Schiller Institute founder and chairwoman of the German patriotic Bueso party, Helga Zepp-LaRouche, provided the following synopsis of Hans Joachim Schellnhuber’s pedigree as a personal agent of the British Royal Family, in her May 2011 call to the German people, “No to Global Gleichschaltung,” which we expand here:

• After having founded the Potsdam Institute on Climate (PIK), Schellnhuber was brought to the UK in 2002, to assume the post of Research Director at the Tyndall Centre for Climate Change Research in Norwich, a branch of Oxford University’s Tyndall Center. He was also brought on to the Oxford University Physics Department and the Environmental Change Institute.

• In early 2004, Queen Elizabeth II considered Professor Schellnhuber as the best man for a sensitive operation to pressure President George W. Bush into agreeing to the anthropogenic climate-change swindle. Schellnhuber traveled to Washington, D.C. along with Prime Minister Tony Blair’s top science advisor, Sir David King, who is now the British Crown’s Special Representative for Climate Change, appointed by the Foreign and Commonwealth Office in Sept. 2013. The Bush White House reportedly complained to Blair about this mission.

• Also in 2004, the Queen traveled to Berlin to open the German-British Climate Conference, on which occasion she dubbed Professor Schellnhuber a Commander of the Order of the British Empire.

• In 2005, Blair turned to Schellnhuber to organize a conference on “Avoiding Dangerous Climate Change,” at the G-8 summit in Gleneagles, Scotland. The proceedings, edited by Schellnhuber, with an introduction by Tony Blair and IPCC head Rajendra Pachauri, were published by Cambridge University Press.

• With Professor Schellnhuber as chairman of the advisory board, the European Climate Foundation (ECF), from 2007 on, generously funded German “climate activists” from the above-named sources, while at the same time, Schellnhuber was working with the EU Commission on guidelines for the reduction of CO2 emissions.

• As Angela Merkel’s current energy advisor, Shellnhuber bears the main responsibility for inducing Merkel to make the climate-change question the top agenda item during Germany’s presidency of the EU in 2007–something which not only wrecked Germany as an industrial nation, but also seriously compromised Merkel’s personal integrity as a scientist.

• In 2009, Schellnhuber, in close collaboration with Prince Charles, coordinated preparations for the Copenhagen Climate Conference. Preparations included another mission to Washington, this time to personally press the Obama administration on the urgency of the monarchy’s global “decarbonization” intent, Obama’s Science Advisor being fanatic depopulation champion John Holdren, a long-time associate and collaborator of Schellnhuber’s. The Copenhagen conference nonetheless failed, after representatives of developing and emerging countries–and the Vatican–realized that the intention behind the climate question was massive population reduction.

• And in 2011, in his capacity as chairman of the WBGU, Shellnhuber presented a master plan for a “Social Contract for a Great Transformation,” a proposal for establishing a worldwide eco-fascist order.

Schiller Institute founder and chairwoman of the German patriotic Bueso party, Helga Zepp-LaRouche, provided the following synopsis of Hans Joachim Schellnhuber’s pedigree as a personal agent of the British Royal Family, in her May 2011 call to the German people, “No to Global Gleichschaltung,” which we expand here:

• After having founded the Potsdam Institute on Climate (PIK), Schellnhuber was brought to the UK in 2002, to assume the post of Research Director at the Tyndall Centre for Climate Change Research in Norwich, a branch of Oxford University’s Tyndall Center. He was also brought on to the Oxford University Physics Department and the Environmental Change Institute.

• In early 2004, Queen Elizabeth II considered Professor Schellnhuber as the best man for a sensitive operation to pressure President George W. Bush into agreeing to the anthropogenic climate-change swindle. Schellnhuber traveled to Washington, D.C. along with Prime Minister Tony Blair’s top science advisor, Sir David King, who is now the British Crown’s Special Representative for Climate Change, appointed by the Foreign and Commonwealth Office in Sept. 2013. The Bush White House reportedly complained to Blair about this mission.

• Also in 2004, the Queen traveled to Berlin to open the German-British Climate Conference, on which occasion she dubbed Professor Schellnhuber a Commander of the Order of the British Empire.

• In 2005, Blair turned to Schellnhuber to organize a conference on “Avoiding Dangerous Climate Change,” at the G-8 summit in Gleneagles, Scotland. The proceedings, edited by Schellnhuber, with an introduction by Tony Blair and IPCC head Rajendra Pachauri, were published by Cambridge University Press.

• With Professor Schellnhuber as chairman of the advisory board, the European Climate Foundation (ECF), from 2007 on, generously funded German “climate activists” from the above-named sources, while at the same time, Schellnhuber was working with the EU Commission on guidelines for the reduction of CO2 emissions.

• As Angela Merkel’s current energy advisor, Shellnhuber bears the main responsibility for inducing Merkel to make the climate-change question the top agenda item during Germany’s presidency of the EU in 2007–something which not only wrecked Germany as an industrial nation, but also seriously compromised Merkel’s personal integrity as a scientist.

• In 2009, Schellnhuber, in close collaboration with Prince Charles, coordinated preparations for the Copenhagen Climate Conference. Preparations included another mission to Washington, this time to personally press the Obama administration on the urgency of the monarchy’s global “decarbonization” intent, Obama’s Science Advisor being fanatic depopulation champion John Holdren, a long-time associate and collaborator of Schellnhuber’s. The Copenhagen conference nonetheless failed, after representatives of developing and emerging countries–and the Vatican–realized that the intention behind the climate question was massive population reduction.

• And in 2011, in his capacity as chairman of the WBGU, Shellnhuber presented a master plan for a “Social Contract for a Great Transformation,” a proposal for establishing a worldwide eco-fascist order.

On Wednesday, on the eve of Greek Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras’s attendance at the June 18-20 St. Petersburg International Economic Forum, Panagiotis Roumeliotis, the BRICS advisor to the Greek government, told Sputnik that Greece was both interested in joining the BRICS New Development Bank, and would also be interested in attending the BRICS Summit in Ufa, Russia, on July 9-10.

“Of course we are interested in participating in the Ufa Summit; it would be a great occasion to continue our discussion with the Russian authorities on the creation of the New Development Bank and the functioning of the Bank, and how Greece could be an active member,” Roumeliotis said.

On the anti-Russia sanctions, Roumeliotis, who is now in St. Petersburg, also confirmed to Sputnik that “Our government has a clear position on that: It is against sanctions. … We should try to work on the European level to overcome the difficulties and the political and economic problems in order to establish and enhance relations with Russia.”

Deputy Defense Minister, and co-chairman of the Russian-Greek Interstate Commission Costas Isychos could hardly be more upbeat in his remarks to Sputnik yesterday:

“The Greek party which will be visiting St. Petersburg, led by Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras, considers this to be an excellent opportunity — I would even say, a historical opportunity. It opens a window for Greece in a region, in an area where we do have traditional relationships — historical, religious, economic, and so on.”

“I think that the BRICS Development Bank seems to be an alternative… [the IMF is] “a monopoly that has led to tragedies and catastrophes of thousands of people over the last decades…Of course, we don’t have anything in hand yet, it’s very early to say; it’s in the stage of formation and we don’t have any practical ways to analyze the BRICS development bank, but in theory there are opportunities for us to gain.”

Tsipras is expected to meet with Russian President Vladimir Putin on June 19 on the sidelines of the conference. Tsipras’s Energy Minister Panagiotis Lafazanis is included in the delegation, since the Turkish-Greek Stream gas pipeline is expected to be on top of the agenda of talks.

As relations between Russia and Greece are developing, the semi-official wire service Athens-Macedonian News Agency (ANA-MPA) will sign a cooperation agreement with the Rossiya Segodnya — the parent company of Russia Today. ANA-MPA writes that the agreement aims at “upgrading the relations between Russia and Greece.” The two agencies will jointly implement programs covering national and international news, in addition to specific areas of cooperation between Greece and Russia in energy, commerce, investments, tourism, and culture. The contract was signed by ANA-MPA president and general director Mihalis Psilos and the general director of Rossiya Segodnya, Dmitry Kiselev.

The Greek Debt Commission report declaring all the bailout debt “odious” and “unpayable,” has been virtually blacked out of the major English-language international media. Even Greece’s English-language dailies have blacked it out. Kathimerini, the leading neoliberal daily, included one line on it buried in an article on another subject. But, the Debt Commission report is all over the blogosphere on countless websites, and is covered widely in Spanish-language media, both in Spain and Ibero-America. Several websites, such as the Center for Research on Globalization, among others, published the Executive Summary or short summaries of each chapter.

International media are filled with reports on the fact that Bank of Greece Governor Yannis Stournaras inserted in the bank’s official report, the warning that if Greece defaults it would be thrown out of the Eurozone and the European Union. His report was rejected by the Parliament as soon as it was submitted, by Speaker Zoe Konstantopoulou, as being “unacceptable” and an “undemocratic” attempt to “create a fait accompli and prevent a challenge for debt relief.”

Stournaras was appointed by the previous government, as a reward for kissing the asses of the EU Commission/ECB/IMF Troika every day as finance minister in 2012-2014. He is considered an idiot, and a lackey of the European oligarchy, and is thoroughly discredited. Even Ambrose Evans-Pritchard in his Daily Telegraph column yesterday calls Stournaras’s assertions “fatuous” and says that the EU would not dare throw Greece out. Evans-Pritchard said that Stournaras’s action, when he is supposed to be a “neutral” figure “tells us much about the institutional rot.”

Wednesday night thousands of Greek demonstrators gathered in Syntagma Square carrying banners accusing EU leaders of being “loan sharks” and “blackmailers,” to send a message to the Athens government that their mandate is to take a tough stand against the creditors.

Yesterday’s meeting of 19 European Finance Ministers in Luxembourg to discuss the Greek crisis, yielded no results except more vicious threats and demands that Greece submit completely to their murderous dictates.

Donald Tusk, president of the European Council, immediately announced after the meeting that he would call all Eurozone presidents and prime ministers to an emergency summit in Brussels on Monday, June 22. “It is time to urgently discuss the situation of Greece at the highest political level,” he said, the Financial Times reported yesterday afternoon.

Dutch Finance Minister Jeroen Dijsselbloem, who chaired the ministerial meeting, harumphed that no agreement is yet in sight, accusing Greek Finance Minister Varoufakis of having presented “too few measures that were credible and serious,” Associated Press reported. Time is running out, and it now time for the Greeks to submit “new” proposals over the next few days, he howled. Prior to the meeting, Dijsslbloem repeated that debt restructuring “is not in the cards.” The FT reports that Dijsselbloem admitted for the first time, that in order for Greece to unlock the 7.2 billion euros it is seeking, it would have to accept a third extension of the bailout program.

For her part, IMF Managing Director Christine Lagarde demanded more killing. She warned that Greece’s proposals “cannot be smoke and mirrors,” but must be “credible.” According to the website, she stated that Greece will get no extra time to make the 1.6-billion-euro debt payment it owes the Fund at the end of this month.

“There will be no grace period,” she hissed. “I have a term of June 30. If it’s not paid by July 1, it’s not paid. No delay of one month or two, as I heard; It’s due June 30.”