in Damascus, will drive President Obama up the wall—even before the first Russian bombs hit ISIS targets. Since concluding last week, without explanation, that the Russian intervention is “bad,” President Obama has been squeezing NATO allies, including Bulgaria and Greece, to refuse overflight rights to Russian planes carrying aid to Syria.

While the efforts to stymie the Russian actions have already failed (US officials have confirmed the arrival of large cargo planes and ships, carrying Russian advanced equipment, along with 1,000 units of modular housing for a presumed new air base near Latakia), they have further exposed Obama’s true colors as a stooge of the very British-Saudi circles that carried out the original 9/11 attacks and the Sept. 11, 2012, Benghazi terrorist attack, in which Ambassador Christopher Stevens and three other American officials were killed by Al Qaeda.

If Obama continues his attempts to obstruct Russia’s serious plans to destroy the Islamic State and other jihadist brigades, he will be further publicly exposed. If he attempts to go ahead with his ongoing plans to provoke war against Russia, in spite of Putin’s flanking actions in Syria, he will run up against mounting opposition to his madness. It takes only a few sane individuals within the Cabinet to invoke the 25th Amendment and remove Obama from office, the moment he moves to provoke a general war.

The danger of such a general war is being widely exposed on both sides of the Atlantic. This week, the European Leadership Network re-issued an August 2015 report warning of the dangers of an outbreak of war on the European continent, and demanding the reconstituting of the NATO-Russia Council to push back against the war provocations. The newly released document contained the signatures of 75 additional European and Russian leaders, including former ministers of defense, retired flag officers, and former top NATO officials.

This Saturday, Sept. 12, just three days before the opening of the United Nations General Assembly session, a major conference will take place in Manhattan, sponsored by the Schiller Institute, bringing together leading voices who oppose the Obama madness.

It is time for Obama’s constitutionally-mandated removal from office. It is the true test of leadership in a world facing thermonuclear extinction, so long as he remains in office. Putin’s actions in Syria have exposed Obama’s filthy hands behind the jihadist scourge.

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We’re on the verge of a real crisis on a national and international scale,— Putin’s Russia has moved, and Obama is about to go ape. We haven’t quite seen that freakout yet, but it’s in the making.

We have to be prepared: we especially, because we saw all this coming when others refused to believe it. For instance, we understood the significance of the VJ Day march in Beijing on September 3. Now that Putin is moving to protect Syria and crush ISIS, Obama will have to either back off, or to create the hottest conflict possible.

Obama insisted that he’ll control Syria, that ISIS must not be eliminated, but that instead President Assad must be removed. Putin said “No.” He not only said it,— he acted on it. That’s the issue: there’s a showdown between Putin and Obama. And Putin will not concede: the concession will have to come from Obama.

Germany’s about-face on the refugees, their decision to accept hundreds of thousands of refugees, is also a defiance of Obama. And they’re not going to back down either.

Now, as of Monday morning, this is coming to a head. What Putin has demanded is perfectly reasonable. Will Obama give up? Will he back down? Because if he won’t, we’re close to a World War III condition. What will happen? It’s hard to tell. People will have to take a position. The best outcome is that Obama is junked. Everyone knows its the big showdown. What will they do?

Obama is bluffing, but it’s a dangerous bluff because he’s a lunatic and a mass-murderer. He says, “I’m going to kill… kill! I gave an order to kill.” We had two terms of this under Cheney, and almost two even-worse terms under Obama. Where’s the lawfulness in this? Will Congress to act like idiots? Or will they say, “Obama has gone too far.”

Obama must be thrown out of office under the 25th Amendment, given the proof that he wants to protect the Nazi-like ISIS organization, and overthrow the legitimate President of Syria. Everything Obama is doing is a fraud; most of the world will be only too happy to get rid of him. Obama has to be thrown out of office, period. That’s the only solution for mankind, and all people have to do is say that.

The United Nations General Assembly is about to convene in New York. Will they sit back and watch as thermonuclear war is launched? We’re in a complex situation with no clear answers, but the approximations are clear. Obama is not the active person here; it’s Putin, as seen standing next to Chinese President Xi Jinping at the September 3 parade in Beijing. As the next step, Putin is prepared to kick ISIS out of Syria, and he’s absolutely right. If he allowed Obama and ISIS to prevail, there’d be a chain-reaction degeneration of the entire area. The best solution is to throw Obama out.

The refugee crisis continues to play out tragically in Greece.  Alternate Shipping Minister for the caretaker government Christos Zois, held a press conference yesterday to report on the measures the government is taking, which include speeding up the documentation process so that refugees can move on to other countries.  At a press conference, Zois said that more than 230,000 migrants had arrived in Greece in the first eight months of this year, compared with 17,500 in the same eight months last year; 80% were refugees.  There were more than 157,000 arrivals in just July and August, he said.  Zois also said that the government has received information that there could be millions more refugees waiting to cross into Europe through Greece.

Greece has not seen such an inflow of refugees since 1923, in the war between Greece and Turkey, when 1.5 million Greeks were transferred from Turkey and 500,000 Turks were transferred from Greece as part of the war settlement.

On the island of Lesbos, which has become especially hard hit, a Greek Orthodox Father Efstratios Dimou, or Papa Stratis, who had set up a non-governmental organization in 2009 to help refugees, died on Sept. 2.  He had been active during the current crisis.  He had told Amnesty International two years ago:  “What I see are people.  People in need.  I cannot turn them away, nor can I kick them [out], nor imprison them.  I cannot send them back to where they came from. Nor can I throw them in the sea to drown.”

Meanwhile, according to the EU border agency Frontex, 23,000 migrants arrived on the Greek islands by sea last week, a number 50% higher than the previous week.

Lesbos Mayor Spyros Galinos said that there may be more than 20,000 refugees on the island, and that some 10,000 have gathered around the port.  “Over the last two months, the number of migrants that have passed through the island has exceeded its [permanent] population of 85,000,” he said, adding that the regular efforts to ferry people to Piraeus are having little effect because of the large numbers of refugees arriving on dinghies.

In a blog post yesterday, veteran US intelligence professional Pat Lang has ferreted out facts which strongly underline Lyndon LaRouche’s demonstration yesterday of Vladimir Putin’s strategic flanking action in decisive support of the Syrian government.

Here are some of the highlights:

“I have been probing the available access in Washington and New York and the following points have emerged:

“- The US Government believes that Russia has decided to raise the level of its intervention and risk in the Syrian Civil War.

“- The ultimate scope and size of that increased role are unclear as yet…

“Russia sees a need to maintain the existence of the government of the state of Syria believing that the alternative to the present multi-confessional dictatorship would not be a secular and liberal regime.  The Russian belief is that the inevitable replacement government would be another jihadi state run by IS or Nusra (AQ)…

“- To rectify this situation the Russians will increase their ‘stake’ in the survival of the Syrian government. 

Those are just a few of the salient points, go here for the full article.

The reality is that Russia is moving into position to close out Obama’s ISIS option.  This is a real mobilization by Russia in defense of Syria; the denials are lies.  Putin has to make an intervention.  An air operation would be most effective; a surgical military operation.  He has to crush ISIS.

Putin is poised to do this, and that issue is there.

Don’t allow yourself to become confused.  Obama is outflanked, and his buddies in ISIS will be hunted down and chased out; nothing he can do about it.  Let’s not have any second-guessing.

Now the Turkish government is also in trouble.  The whole Saudi-Turkish axis is in trouble.  The Russians have told the Turks that Erdogan’s years-long effort (with Obama) to overthrow Assad, was a direct strategic provocation against Russia.  Forces in Turkey will now have to move against Erdogan.

Putin knows perfectly well what’s being prepared in Ukraine. He knows all about Obama’s drive for confrontation with Russia; he’s taken all this into account.  You can’t judge by deductions. Right now, Putin has moved in a direction that has to be carried out.  It’s being carried out; how and when is not clear; it could be immediate.

It’s a flanking action of decisive defense of the legitimate Syrian government and the integrity of the Syrian state.

And at the same time, the Beijing celebrations of the 70th Anniversary of the World War II victory yesterday, featuring a military display as impressive as any ever seen, made it clear that China is aware of Obama’s plans for war against them, and that they stand firmly with Putin.

In close relation to these considerations, the ongoing so-called refugee crisis should be posed differently, as Lyndon LaRouche did last Saturday in Manhattan: as a general mass murder.  It’s ongoing, it’s willful, and it’s increasing.  The people who are allowing it to happen, are those who won’t take on Obama’s killing of Qaddafi, and then his cover-up of his murder of the US Ambassador to Libya and three other American officials. That’s the issue.

Lyndon LaRouche said at the time, that Obama’s October, 2011 murder of Muammar Qaddafi was a marker of the British Empire’s intention for moving to general war.  Now that’s undeniable.

The current mass murder is going on in various areas. Directly across the Mediterranean; sidewise from Turkey into Greece; it’s in Europe; it’s in Africa.  And Obama is the chief sponsor of this,— that’s the point.

The intention of mass murder is implicit throughout Obama’s action.  Where somebody is doing something like he’s doing, there obviously is an intention involved there.  And he sticks to his intention.  He’s an evil bastard beyond belief.

Obama’s actions have the effect of mass murder.  It’s Obama’s pattern; it’s not just the effect.  Obama did what he did.  He was guilty of a crime in Northern Africa, and that criminality is still loose.  It’s happened and it’s continuing. This is coming to the surface now.  His lies, and his crimes in murdering officials of our government.  He’s a murderer of American officials.  That’s what Hillary’s got wrapped around her neck.

This week, the new NATO Southeast Multinational Division began work in Bucharest, the first of five NATO regional offices to be in operation by the end of the year. The Romanian facility, which opened Aug. 31, is intended as a command-and- control center. The next will be Lithuania and Poland (heavy equipment), followed by two more. According to news reports by Frankfurter Allgemeine Sonntagszeitung, NATO has sped up encircling Russia with military bases—provocative to war.

The German newspaper gives details from the Baltic News Network. A BNN article yesterday reports that NATO has planned to set up bases in Latvia, Lithuania, Estonia, Romania, and Poland. “It has planned to discuss this initiative in more detail during the NATO summit in Wales September 5th and 6th. These bases will be used for logistics, reconnaissance and mission planning, and will boast permanent multinational staffs of between 300 and 600 employees per base,” Romania’s Business Review said citing an unnamed source. Moreover, in a bid to show off how the US protects its allies, “the Pentagon has deployed two MQ-1 Predator long-range unmanned surveillance drones and 70 airmen to Latvia on a training mission, the US Department of Defense said,”Russia Today reported yesterday.

The BNN article went on to note that, in addition to bases, NATO has also “planned to set up a rapid Reaction Force of approximately 4,000 soldiers. These forces would be sent to a crisis region within seven days, as reported by the source.” The newspaper also reported that NATO member states have reached an agreement in regard to a secret program. “In this 20-page long document, Russia is mentioned as ‘a threat to Euro-Atlantic security’.”

The new NATO Multinational Division Southeast in Bucharest, will coordinate with NATO’s operations in Romania and Bulgaria, according to todayu’s Rumania-Insider.com. “Some 280 military staff will work in this center, including 75 from other NATO member states. Romania’s Dacica 1st Infantry Division handed over command to the Multinational Division Southeast” on August 31.

In Manhattan yesterday, LaRouchePAC activists were at the U.N. to organize for response to the reality of the danger of annihilation—by nuclear war and/or Green death. The document by Helga Zepp-LaRouche was circulated, “An Urgent Appeal for Action to the Heads of Government: The U.N. General Assembly Is the World’s Last Chance,” along with the requirement to mobilize for Obama to be put out of office. The Manhattan Project is the focus point of the mobilization, amidst a rapidly worsening situation of war danger and chaos.

In Europe this week, the NATO forward deployments continue, with the latest being the opening in Romania of the first of six regional NATO sub-headquarters. In Bucharest, the Southeast Multinational Division of NATO went into operation Aug. 31, as a command and control center. Shortly, subdivisions will open in Poland (for heavy equipment) and Latvia, with three more NATO centers scheduled to go live by year end. The war threat is live.

Lyndon LaRouche stated it, on the LarouchePAC TV Policy Committee broadcast Aug. 31:

“We have to realize, we are on the edge of a thermonuclear war, a thermonuclear attack. This is what we face. Obama is the instrument who, well, at least implicitly, defines the problem; and we’re on the edge of a thermonuclear war…

“Go back to what happened with the Cuba missile crisis. Now, the Cuba crisis was actually really a real thermonuclear war. BUT! What happened, is the President, together with Russia, actually called it off.

“Now, what’s happened now, Obama has called it on. It’s active now. It’s a threat now to all mankind. It could be even the extermination of all mankind, because when you look at what the capabilities are, of the United States’ forces; and the European forces; and Russia; also China, which is not irrelevant, but it’s sort of skewed from this operation. So we’re on the very edge of a kind of warfare, which could occur any day or any week.”

Obama himself has been in Alaska for the last three days, to conduct a look-at-me campaign in the Arctic, for the U.S. and nations to comply with the royal Green decree for killer economic policies, in the name of preventing heat death of the Earth. This is part of the countdown to the COP21 meeting of nations in Paris in December.

“Impeach Obama!” broke the intended spell, on day-one of Obama’s Far North junket. A LaRouchePAC activist with a sound system, on a flatbed truck, circled through downtown Anchorage, distributing fliers and issuing a warning—audible for blocks—”Impeach Obama-before it’s too late!” Also, “He’s a Narcissist!” reported the Anchorage Dispatch News.

We would like you to join us in our fight to rid the world of the threat of war, and the evil of green fascism. Further material to aid this battle can be found in the new EIR Report, Global Warming Scare Is Population Reduction, Not Science which is now available for digital purchase.

In Manhattan yesterday, LaRouchePAC activists were at the U.N. to organize for response to the reality of the danger of annihilation—by nuclear war and/or Green death. The document by Helga Zepp-LaRouche was circulated, “An Urgent Appeal for Action to the Heads of Government: The U.N. General Assembly Is the World’s Last Chance,” along with the requirement to mobilize for Obama to be put out of office. The Manhattan Project is the focus point of the mobilization, amidst a rapidly worsening situation of war danger and chaos.

In Europe this week, the NATO forward deployments continue, with the latest being the opening in Romania of the first of six regional NATO sub-headquarters. In Bucharest, the Southeast Multinational Division of NATO went into operation Aug. 31, as a command and control center. Shortly, subdivisions will open in Poland (for heavy equipment) and Latvia, with three more NATO centers scheduled to go live by year end. The war threat is live.

Lyndon LaRouche stated it, on the LarouchePAC TV Policy Committee broadcast Aug. 31:

“We have to realize, we are on the edge of a thermonuclear war, a thermonuclear attack. This is what we face. Obama is the instrument who, well, at least implicitly, defines the problem; and we’re on the edge of a thermonuclear war…

“Go back to what happened with the Cuba missile crisis. Now, the Cuba crisis was actually really a real thermonuclear war. BUT! What happened, is the President, together with Russia, actually called it off.

“Now, what’s happened now, Obama has called it on. It’s active now. It’s a threat now to all mankind. It could be even the extermination of all mankind, because when you look at what the capabilities are, of the United States’ forces; and the European forces; and Russia; also China, which is not irrelevant, but it’s sort of skewed from this operation. So we’re on the very edge of a kind of warfare, which could occur any day or any week.”

Obama himself has been in Alaska for the last three days, to conduct a look-at-me campaign in the Arctic, for the U.S. and nations to comply with the royal Green decree for killer economic policies, in the name of preventing heat death of the Earth. This is part of the countdown to the COP21 meeting of nations in Paris in December.

“Impeach Obama!” broke the intended spell, on day-one of Obama’s Far North junket. A LaRouchePAC activist with a sound system, on a flatbed truck, circled through downtown Anchorage, distributing fliers and issuing a warning—audible for blocks—”Impeach Obama-before it’s too late!” Also, “He’s a Narcissist!” reported the Anchorage Dispatch News.

We would like you to join us in our fight to rid the world of the threat of war, and the evil of green fascism. Further material to aid this battle can be found in the new EIR Report, Global Warming Scare Is Population Reduction, Not Science which is now available for digital purchase.

With their entire international financial system crumbling around them, in “the biggest financial crisis in modern history,” as Lyndon LaRouche called it, the only thing that the bankrupt predators of Wall Street and the City of London can think of, is how to get their next financial fix of bailout funds.

The desperate calls for responding to what they call “Black Monday” with massive additional quantitative easing (QE), are quite explicit. Larry Elliott, writing in the Guardian today, admitted that the problem is that

“For the last seven years, they [the markets] have been given regular doses of strong and dangerous narcotics. The threat that the drugs will no longer be available has resulted in severe withdrawal symptoms… The markets have been pumped full of stimulants in the form of quantitative easing.”

What to do? Well, more of the same, of course! Elliott suggests that “the Fed might need to provide more stimulus… contemplate further rounds of QE, even though that amounts to doubling the dosage for drugs that become less effective every time they are administered.”

The rest of the financial press, such as London’s FT Alphaville, says pretty much the same thing: “We’ve long felt that the only thing preventing another financial crisis has been extraordinary central bank liquidity and general interventions from the global authorities, which we still expect to continue for a long while yet.”

Last night and today, major central bank and related stock-purchasing interventions across the trans-Atlantic sector, apparently provided enough numbing agent to allow the European market and U.S. futures market to post moderate gains for most of today, though there was a rush for the doors in the last hour of U.S trading, ending in further losses. China’s Shanghai index, fell another 7.6% on Tuesday, as the financial press continued to protest that Chinese authorities are not stepping in with the kind of bailout that the speculators want. China did lower benchmark interest rates by .25% today to 4.6%, and also dropped the reserve ratio by 0.5% to 16%.

Just in time for the systemic meltdown, the financial junkies will hold their annual meeting at Jackson Hole, Wyoming, later this week, Aug. 27-29. The world’s central bankers will gather there, and the key speech will be given by Fed vice chairman Stanley Fischer on Aug. 29. Fed chair Janet Yellen will not be attending this year.

Jacques Cheminade, President of the Solidarité et Progrès political party in France, issued the following statement on “Black Monday,” Aug. 24, 2015. The following is translated from the original French:

“In the face of the collapse of the Atlantic financial system, whose first salvos we are witnessing, our country needs people who are capable of facing the danger and returning France to its universal mission.

“We must replace the speculative insanity with an economy devoted to restoring the emphasis on productive forces and respect for human labor.

“A global Glass-Steagall is necessary in order to eliminate the system of the City of London and Wall Street and of their European collaborators.

“I will endeavor to unite the forces capable of resistance in fighting for a project of mutual development, a policy for public credit for investment in infrastructure, and a New Bretton Woods system purged of monetarist privilege. With this aim in mind, I call on those to join me on an emergency basis, including the decisive participation of the BRICS, in an international conference for peace through mutual development, wiping out illegitimate debt and restoring priority to that which is human in mankind: the spirit of discovery and of service to the common good and coming  generations.

“This is no longer a G7, G8, or G20; the days of compromise without substance are over. For we must rise to the challenge of the future of human civilization and halt the flight forward into self-destruction and war.”