As the world heads into decisive weeks on the British Empire’s desperate efforts to provoke a showdown on economic fascism and thermonuclear war, Hung Tran, the executive managing director of the Institute of International Finance–the IIF, otherwise known more simply as the Ditchley Group or the “bankers’ cartel”–issued a stark warning that if Greece is pushed out of the eurozone by insisting that they impose impossible austerity measures, “the whole cohesion of the western alliance would be put in doubt,” and it could bring down the entire trans-Atlantic financial system in short order.

Tran is absolutely right, Lyndon LaRouche commented today. The entire system can come down at any moment, and Greece could be the trigger. But, you don’t have to have that crisis, LaRouche elaborated; it will only occur if Europe continues to try to commit itself to a fraud, the fraud of the financial values associated with the Greek and related debts. This fraud is compounded by everything that Wall Street is doing.

This can all be changed with a return to FDR’s Glass- Steagall policy. Glass-Steagall is the bell-weather for everything that mush be done, and we have to push on it in the U.S., and put our forces behind it, LaRouche said. It has been made the central issue of the Presidential campaign by Martin O’Malley, whose mission, as stated so far, is fine, and qualifies him for the Presidency. Such a restoration of Glass-Steagall would be very painful for Wall Street, but it’s exactly what the country and the world need. O’Malley running with this policy as a potential presidential candidate, provides a global solution.

But we can’t just wait to see if it happens, LaRouche continued. We have to move preemptively, both on Glass-Steagall and on the associated policy of solving the so-called “water crisis,” by rising to the galactic principal that has been elaborated and presented by LaRouche’s scientific policy team. It is that galactic universal physical principal, that is the cause of the water cycle, LaRouche emphasized today, and not the other way around. You have to think, not about the Earth here and how, but outwards to the galaxy (at least), and looking forward 32 million years to the future (at least), to conceptualize the universal creative process governing merely local planetary developments today.

As LaRouche stated in a discussion with members of his association this afternoon:

“There is no water shortage. On Planet Earth, there is no water shortage! Because the water shortage is a relationship between the superior force, the galaxy, and the local force, which is the Planet Earth. Planet Earth is a minor subsidiary of the galactic system…. And all we have to do is to think of the technology which we have to employ in order to take the advantages provided by the galactic system. That means a lot of things and a lot of assumptions of a lot of people, in the U.S. and elsewhere, have to be changed.”

“Now, the problem is, that we’ve got to get people inside the U.S. in particular, to abandon the policies of what is the present policy under the Obama administration. In other words, if you want to save civilization, you must remove Obama from the U.S. That’s the action… We simply have to change the policy of the U.S. and its relationship to other nations in the trans-Atlantic region. We have to change our policy to fit that requirement. And it can be done. The question is, will it be done? And more to the point, will we, as a nation, be allowed, permitted to take the steps which are feasible to solve this problem?”

That crisis, and that solution-at-hand, is why the British and Obama want to kill, kill, kill, LaRouche said. People don’t realize that Obama is just a dangerous idiot. They are confused, because he displays the attributes of power associated with the U.S. Presidency. But he is not an intellectual by any stretch of the imagination; he is a fool, albeit a dangerous fool.

The British/Obama kill-kill policy is their answer to China’s win-win strategy. It is on display in the continuing Mediterranean migrant murders, which are a direct consequence of Obama’s 2011 war and coup d’etat in Libya, itself a direct sequel to the British-US promotion of the Chechen insurgency against Russia, so vividly denounced by LaRouche in his November 1999 “Storm Over Asia” video report. That Chechen case remains key today, as the pivot to the rise of British-sponsored jihadist terrorism as surrogate warfare against Russia and a civilized concept of Man more broadly.

The kill-kill policy is also seen in the latest butchery of Yazidis committed by the ISIS beasts, whom Obama brought to power across Northern Africa and Southwest Asia. And it is sharply posed in the Ukraine flash point for war against Russia and China, where the same gang that brought you the World War II nazis–i.e. the British Empire and the likes of Prescott Bush–are hell-bent on ensuring that nobody today celebrates the 70th anniversary of the defeat of their nazis, lest those same nazis be stopped again today.

“What’s to celebrate?” you can almost hear the Queen muttering with annoyance.

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Watch the original national television broadcast titled “Storm Over Asia,” published by Lyndon LaRouche in 1999.

A new world is coming into being around the global BRICS Revolution, for which the international LaRouche movement is the “midwife” – as Socrates famously explained in Plato’s Theaetetus dialogue. That emerging New Paradigm is one in which the idea of the Nation-state as a parochial institution is crumbling, Lyndon LaRouche remarked today. Cultural sovereignty and languages will remain, however, among interrelated nations which at the same time share cooperation in the new order. That is the future of mankind.

And that future lies in water and the control of the water cycle, as Ben Deniston and the LaRouchePAC science team have elaborated. That is because the very basis for the existence of nations is derived from the implications of the solar system, in the galactic context, on our Planet Earth, LaRouche continued. That is where we will go, if we are to survive the current existential crisis which threatens our species. In that way, the family of nations will become the unity of the people of the Planet Earth. We will still have distinctions of culture and language, but these will adapt to the common interests of mankind, to what the Vatican, in its better moments, has referred to as the Common Good. That is also what China today means when they speak of a “win-win” situation.

We will have a new, functional conception of sovereign nations, LaRouche said. We will discover how to unite functionally, so that cultural characteristics become the weight of cooperation, not of conflict.

The immediate roadblock to that hopeful future of mankind is White House interloper Barack Obama, and the British Monarchy whose warped interests he serves. Obama is on a killing spree on numerous fronts, to implement Britain’s Malthusian policy of a “selective process of population elimination,” as LaRouche characterized it today. Their financial policies are leading to a chain-reaction collapse of the entire trans-Atlantic system, which will be the fuel for a general, thermonuclear war that would engulf the entire planet. Obama’s additional killing fields include:

Mediterranean Migrant Murders: There are now some 57 million desperate refugees and displaced persons in the West Asia-North Africa region, thanks to Obama’s wars against Libya, Syria, Iraq, Afghanistan, Yemen and more. Millions will attempt flight across the Mediterranean to enter Europe; tens or possibly hundreds of thousands will perish as a result – deaths which go directly to Barack Obama’s doorstep.

California Water Shortage: Add to the genocidal impact of Governor Jerry Brown’s water cutbacks being imposed on the state, the fact that fracking-style deep drilling of water wells down to 3,000 feet, is causing an accelerated subsidence across the state. The USGS has issued an urgent warning that this is leading to breaking of “roads, railways, canals, pipelines, and any kind of infrastructure that isn’t flexible.” This Brueghel-like scene is a direct result of the criminal policies of Gov. Brown, and of the Obama White House, and also goes to his doorstep.

Baltimore Explosion: The “Southern complex” of racism has lit a fire of rage and violence among layers of our population that have been thrown on the scrap-heap by the cumulative effect of the Bush and Obama years in the White House. This is very serious, Lyndon LaRouche commented today, because a great percentage of Black and other layers have become chronic victims of this policy. Their conditions of education, of family life, of unemployment have made them tinder for the intentional “selective process of population elimination” that is Obama and the British Empire’s policy. That too, is on Obama’s doorstep.

Trans-Pacific Partnership: Obama is now trying to ram through the free-trade TPP monstrosity over international opposition, and that of sensible voices in the Democratic Party, including prospective Presidential candidate Martin O’Malley. Under a veil of secrecy, the TPP is designed to “defend the absolute autonomy of the market place and of financial speculation… [against] the common good.” Those are the words used by Archbishop Silvano Tomasi, the Vatican’s Permanent Observer to the U.N. in Geneva, in December 2013 to describe the British Empire’s overall free trade policies, of which the TPP is a part — remarks which are being marshaled by Catholic forces today to stop Obama’s TPP.

The most efficient way to stop these Obama Murders, and the British Empire behind them, is to remove Obama from the White House by Constitutional means. That single action will open up whole new vistas for mankind.

In discussion with the Policy Committee on Wednesday, Lyndon LaRouche stressed that Obama is pushing a policy of genocide as can be seen in the mass drownings of refugees in the Mediterranean Sea, the policy in California of Jerry Brown to commit genocidal depopulation by sabotaging the development and exploitation of new water resources and in his ongoing campaign of confrontation with Russia and China which is leading to thermonuclear war.

All of these policies reflect a commitment to reduce the world’s population drastically.

Take the Mediterranean. It was Obama who waged an illegal war to topple Qaddafi in Libya by backing the Al-Qaeda affiliated Libyan Islamic Fighting Group and the Muslim Brotherhood under the guise of the so-called Responsibility to Protect (R2P). It was Obama who then spearheaded the campaign to topple Assad in Syria, thus resulting in the spread of ISIS. It is Obama who is insisting that the legitimate government of Libya negotiate with the terrorists in Tripoli, whom he put in power.

As Lyn said, Obama created a reign of terror in Northern Africa and throughout the region which has resulted in thousands of human beings desperately attempting to flee Obama’s proteges, whom Obama personally empowered and protects.

Desperate human beings are now paying the terrorists Obama put in power in Tripoli in hopes of escaping certain death under ISIS, only to drown en masse in the hulls of modern day slave ships on the Mediterranean Sea.

As Russian Foreign Minister Lavrov said today in a Moscow radio interview, Obama’s receipt of a Nobel Peace prize in 2008 was followed by a series of “absolutely illogical wars.” As Lavrov pointed out, Obama won’t even agree to place ISIS on the UN list of terrorist organizations, because he would then have to admit that Isis has emerged as a result of the actions of the US in Iraq first under Bush and then under Obama.

Syria’s President Assad was even more forceful in an interview on France2 TV, stressing that ISIS was created by the Americans starting with Bush in 2006:

“I’m not in Iraq and I wasn’t in Iraq, and I wasn’t controlling Iraq. The Americans controlled Iraq, and ISIS came from Iraq to Syria…. ISIS has expanded in Syria, in Iraq, in Libya, in the region in general…. The coalition against terrorism cannot be formed by countries who support the terrorists at the same time.”

The policy Obama has unleashed now reflected in mass drownings in the Mediterranean, is the same NAZI policy being carried out by Obama’s ally Jerry Brown in California. The purpose is to kill people.

If you put these two pictures together, as Lyn suggested, what is clear is that mankind is faced with a genocide policy.

Didn’t Lyndon LaRouche warn from the very beginning that Obama’s so-called health care policy was the same thing? — Deliberate genocide through rationing.

Put these two examples together with the fact that Obama is pushing for thermonuclear war. This expressed intention to launch a thermonuclear war against Russia and China, is an integral part of the same policy.

Anyone who thinks otherwise is just wrong. They have been talked into accepting something, based solely on popular opinion, which has no validity. They know nothing.

We on the other hand are right.

The evidence is there for anyone with active intelligence. Do not accept the opinion of anyone who supports Obama.

Obama is a disease disguised as President.

What we are seeing today is a real form of Nazism coming from the Trans-Atlantic community.

What we are doing in Manhattan and California, however, shows that we are able to turn the tide. The intelligent section of the population of the United States, the patriots, especially above the Mason-Dixon line, are not disposed to capitulate to Obama’s Brownshirts.

What we have seen in the recent period is that we are able to engage citizens who don’t want this crap. If they have a leadership, if they see resistance, they will respond.

Our job is to beat these Nazis, starting with the removal of Obama from office, and save civilization.

If you look at the forces now in motion throughout Eurasia, the NAZI enemy is outnumbered. Or, as Shelley put it in the Mask of Anarchy: We are Many; they are few.

As Lyn stressed, we just have to get the numbers better organized.

Developments over the past several days provide a devastating reminder that, so long as Barack Obama remains in office as President of the United States, the world stands on the edge of general war, a war that could quickly become a war of thermonuclear extinction.

The issue is not Obama per se. He is a degenerate patsy of the British Empire and allied Wall Street forces that are currently being driven mad by the reality that their entire trans-Atlantic financial system is doomed, and that an alternative paradigm, centered in the China-Russia led BRICS emerging system, is coming into being. The forces who have owned Obama, since they launched his political career, are ready to start World War III, rather than surrender their power.

Lyndon LaRouche warned on Tuesday that “we are on the verge of virtual extinction, as the result of chain-reaction effects of this situation.” The refusal of the British and Wall Street to surrender their failing grip on power will drive them, in desperation, to have Obama launch World War III. “This is the first threat of human extinction in modern history,” LaRouche concluded.

He further observed, that the mere fact that Obama has not yet been removed from office, is the clearest warning that the leading American circles, and the American people as a whole, do not any longer possess the temperament to stop this disaster from occurring. Remove Obama from the presidency, and the danger is removed. The British will remain hysterical over the imminent demise of their empire, but they will be rendered powerless to act. The bankruptcy of the trans-Atlantic system means the death of the British Empire.

Russian vitality has returned, and China is emerging as a friendly, but dominant force in Asia, promoting a policy of win-win cooperation among all of the nations of the region and across Eurasia. This alone is driving the British wild.

It is vital to comprehend the motives behind the war danger. The day-by-day events are merely markers of that process—warning signs along the road to potential doom.

The Fourth Moscow International Security Conference, held over the last weekend, made clear that Russian leaders clearly understand the imminent danger of thermonuclear war. It was the dominant theme of the major conference presentations by Russia’s Defense Minister Shoigu, Foreign Minister Lavrov, and Chief of the General Staff Gerasimov. The audience and speakers list included the ministers of defense of all of the key Eurasian nations: China, India, Iran, Pakistan, North Korea, Greece, Iran, Indonesia, Mongolia, Serbia, and Belarus, plus South Africa.

Lavrov made clear in his remarks that the US and NATO deployment of the anti-ballistic missile systems to areas bordering on Russia constitutes a threat of a first-strike attack on Russia. President Obama had claimed that the ABM systems were directed at Iran, and that the deployment would be re-assessed if a P5+1 deal on Iran’s nuclear program were to be reached. Now that such a deal is within reach, Obama has refused to scale back or cancel the ABM deployments, which will place vital components of the missile defense shield in Romania and Poland, right near the Russian borders.

In addition, the Obama Administration is expanding its Global Strike Command, to incorporate both conventional weapons and strategic nuclear weapons. In addition, the Administration is developing a new generation of tactical nuclear weapons, to be forward based in Europe and deployable on long-range stealth bombers and drones, armed with cruise missiles.

The situation in the Persian Gulf, where the same Saudi forces that ran the original 9/11 attacks against the United States—attacks that have been covered up by two successive Presidents, Bush and Obama—are engaging in a population war against neighbor Yemen, claiming that Houthi rebels in Yemen are surrogates for Iran, is another flashpoint for imminent war. When the original P5+1 breakthrough was announced at the beginning of the month in Switzerland, LaRouche warned that the agreement would be a trigger for war—unless the Saudis were smashed. Instead, Obama joined forces with the Saudis in the bombing campaign against Yemen, over the strong objections of the US military, led by the Joint Chiefs of Staff and the Central Command.

As the Gulf of Aden filled with Saudi and American warships, over the past 72 hours, including the aircraft carrier USS Theodore Roosevelt, and Obama threatened actions against Iranian commercial vessels, en route to Yemen, intense pressure from the US military and other circles led the Saudis to announce a halt to their bombing campaign late Tuesday. Earlier in the day, King Salman had put the Saudi National Guard on alert for possible ground operations across the border into Yemen. The circumstances of the last-moment freeze in operations is still to be sorted out, but the fact remains that the region was headed towards a “Gulf of Tonkin” type provocation for general war, that was only halted at the last moment.

The doom of civilization is not inevitable. But it is virtually a certainty unless Obama is removed from office. He is the detonator for world war, and his prompt removal is the only legitimate war-prevention option at this late date.


The Legislative Analyst’s Office of the California Legislature released a report on April 14 which shows the confidence that Governor Brown and his henchmen have that they can pull off their commitment to massive population- reduction in the state, by blatantly lying about the effects of the drought.  They sent out a press release, announcing the report, headlined “Limited Statewide Economic Impact of Drought.” The conclusion of their report is that, “while the drought is affecting many Californians and communities in different ways, we currently do not expect the drought to have a significant impact on statewide economic activity or state government revenues.” They say that a Wall Street Journal survey found that the “vast majority of economists agree that the economic effects of the drought will either be ‘too small to show up’…or be `small but measurable in the data.'”

The main argument they present, is that, since the biggest change in policy, with Brown’s rationing, will be to agricultural use of water, this will have little effect on the state’s GDP! This is because 1.) the communities dependent on agriculture have already been affected, and 2.) agriculture is responsible for only 2% of the state’s GDP.  Thus, a decline in agricultural income “probably would have only a limited impact on the overall state economy.”  Otherwise, with the exception of agriculture, and possible negative consequences for home construction, the outlook is rosy, as revenues are up, and the deficit is low!

To address the last point first, revenues are up, due to the stock bubble created by Wall Street’s trading, using zero-percent-interest money from the Fed to buy stocks. California benefits through Silicon Valley tech companies and start-ups, which created 23 new billionaires in Silicon Valley in 2014, who pay capital gains’ taxes.  The deficit is lower due to fifteen years of murderous austerity, under Schwarzenegger and Brown, which has reduced spending at the expense of human lives, among the poor — especially children — the sick, and the elderly. But more to the point, is the insanity of separating completely the collapse of the physical economy, from the speculative, saying that the collapse of water usage, which will collapse food production, i.e., consumption, will have only a “limited” economic impact — that is, except for the “useless eaters,” who don’t deserve to eat, anyway.

The Legislative Analyst’s Office of the California Legislature released a report on April 14 which shows the confidence that Governor Brown and his henchmen have that they can pull off their commitment to massive population- reduction in the state, by blatantly lying about the effects of the drought.  They sent out a press release, announcing the report, headlined “Limited Statewide Economic Impact of Drought.” The conclusion of their report is that, “while the drought is affecting many Californians and communities in different ways, we currently do not expect the drought to have a significant impact on statewide economic activity or state government revenues.” They say that a Wall Street Journal survey found that the “vast majority of economists agree that the economic effects of the drought will either be ‘too small to show up’…or be `small but measurable in the data.'”

The main argument they present, is that, since the biggest change in policy, with Brown’s rationing, will be to agricultural use of water, this will have little effect on the state’s GDP! This is because 1.) the communities dependent on agriculture have already been affected, and 2.) agriculture is responsible for only 2% of the state’s GDP.  Thus, a decline in agricultural income “probably would have only a limited impact on the overall state economy.”  Otherwise, with the exception of agriculture, and possible negative consequences for home construction, the outlook is rosy, as revenues are up, and the deficit is low!

To address the last point first, revenues are up, due to the stock bubble created by Wall Street’s trading, using zero-percent-interest money from the Fed to buy stocks. California benefits through Silicon Valley tech companies and start-ups, which created 23 new billionaires in Silicon Valley in 2014, who pay capital gains’ taxes.  The deficit is lower due to fifteen years of murderous austerity, under Schwarzenegger and Brown, which has reduced spending at the expense of human lives, among the poor — especially children — the sick, and the elderly. But more to the point, is the insanity of separating completely the collapse of the physical economy, from the speculative, saying that the collapse of water usage, which will collapse food production, i.e., consumption, will have only a “limited” economic impact — that is, except for the “useless eaters,” who don’t deserve to eat, anyway.

The Legislative Analyst’s Office of the California Legislature released a report on April 14 which shows the confidence that Governor Brown and his henchmen have that they can pull off their commitment to massive population- reduction in the state, by blatantly lying about the effects of the drought.  They sent out a press release, announcing the report, headlined “Limited Statewide Economic Impact of Drought.” The conclusion of their report is that, “while the drought is affecting many Californians and communities in different ways, we currently do not expect the drought to have a significant impact on statewide economic activity or state government revenues.” They say that a Wall Street Journal survey found that the “vast majority of economists agree that the economic effects of the drought will either be ‘too small to show up’…or be `small but measurable in the data.'”

The main argument they present, is that, since the biggest change in policy, with Brown’s rationing, will be to agricultural use of water, this will have little effect on the state’s GDP! This is because 1.) the communities dependent on agriculture have already been affected, and 2.) agriculture is responsible for only 2% of the state’s GDP.  Thus, a decline in agricultural income “probably would have only a limited impact on the overall state economy.”  Otherwise, with the exception of agriculture, and possible negative consequences for home construction, the outlook is rosy, as revenues are up, and the deficit is low!

To address the last point first, revenues are up, due to the stock bubble created by Wall Street’s trading, using zero-percent-interest money from the Fed to buy stocks. California benefits through Silicon Valley tech companies and start-ups, which created 23 new billionaires in Silicon Valley in 2014, who pay capital gains’ taxes.  The deficit is lower due to fifteen years of murderous austerity, under Schwarzenegger and Brown, which has reduced spending at the expense of human lives, among the poor — especially children — the sick, and the elderly. But more to the point, is the insanity of separating completely the collapse of the physical economy, from the speculative, saying that the collapse of water usage, which will collapse food production, i.e., consumption, will have only a “limited” economic impact — that is, except for the “useless eaters,” who don’t deserve to eat, anyway.

Gov. Brown Squirt continues his Goebbels propaganda and death march.  On April 1, he made 25% water cuts mandatory throughout the state.  This policy left discretion to the for-profit and politically powerful water agencies, to orient their distribution to customers who can pay much higher prices, while making the cuts hardest for those who can’t pay now, as it is, let alone with higher prices.  In essence, privatization of water under the mask of public conservation.

Within a week, by April 8, due to the obvious fascist loopholes in Gov. Brown’s executive diktat, there was statewide press coverage of new priorities that would be set by the State Water Resource Board (SWRB), which would supposedly mandate harder cuts to the most affluent communities while giving breaks to the impoverished.  However, even these priorities were another blatant PR campaign to cover up what everyone knows is true, but is too afraid to say: that there are Nazis in Sacramento and they want to kill you.

An ‘Enron for Water’? The Threat from Wall Street

Now, letters written to the State Water Resources Board by both citizens and city agencies have been published online, which make it clear that these cuts are nothing less than fascism with a pen, and are targeting those very citizens Gov. Brown and his squirts say explicitly they will try to spare.

The City of Compton’s Deputy Director of Public Works, Chad Blais, wrote to Jessica Bean of the SWRB on April 13, subject: “Concerns and Challenges with Proposed Mandatory Conservation.”

After a polite introduction, he says:

“The City of Compton has one of the lowest incomes per household rates in the state, and as a result residents simply can’t afford many of the basic services available (water, electricity, gas) to the community.  As indicated on the draft table ‘Urban Water Suppliers and Proposed Regulatory Framework Tiers to Achieve 25% Use Reduction,’ (i.e., a report by the SWRD) the City of Compton’s gallons per capita day (GPCD) is 65.  This low GPCD is more of a direct reflection of the economic hardship much of this community continues to endure from the recession, versus changes in watering habits.  Many of our residents only get paid once a month from state and federal assistance.  We have heard countless stories of our customers begging for assistance, extensions, and payment plans to pay lesser amounts that will allow them to keep water services on, and use their remaining money to buy medication, food or pay rent.  If you drive through the City of Compton, most of the front yards are brown. Therefore, the prospect of achieving an additional 20% reduction from this community is not feasible.”

He concludes by saying the goals must be realistic and achievable, but what he meant to say, and what is in between the lines but for those who didn’t notice, was, “So, fuck you.  We need water and jobs, not fascism!”

Background: Jerry Brown’s Brownshirt Genocidal Policy; If It Is Brown, Flush It!

Then there’s the farmers.  Chuck Badger from San Diego writes to Ms. Bean of SWRB, saying, after referencing his 21-employee citrus farm in San Diego,

“It has now been learned the proposed conservation framework considers farming in San Diego County to be part of the urban landscape (sic) and subject to the same restrictions designed to curb excessive landscape irrigation. This provision will create undue harm to farmers in San Diego County, who are just as important as farmers in other parts of the state.  The conservation framework should exclude all agriculture as Governor Brown promised, regardless of location.”

This is nothing less than a desperate move, already in motion, to kill the people of California en masse, and it is a test case for the nation.  Four LaRouche PAC organizers have spent the last two days organizing in the Central Valley, with meetings planned with city councilors and farm groups, and have received a strong response from the population.  It is fair to say for those living in CA who have not joined the Nazi ranks, the bleachers of the arena have been taken away — either you end this fascist policy now or you’re as good as dead, because YOU are in the arena.

First step: Jail Brown for this criminal program and his blatant deceit of the population.

As stated in the CA State Constitution:

“SEC. 2.  It is hereby declared that because of the conditions prevailing in this State, the general welfare requires that the water resources of the State be put to beneficial use to the fullest extent of which they are capable, and that the waste or unreasonable use or unreasonable method of use of water be prevented, and that the conservation of such waters is to be exercised with a view to the reasonable and beneficial use thereof in the interest of the people and for the public welfare.”

What Brown and his Squirts are doing is treason to the state and the nation, and we must say it. 

Gov. Brown Squirt continues his Goebbels propaganda and death march.  On April 1, he made 25% water cuts mandatory throughout the state.  This policy left discretion to the for-profit and politically powerful water agencies, to orient their distribution to customers who can pay much higher prices, while making the cuts hardest for those who can’t pay now, as it is, let alone with higher prices.  In essence, privatization of water under the mask of public conservation.

Within a week, by April 8, due to the obvious fascist loopholes in Gov. Brown’s executive diktat, there was statewide press coverage of new priorities that would be set by the State Water Resource Board (SWRB), which would supposedly mandate harder cuts to the most affluent communities while giving breaks to the impoverished.  However, even these priorities were another blatant PR campaign to cover up what everyone knows is true, but is too afraid to say: that there are Nazis in Sacramento and they want to kill you.

An ‘Enron for Water’? The Threat from Wall Street

Now, letters written to the State Water Resources Board by both citizens and city agencies have been published online, which make it clear that these cuts are nothing less than fascism with a pen, and are targeting those very citizens Gov. Brown and his squirts say explicitly they will try to spare.

The City of Compton’s Deputy Director of Public Works, Chad Blais, wrote to Jessica Bean of the SWRB on April 13, subject: “Concerns and Challenges with Proposed Mandatory Conservation.”

After a polite introduction, he says:

“The City of Compton has one of the lowest incomes per household rates in the state, and as a result residents simply can’t afford many of the basic services available (water, electricity, gas) to the community.  As indicated on the draft table ‘Urban Water Suppliers and Proposed Regulatory Framework Tiers to Achieve 25% Use Reduction,’ (i.e., a report by the SWRD) the City of Compton’s gallons per capita day (GPCD) is 65.  This low GPCD is more of a direct reflection of the economic hardship much of this community continues to endure from the recession, versus changes in watering habits.  Many of our residents only get paid once a month from state and federal assistance.  We have heard countless stories of our customers begging for assistance, extensions, and payment plans to pay lesser amounts that will allow them to keep water services on, and use their remaining money to buy medication, food or pay rent.  If you drive through the City of Compton, most of the front yards are brown. Therefore, the prospect of achieving an additional 20% reduction from this community is not feasible.”

He concludes by saying the goals must be realistic and achievable, but what he meant to say, and what is in between the lines but for those who didn’t notice, was, “So, fuck you.  We need water and jobs, not fascism!”

Background: Jerry Brown’s Brownshirt Genocidal Policy; If It Is Brown, Flush It!

Then there’s the farmers.  Chuck Badger from San Diego writes to Ms. Bean of SWRB, saying, after referencing his 21-employee citrus farm in San Diego,

“It has now been learned the proposed conservation framework considers farming in San Diego County to be part of the urban landscape (sic) and subject to the same restrictions designed to curb excessive landscape irrigation. This provision will create undue harm to farmers in San Diego County, who are just as important as farmers in other parts of the state.  The conservation framework should exclude all agriculture as Governor Brown promised, regardless of location.”

This is nothing less than a desperate move, already in motion, to kill the people of California en masse, and it is a test case for the nation.  Four LaRouche PAC organizers have spent the last two days organizing in the Central Valley, with meetings planned with city councilors and farm groups, and have received a strong response from the population.  It is fair to say for those living in CA who have not joined the Nazi ranks, the bleachers of the arena have been taken away — either you end this fascist policy now or you’re as good as dead, because YOU are in the arena.

First step: Jail Brown for this criminal program and his blatant deceit of the population.

As stated in the CA State Constitution:

“SEC. 2.  It is hereby declared that because of the conditions prevailing in this State, the general welfare requires that the water resources of the State be put to beneficial use to the fullest extent of which they are capable, and that the waste or unreasonable use or unreasonable method of use of water be prevented, and that the conservation of such waters is to be exercised with a view to the reasonable and beneficial use thereof in the interest of the people and for the public welfare.”

What Brown and his Squirts are doing is treason to the state and the nation, and we must say it.