By all accounts, President Barack Obama is in a desperate, enraged flight-forward, following last Friday’s devastating defeat on his legacy TPP, led by House Democrats and an energized labor movement. Lyndon LaRouche on Monday described the President’s state of mind of that of a “suicide bomber” who is racing to blow up everything in his sight.

According to sources close to the White House, Obama and top advisers were huddled over the weekend, trying to come up with some ploy to stage a re-vote this week on the Trade Adjustment Assistance program, which was the instrument that House Democrats used to defeat Obama’s precious fast track authority. Now the White House is considering a re-write that would satisfy all Republican anti-labor demands, in the hopes of winning a strictly partisan GOP-only victory in a re-vote.

The real danger lies in the fact that Obama is applying the same deadly state of mind to confrontation with Russia and China, and this is leading the world closer than ever to thermonuclear annihilation. For this reason, Obama must be dumped now, if the world is to safely get through the immediate weeks ahead, without a thermonuclear devastation.

Not only are U.S. troops engaged in maneuvers along the Russian borders in the Baltic Sea and Poland. The report over the weekend that the U.S. will be pre-deploying heavy combat equipment–tanks, armed personnel carriers, fighting vehicles and artillery–to the three Baltic states, Poland, Bulgaria and Romania–is nothing but a pre-meditated tripwire for thermonuclear war. Weeks before the announced plans to pre-position the conventional weapons along the Russian borders, Assistant Secretary of Defense Robert Scher testified that the U.S. was considering re-deploying intermediate-range missiles, armed with nuclear warheads, back into Europe, to counter Russian modernization of its strategic arsenal.

There is a growing public debate on the growing danger of imminent thermonuclear war in Europe and the United States, with a number of articles appearing in media outlets over the past 48 hours. Gen. Lee Butler, former commander of the U.S. Strategic Command, is the latest senior retired military officer to come out warning about the growing danger of thermonuclear war, and calling for renewed channels of dialogue to be opened with the Russian military.

The same warnings are going out against any further U.S. provocations against China around the South China Sea. One particularly devastating exposé of the Obama war provocations against China came in an article last week by former Philippines Senator Kit Tatad, who explicitly named Lyndon LaRouche as one of the key figures warning of thermonuclear holocaust, citing the role of the British and their genocidal population reduction program as key to Obama’s behavior. Increasing coverage throughout Asia warns of a thermonuclear showdown between the U.S. and China.

Sane U.S. military circles are working to revive shuttered military-to-military lines of communication with top Russian and Chinese military officials, but this necessary idea is insufficient, at this late date, to stop a war from erupting. To achieve secure war prevention, Obama must be removed. Period. There can be no more dodging of that question. Obama’s insane, flight-forward state of mind is sufficient reason for invoking the 25th Amendment. With Democrats in a state of active revolt against Obama, the preconditions exist for forcing the issue.

Lyndon LaRouche has emphasized that time is of the essence. The bankruptcy of the entire European banking and financial system–the City of London British System–is on the table, in the negotiations with Greece. Those negotiations have a June 30 deadline that cannot be extended. Greece cannot and will not pay, and this puts the whole trans-Atlantic financial system in a desperate state–right now.

July 10-12 is the BRICS and SCO summits in Ufa, Russia, where dramatic strides forward for the new economic paradigm are to be announced and implemented. Factions in London are desperate to stop that paradigm shift from going forward, and war is their only option. But their greatest weakness is that their ability to provoke war with Russia and China hinges on Obama remaining in power, unhinged. Bring Obama down now by Constitutional means and the British and Wall Street go down as well.

By all accounts, President Barack Obama is in a desperate, enraged flight-forward, following last Friday’s devastating defeat on his legacy TPP, led by House Democrats and an energized labor movement. Lyndon LaRouche on Monday described the President’s state of mind of that of a “suicide bomber” who is racing to blow up everything in his sight.

According to sources close to the White House, Obama and top advisers were huddled over the weekend, trying to come up with some ploy to stage a re-vote this week on the Trade Adjustment Assistance program, which was the instrument that House Democrats used to defeat Obama’s precious fast track authority. Now the White House is considering a re-write that would satisfy all Republican anti-labor demands, in the hopes of winning a strictly partisan GOP-only victory in a re-vote.

The real danger lies in the fact that Obama is applying the same deadly state of mind to confrontation with Russia and China, and this is leading the world closer than ever to thermonuclear annihilation. For this reason, Obama must be dumped now, if the world is to safely get through the immediate weeks ahead, without a thermonuclear devastation.

Not only are U.S. troops engaged in maneuvers along the Russian borders in the Baltic Sea and Poland. The report over the weekend that the U.S. will be pre-deploying heavy combat equipment–tanks, armed personnel carriers, fighting vehicles and artillery–to the three Baltic states, Poland, Bulgaria and Romania–is nothing but a pre-meditated tripwire for thermonuclear war. Weeks before the announced plans to pre-position the conventional weapons along the Russian borders, Assistant Secretary of Defense Robert Scher testified that the U.S. was considering re-deploying intermediate-range missiles, armed with nuclear warheads, back into Europe, to counter Russian modernization of its strategic arsenal.

There is a growing public debate on the growing danger of imminent thermonuclear war in Europe and the United States, with a number of articles appearing in media outlets over the past 48 hours. Gen. Lee Butler, former commander of the U.S. Strategic Command, is the latest senior retired military officer to come out warning about the growing danger of thermonuclear war, and calling for renewed channels of dialogue to be opened with the Russian military.

The same warnings are going out against any further U.S. provocations against China around the South China Sea. One particularly devastating exposé of the Obama war provocations against China came in an article last week by former Philippines Senator Kit Tatad, who explicitly named Lyndon LaRouche as one of the key figures warning of thermonuclear holocaust, citing the role of the British and their genocidal population reduction program as key to Obama’s behavior. Increasing coverage throughout Asia warns of a thermonuclear showdown between the U.S. and China.

Sane U.S. military circles are working to revive shuttered military-to-military lines of communication with top Russian and Chinese military officials, but this necessary idea is insufficient, at this late date, to stop a war from erupting. To achieve secure war prevention, Obama must be removed. Period. There can be no more dodging of that question. Obama’s insane, flight-forward state of mind is sufficient reason for invoking the 25th Amendment. With Democrats in a state of active revolt against Obama, the preconditions exist for forcing the issue.

Lyndon LaRouche has emphasized that time is of the essence. The bankruptcy of the entire European banking and financial system–the City of London British System–is on the table, in the negotiations with Greece. Those negotiations have a June 30 deadline that cannot be extended. Greece cannot and will not pay, and this puts the whole trans-Atlantic financial system in a desperate state–right now.

July 10-12 is the BRICS and SCO summits in Ufa, Russia, where dramatic strides forward for the new economic paradigm are to be announced and implemented. Factions in London are desperate to stop that paradigm shift from going forward, and war is their only option. But their greatest weakness is that their ability to provoke war with Russia and China hinges on Obama remaining in power, unhinged. Bring Obama down now by Constitutional means and the British and Wall Street go down as well.

In the midst of the growing danger of thermonuclear war and the impending blowout of the transatlantic financial system, the just concluded Schiller Institute conference in Paris, France, provided an historic opportunity for mankind’s future. The high- level participation of the more than 400 people who attended from Europe and the BRICS nations deliberated on both the grave nature of the crisis and the solutions. But, as Lyndon LaRouche stated on Sunday afternoon, that development must be protected by the dumping of the British Empire’s puppet, Barack Obama. If we don’t get Obama out now, in the immediate future, I don’t think the planet has a chance, LaRouche emphasized.

LaRouche’s warning is underscored by this weekend’s escalating developments toward war and genocidal austerity. On Sunday, U.S. Pentagon officials leaked to the New York Times their plans to station heavy military equipment on the borders of Russia in the Baltic states and Eastern Europe, significantly escalating the tripwire for the British Empire’s efforts to provoke a thermonuclear showdown with Russia.

Meanwhile, the brinkmanship surrounding the Greek crisis was also ratcheted up, with the EU and IMF reiterating their demands for brutal genocide against Greece. For his part, Greek Prime Minister Tsipras insisted, If Europe wants division and the perpetuation of servitude, we will take the plunge and issue a ‘big no’. We will fight for the dignity of the people and our sovereignty. Further, Ambrose Evans-Pritchard reports that a group of Syriza MPs are drafting plans for an Iceland-style default that would include nationalization of the banks and a return to the drachma.

In reporting on the discussion about Greece at the just concluded Paris conference, Helga Zepp-LaRouche emphasized that a chaotic collapse could be a trigger for war, and therefore only a replacement of the entire system, as presented by LaRouche, will work.

In his presentation to the Paris conference, LaRouche placed the emphasis on Germany for shifting the situation in Europe.

LaRouche’s Address to Paris Conference

These are the prerecorded remarks from Mr. LaRouche to the Schiller Institute’s Paris conference, June 13-14. The full conference proceedings will be available soon at

I am as you know, Lyndon LaRouche, and I’m speaking from Virginia in particular, addressing the events which are occurring in France at this time.  My wife Helga has intervened to bring me into that role.  We will have some other representatives, I’m sure, in France, to share this program.

The crucial issue, however, in Europe right now is the case of Germany:  If the leading forces in Germany persuade Merkel, from the course she’s carrying on so far, or if she agrees to accept that operation, there are forces in Germany which are now disposed to prevent any military conflict between Russia and Germany.

The particular significance of this action by Germany, is that Germany’s economy has a very special value today.  Despite all the problems that the German nation suffers in economic problems and so forth, Germany still has a leading validity in terms of economy in Europe.  And therefore, if the German economy, the leaders of the German economy, contrary to what Merkel has been doing so far, were to exert their influence effectively, then Germany would actually take steps which would, in effect, prevent a military conflict between Europe, or specifically Germany, and Russia.  That would be probably sufficient to thwart any attempt to spread a global thermonuclear war of the type that the British system, and its stooge, Obama, is pushing hard right now.

Therefore, those who are in France, or participating in the things that are going on in France now, should look carefully at this, because this is the interest of all us.  Because if a general thermonuclear war were to be launched, and it would be launched under the auspices of Barack Obama, the President of the United States, then the effect would be probably permanent. Maybe some human beings would survive, but the system of society as we’ve known it heretofore, would be completely changed, and mostly obliterated.

So therefore, it’s extremely important that we break the attempt to use Europe, or European nations, for their own role in their self-destruction.  And the one nation which is best suited to do that, would be certain leading figures in Germany, acting simply on the basis of defending the German economy.  That would be a sufficient motive to stop what Obama is doing, if the people in the United States would pick up on the same thing.

If we don’t succeed in that direction, or something tantamount to that, there’s no doubt, that most of the human race would disappear, and disappear very suddenly.  It would not be a long war in its battle form; it would be quick, massively destructive, more destructive than anything conceived before.  It would be sudden, and the planet would be finished, as far as human beings understand today.

And I’m working on that issue from here.  I’m working also on trying to encourage people in other parts of the world, to recognize that for some of them, who have considered me to be some kind of an authority on these kinds of matters, may respond to what I’m saying.  And if they do, and take the actions I’ve suggested, that we take steps to make sure that Obama is blocked from launching thermonuclear war, by the British Empire but under Obama, to launch a general war which is steaming up right now, if we stop that, we can save civilization.  Otherwise, we have very poor chances.

So, that’s where I think I would like to encourage those participating in the proceedings in France at this time, to put their contribution from various nations that are participating, in taking this view, that we must find, hopefully with help from leading forces in Germany, to take a step to break the bloc which is trying to unite all of Western Europe and beyond, into a single attack on Russia.

Russia will respond to an attack, mercilessly, and with great efficiency.  But it would be a Russia virtually sacrificing its own existence, in order to bring down those parts of the planet which were trying to destroy, in particular Russia, but also civilization generally.

This British/Obama connection is the greatest threat to mankind known in history so far, and there can be no doubt, by any competent analyst, to recognize that that is the case at hand now.  That the coming weeks are, as of now, unless a change occurs, the coming weeks are the signal, for the extermination of most of humanity.  And that’s what I’m talking about, and I’m right, and it’s important.

The particular significance of this action by Germany, is that Germany’s economy has a very special value today. Despite all the problems that the German nation suffers in economic problems and so forth, Germany still has a leading validity in terms of economy in Europe. And therefore, if the German economy, the leaders of the German economy, contrary to what Merkel has been doing so far, were to exert their influence effectively, then Germany would actually take steps which would, in effect, prevent a military conflict between Europe, or specifically Germany, and Russia. That would be probably sufficient to thwart any attempt to spread a global thermonuclear war of the type that the British system and its stooge, Obama, are pushing hard right now.

This brings the pressure back on the LaRouche movement in the United States to do its job in mobilizing the forces to oust Obama and bring the United States back under a competent leadership. The weekly Thursday evening discussions which Lyndon LaRouche is personally having with LaRouchePAC activists is the best hope for making that happen. In the four weeks since the initiation of these discussions, there has been a great increase in both the quantity and quality of the people joining LaRouche as leaders.

The conference in Paris has opened up options, LaRouche told his associates on Sunday. The key question is how we can effect a defeat of the enemy of mankind which is the British Empire, whose incidental agent is the current President of the United States.