Gov. Brown Squirt continues his Goebbels propaganda and death march.  On April 1, he made 25% water cuts mandatory throughout the state.  This policy left discretion to the for-profit and politically powerful water agencies, to orient their distribution to customers who can pay much higher prices, while making the cuts hardest for those who can’t pay now, as it is, let alone with higher prices.  In essence, privatization of water under the mask of public conservation.

Within a week, by April 8, due to the obvious fascist loopholes in Gov. Brown’s executive diktat, there was statewide press coverage of new priorities that would be set by the State Water Resource Board (SWRB), which would supposedly mandate harder cuts to the most affluent communities while giving breaks to the impoverished.  However, even these priorities were another blatant PR campaign to cover up what everyone knows is true, but is too afraid to say: that there are Nazis in Sacramento and they want to kill you.

An ‘Enron for Water’? The Threat from Wall Street

Now, letters written to the State Water Resources Board by both citizens and city agencies have been published online, which make it clear that these cuts are nothing less than fascism with a pen, and are targeting those very citizens Gov. Brown and his squirts say explicitly they will try to spare.

The City of Compton’s Deputy Director of Public Works, Chad Blais, wrote to Jessica Bean of the SWRB on April 13, subject: “Concerns and Challenges with Proposed Mandatory Conservation.”

After a polite introduction, he says:

“The City of Compton has one of the lowest incomes per household rates in the state, and as a result residents simply can’t afford many of the basic services available (water, electricity, gas) to the community.  As indicated on the draft table ‘Urban Water Suppliers and Proposed Regulatory Framework Tiers to Achieve 25% Use Reduction,’ (i.e., a report by the SWRD) the City of Compton’s gallons per capita day (GPCD) is 65.  This low GPCD is more of a direct reflection of the economic hardship much of this community continues to endure from the recession, versus changes in watering habits.  Many of our residents only get paid once a month from state and federal assistance.  We have heard countless stories of our customers begging for assistance, extensions, and payment plans to pay lesser amounts that will allow them to keep water services on, and use their remaining money to buy medication, food or pay rent.  If you drive through the City of Compton, most of the front yards are brown. Therefore, the prospect of achieving an additional 20% reduction from this community is not feasible.”

He concludes by saying the goals must be realistic and achievable, but what he meant to say, and what is in between the lines but for those who didn’t notice, was, “So, fuck you.  We need water and jobs, not fascism!”

Background: Jerry Brown’s Brownshirt Genocidal Policy; If It Is Brown, Flush It!

Then there’s the farmers.  Chuck Badger from San Diego writes to Ms. Bean of SWRB, saying, after referencing his 21-employee citrus farm in San Diego,

“It has now been learned the proposed conservation framework considers farming in San Diego County to be part of the urban landscape (sic) and subject to the same restrictions designed to curb excessive landscape irrigation. This provision will create undue harm to farmers in San Diego County, who are just as important as farmers in other parts of the state.  The conservation framework should exclude all agriculture as Governor Brown promised, regardless of location.”

This is nothing less than a desperate move, already in motion, to kill the people of California en masse, and it is a test case for the nation.  Four LaRouche PAC organizers have spent the last two days organizing in the Central Valley, with meetings planned with city councilors and farm groups, and have received a strong response from the population.  It is fair to say for those living in CA who have not joined the Nazi ranks, the bleachers of the arena have been taken away — either you end this fascist policy now or you’re as good as dead, because YOU are in the arena.

First step: Jail Brown for this criminal program and his blatant deceit of the population.

As stated in the CA State Constitution:

“SEC. 2.  It is hereby declared that because of the conditions prevailing in this State, the general welfare requires that the water resources of the State be put to beneficial use to the fullest extent of which they are capable, and that the waste or unreasonable use or unreasonable method of use of water be prevented, and that the conservation of such waters is to be exercised with a view to the reasonable and beneficial use thereof in the interest of the people and for the public welfare.”

What Brown and his Squirts are doing is treason to the state and the nation, and we must say it. 

EIR is going to release on April 15 a full issue dedicated to a breakthrough in understanding and recovering Earth’s real water supplies, as they are shaped by solar, galactic, and biospheric activity. “Don’t Let California Go Brown: The Water Is There, Develop It” is the issue’s title, and the breakthrough—expressed in the March 27 report by Ben Deniston of the LaRouchePAC Science Team—disqualifies pessimism and anti-human forced cutbacks in water use in the face of the western drought. It calls, instead, for a mobilization of science and nuclear technology to develop the real added supplies of water, and use them. Deniston’s report is “Memo for the Next President: New Perspectives on the Western Water Crisis.” It was amplified in the webcast program “New Paradigm for Humanity” on April 1.

This already provides the ammunition to mobilize pro-progress activists and experts everywhere in the United States in a campaign to develop the water supplies—desalination with nuclear power, atmospheric ionization and weather modification; continental-scale water management projects—and save California and the West.

EIR Founding Editor Lyndon LaRouche noted yesterday, however, that the new special EIR report can create an international change in the principles of water use—one that will be understood and appreciated particularly in China. China has been taking the lead in water management technology, fission development and fusion power, and Solar System science. It has productively moved more water in two decades than the United States did in the 20th Century. China’s Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank (AIIB) has been adopted by 55 countries as the key international development bank for infrastructure; if the United States would now join it, new great projects of water infrastructure can be created, including in the growing desertifying areas of the North American West.

“The potentiality for water supplies on planet Earth has been revised, greatly upward, by what Ben (Deniston) has done in this work,” LaRouche said today.

“And that means that the entire water policy of the United States as a nation, is a case in which everything that’s being told, on the official line, is one, great fraud….

“The Kepler system now has been shown to have potentials for water supplies for human beings on Earth, which were never really consolidated as propositions before. In order to realize this greater potential, we now have to go to work to understand the implications of what Ben has done, and put it into practice.”

This does require “the Next President,” and it requires that now: Barack Obama tried unsuccessfully to destroy the AIIB, is trying to provoke Russia and China into war confrontations, and has done nothing but embrace Wall Street since the 2008 Crash. He needs to be dumped. Of those in the field, only Gov. Martin O’Malley has thus far shown the qualifications and commitment to fight Wall Street and restore Glass-Steagall.

And any qualified candidate, if becoming President, will require a Presidency. This mobilization is aimed to create that. What is required is the creation of a Presidency, not a “President with followings.” Since we have, certainly no President, and presently no presidential candidate qualified to meet the challenges this crisis poses, we must set our intention to see to the creation of a Presidency around a candidate.

In that connection, O’Malley is the only one we know of who has the qualifications to head up a new Presidency—not a political party, a Presidency, which will address the issues of a global water crisis.

That will have to be done together with China. The idea we have had of national governments in the world must be reformed, because China is much more qualified, now, than governments in the United States or Europe, to deal with the issues of this crisis.

Therefore, with that cooperation in view, we have to shape the Presidency, under the U.S. Constitutional requirements, to deal with the threat of a water crisis which could otherwise lead to havoc, both in the United States and internationally.

The solution exists. We are qualified to fill it out. Our mission is to create a Presidency around it.


This week marks the formal launching of the Asia Infrastructure Investment Bank (AIIB), with 46 nations, including all of the leading nations of Eurasia, signing on to the China-led initiative. Many of the nations joining in the AIIB are unaware, Lyndo…

This week marks the formal launching of the Asia Infrastructure Investment Bank (AIIB), with 46 nations, including all of the leading nations of Eurasia, signing on to the China-led initiative. Many of the nations joining in the AIIB are unaware, Lyndo…

This week marks the formal launching of the Asia Infrastructure Investment Bank (AIIB), with 46 nations, including all of the leading nations of Eurasia, signing on to the China-led initiative. Many of the nations joining in the AIIB are unaware, Lyndo…