The total strategic shift signaled by last week’s intervention by Steinmeier, Schmidt and O’Malley—a shift which Lyndon LaRouche characterized yesterday as “not yet secured, but is very promising”—is expanding this week on both the global economic and strategic fronts. This includes Greek moves towards Russia and other BRICS nations; the expansion of China’s AIIB, despite the hysterical opposition coming from the Obama administration; and further sharp warnings from Russia about their intended response to the military/strategic threats coming from the U.S. and NATO.

The broadest possible circulation—and discussion!—of Lyndon LaRouche’s March 15 document, “On the Subject of Germany’s Role,” is essential to securing that strategic shift. It is the centerpiece of all LaRouche movement organizing both in the U.S. and internationally, and its wide direct circulation began today in Washington, even among the intellectually- and morally- challenged Members of Congress. But don’t hold your breath waiting for them to act.

The immediate political action needed at this point, Lyndon LaRouche stressed today, is to get Barack Obama out of the U.S. Presidency. The central issue, the only issue, is getting rid of Obama, LaRouche stated. If you do that, then all of the other “issues” collapse, and you can begin to get the situation under control. Obama is a creation of the British Empire, and that is the problem. Combined with the Bush family, that is the center of all evil in this country. And when you talk about the Bush family, you have to go back to Prescott Bush, who helped usher Adolf Hitler into power.

LaRouche elaborated that these more recent expressions of evil need to be traced back to the terrible changes that happened in the U.S. after FDR’s death. That produced a policy change, which is the crucial factor and the key point of reference for all “current events.” It is that which defines the 20th Century, the century that the British Empire moved in on all fronts, killing American Presidents and overturning everything involving the best achievements of the 19th Century on all fronts– economic, scientific, cultural, etc.

History, LaRouche said, is a process, not a series of events which can be approached deductively. Mankind is a global phenomenon, and history is a global process. It is that, and not categories, which are reality, and reality has consequences. “I don’t care how many times idiots in Congress want to approach issues and categories: that is not how the world works,” LaRouche stated.

On the contrary, we in the LaRouche movement have to assert our policy firmly and clearly: We have to denounce everything Obama represents as crap. Obama’s view is that he can impose one state over another, that he can constitute the U.S. as the global arbiter to impose his views, as he is trying to do with China and elsewhere. But the U.S. is not the ruling empire of the world, LaRouche stated. Obama’s Kingdom is not the Empire, and he simply has to be thrown out of office. His efforts on behalf of the British Empire to trigger conflict points among nations—as with Israel, Iran, or Venezuela—are all part of a single, global drive towards World War III, not individual regional issues.

So get rid of Obama, LaRouche concluded. One good flush, and we will dispense with a multitude of sins—and it will help purify the atmosphere as well.

By Lyndon H. LaRouche, Jr.

The commendable contribution expressed in the speech by Germany’s Foreign Minister Frank-Walter Steinmeier delivered on March 13, 2015, nonetheless fails to meet the essential features of the actually required terms.  I, therefore, present the case required, as follows henceforth.

In fact, the present conditions of the inhabited planet Earth, have reached the point at which the notion of the habitation of the planet, in its entirety, must be responsive to the principles of Johannes Kepler, which must be considered, actually universally, as the proper notion of design for the organization of the entirety of the planet.

On this presently real account, the old habits of the ostensibly traditional notions fail, even catastrophically. The presently nominal standards of European traditions no longer agree with the designs of either the ostensibly “traditional” or other media.  What had been the lately traditional standards of political-economic expression, have the misfortunate effect of demanding that the terms of a modern system of practices be subjected to what are, in fact, stubbornly contemporary, but in fact, now worse than intrinsically archaic, modalities.

I explain as follows:

         The Evils of Present Finance

Currently prevalent U.S.A. and European financial practices have lately relied, chiefly, on the standards of sheer usury which are illustrated by the effects of a general practice of mere finance as based on financial usury as such. Notably, merely speculative financial attributes per se, have overpowered what were in fact, the efficiently relatively physical values of upward movements within the domains of genuine productive output.

The practice of perpetually successively reduced scientific rates of per-capita human productivity, relative to nominal, chiefly speculative, costs of production, both respecting net output-per-capita, as in Europe and the U.S.A., typify the relevant, actually parallel decline of both the standards of family incomes and also net productivity per capita.  The history of a general centennial trend, with respect to actual net physical productivity expressed since the beginning of depreciation of net productivity per capita, identifies the saddening truth of the general, relative decline of energy-flux density, in production, per capita, of the general population in the trans-Atlantic region, per capita, which has brought forth the passion of a combined thermonuclear global homicide.

Thus, the crashing rates of net production of truly physical values, in the trends of the United States and European economies, respectively, attest to the true relative values, in effect.  In particular, it has been the decline of the per capita rates of net human productivity, which have been inflicted by the declines in physical productivity per capita, through accelerated cheapening of the needed provision of a general ratio of increased per-capita human productivity.

The example of the soaring progress of China today, and the related upward physical-economical elements of China’s relatively unique achievements, are now particularly pertinent.


      – The Challenge By China –

China is presently unique for reason of its currently progressive achievements within the bounds of Solar Space.  Its achievements on this account, both within the range of the role of the Moon and related concerns, is, also, implicitly, a crucial point of interest for its association with the unique, presently known, and prospective achievements of its discovery of the most essential features of the Solar System, itself.  Thus, the present characteristic of mankind’s relationship between the development of society and of the Solar System’s relationship to the role of mankind’s own development, are to be regarded as being interlocked in a matter of future experience, not for the individual as such, but for the future  needs of mankind.  Thus does the mortal human individual share the mission into the future as did, for one, the mission of Jeanne d’Arc, and such of her successors as Nicholas of Cusa and Johannes Kepler, and their destinies for mankind’s now present future, lies within not the human flesh, but mankind’s having had a necessary future existence.  The essence of that matter is not what the individual has achieved, but in the beauty of what the human individual has fought to become achieved.  The future mission of each servant of the cause of their own existence, lies within the future which their experience expresses by and for the mission of mankind, as it had been the fruit of genius or martyr, alike, as for, incidentally, China today.

The present option for all deserving humanity, lies essentially, in creating a better future for all mankind, in the option for realizing the seemingly impossible necessity, which makes for the sweetest of the achieved dreams of mankind’s achievements: for the sake of realizing that the future of all mankind, is the seemingly impossible.

By Lyndon H. LaRouche, Jr.

The commendable contribution expressed in the speech by Germany’s Foreign Minister Frank-Walter Steinmeier delivered on March 12, 2015, nonetheless fails to meet the essential features of the actually required terms.  I, therefore, present the case required, as follows henceforth.

In fact, the present conditions of the inhabited planet Earth, have reached the point at which the notion of the habitation of the planet, in its entirety, must be responsive to the principles of Johannes Kepler, which must be considered, actually universally, as the proper notion of design for the organization of the entirety of the planet.

On this presently real account, the old habits of the ostensibly traditional notions fail, even catastrophically. The presently nominal standards of European traditions no longer agree with the designs of either the ostensibly “traditional” or other media.  What had been the lately traditional standards of political-economic expression, have the misfortunate effect of demanding that the terms of a modern system of practices be subjected to what are, in fact, stubbornly contemporary, but in fact, now worse than intrinsically archaic, modalities.

I explain as follows:

The Evils of Present Finance

Currently prevalent U.S.A. and European financial practices have lately relied, chiefly, on the standards of sheer usury which are illustrated by the effects of a general practice of mere finance as based on financial usury as such. Notably, merely speculative financial attributes per se, have overpowered what were in fact, the efficiently relatively physical values of upward movements within the domains of genuine productive output.

The practice of perpetually successively reduced scientific rates of per-capita human productivity, relative to nominal, chiefly speculative, costs of production, both respecting net output-per-capita, as in Europe and the U.S.A., typify the relevant, actually parallel decline of both the standards of family incomes and also net productivity per capita.  The history of a general centennial trend, with respect to actual net physical productivity expressed since the beginning of depreciation of net productivity per capita, identifies the saddening truth of the general, relative decline of energy-flux density, in production, per capita, of the general population in the trans-Atlantic region, per capita, which has brought forth the passion of a combined thermonuclear global homicide.

Thus, the crashing rates of net production of truly physical values, in the trends of the United States and European economies, respectively, attest to the true relative values, in effect.  In particular, it has been the decline of the per capita rates of net human productivity, which have been inflicted by the declines in physical productivity per capita, through accelerated cheapening of the needed provision of a general ratio of increased per-capita human productivity.

The example of the soaring progress of China today, and the related upward physical-economical elements of China’s relatively unique achievements, are now particularly pertinent.


The Challenge By China

China is presently unique for reason of its currently progressive achievements within the bounds of Solar Space.  Its achievements on this account, both within the range of the role of the Moon and related concerns, is, also, implicitly, a crucial point of interest for its association with the unique, presently known, and prospective achievements of its discovery of the most essential features of the Solar System, itself.  Thus, the present characteristic of mankind’s relationship between the development of society and of the Solar System’s relationship to the role of mankind’s own development, are to be regarded as being interlocked in a matter of future experience, not for the individual as such, but for the future  needs of mankind.  Thus does the mortal human individual share the mission into the future as did, for one, the mission of Jeanne d’Arc, and such of her successors as Nicholas of Cusa and Johannes Kepler, and their destinies for mankind’s now present future, lies within not the human flesh, but mankind’s having had a necessary future existence.  The essence of that matter is not what the individual has achieved, but in the beauty of what the human individual has fought to become achieved.  The future mission of each servant of the cause of their own existence, lies within the future which their experience expresses by and for the mission of mankind, as it had been the fruit of genius or martyr, alike, as for, incidentally, China today.

The present option for all deserving humanity, lies essentially, in creating a better future for all mankind, in the option for realizing the seemingly impossible necessity, which makes for the sweetest of the achieved dreams of mankind’s achievements: for the sake of realizing that the future of all mankind, is the seemingly impossible.

He that dies pays all debtsThe Tempest, III, ii

The contrast could not be more clear between the way the governments of the west are treating Ukraine, versus how they are treating Greece. The policy, at least, is duplicitous, and has grave implications within the current potential nuclear showdown.

Let’s briefly look at Ukraine.


The U.S. and institutions of the west such as NATO have been supporting the Nazi-backed coup government in Kiev, openly admitting their financial, military, and diplomatic support. The U.S. Senate just concluded a competition over who could proclaim their support for the Ukrainian Nazis more fervently, and U.S. Defense Secretary Carter just announced $75,000,000 towards militarily aiding and abetting the Nazi Battalions. In fact, a top adviser to Prime Minister Poroshenko has just stated that Ukraine needs less of their traditional draftees, and more Nazi volunteers. This, as they are actively sabotaging the implementation of the Minsk accords.

The West makes no secret of the fact that their support of the Ukrainian military is directly aimed at Russia, and some have made the point that the U.S. sanctions against Russia will do nothing but unify the country in opposition, and give voice to the more radical elements of policy.

Dmitri Simes Strikes a Different Note on Putin

In the midst of the strident campaign of vilification of Vladimir Putin in Washington—and other Western capitals—a speech by Russian-born thinktanker Dimitri Simes, president of the Center for the National Interest, in the U.S. capital this week is a notable exception.

Simes, a foreign policy analyst whose career has included working for Richard Nixon in his post-presidential years, the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, and Johns Hopkins University, spoke at the National Interest center on the subject of “The Crisis in U.S.-Russian Relations.” The event was chaired by Ambassador Zalmay Khalilzad.

Simes has recently visited Russia and held high-level meetings, including with Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov.

According to the write-up on the National Interest website, Simes presented President Putin and Foreign Minister Lavrov as the “pragmatists,” who are

“relatively moderate on Ukraine and relations with the United States, particularly when contrasted with what Simes called a ‘second school of thought’ in Russia, which believes that the Kremlin should ‘absolutely challenge the existing world order’ and treat the United States as Moscow’s main enemy.”

Simes advocated a pull-back on sanctions, which he said feeds the hardliners’ story, and called for the U.S. to understand that Putin has limited goals. The alternative could lead to an alignment which would “set the stage for a great conflagration.”

If that weren’t enough, the IMF has just announced that they will be bailing out the Nazi coup government of Ukraine, with $17,500,000,000.

IMF Bails Out Ukraine’s Nazis

The International Monetary Fund (IMF) announced yesterday that it had approved a four-year, $17.5 billion bailout package for Ukraine, the first $5 billion tranche of which will be made available immediately. The $17.5 billion is supposedly part of a larger $40 billion loan and aid program, designed, as the Wall Street Journal put it, to “keep the country afloat.”

Not to keep the population alive—it will be subjected to murderous austerity conditionalities—but to allow Ukraine to continue its war against Russia. Notably, $1.5 billion of the $5 billion for Ukraine will be extorted in debt payments “due” Friday and Monday from Greece, which refuses to join the assault on Russia.

The program’s anti-Russia bent is clear. As Ukrainian President Poroshenko tweeted ecstatically “today’s IMF decision proves the civilized world believes in and supports Ukraine,” the Journal reported, adding its own comment that many economists and analysts see the bailout as part of a “broader political decision to back the fledgling pro-Western government in Kiev. The U.S. and Europe are trying to help the former Soviet republic leave its decades-long political and economic orbit around the Kremlin.” David Lipton, the IMF’s No. 2 official, underscored that Ukraine’s crisis “proves an opportunity for the government to make a decisive break from the past.”

The idea that this program will “stabilize” Ukraine is fantasy. Conditionalities including much higher energy tariffs, privatizations, dismantling of any social safety net (already underway) will push existing political tensions to the breaking point. Virtually every commentator points to the “enormous risks” inherent in the program.

Built into the bailout program is the demand that Ukraine also come up with $15.4 billion in “savings” through negotiations with creditors, debt restructuring, or an outright debt moratorium. Reuters claims today that “some players” think a creditor “haircut” of 70% is possible. On Friday, Finance Minister and U.S. citizen Natalie Jaresko will hold a videoconference with creditors to outline plans for negotiations with holders of sovereign debt.

According to the terms of the agreement, release of the next tranche of the funding package, due in three months, is contingent on ramming through a “successful” debt restructuring with high creditor participation, David Lipton warned. Contrast this to the Troika fascists’ approach to Greece’s proposal for debt restructuring and write-down.   

Compare this to the treatment of Greece.


As we reported earlier, Greece actually owes nothing to international creditors, as widely claimed in the media:

What Americans need to know about Greece and “its debt,” is that the new Greek government is asking the European Union to shut down a huge Wall Street-London bank swindle and make economic growth possible again in Europe.

If that doesn’t happen, the worsening bankruptcy of the whole trans-Atlantic banking system will continue to generate desperate confrontations with major powers Russia and China, with the threat of world war.

Not only do governments of the West, notably the (catas)-Troika, expect Greece to pay a fraudulent debt, they refuse to offer Greece any help, while they bail out Ukraine, expecting much of Greece’s near term debt payments to help pay for the Ukraine Bailout.

The origin of the apparent paradox between the west’s handling of Ukraine, vs. their treatment of Greece lies in neither Greece or Ukraine, but has more to do with the bankruptcy of the London-Wall Street transatlantic system as a whole. As LaRouche reiterated in his March 6th Friday webcast message:

The question being asked by Russia and many other nations today, is whether the Europeans and the United States under Obama can survive their own foolishness, or whether their actions will lead to world war, and a possibility of general extermination. Queen Elizabeth and her circles may appreciate the idea of general war, but I don’t.

“Greece, fortunately, does have a place. They can join the other club. They can become a part of the BRICS process. A growing part of the world is breaking from the Anglo-American interests, and this is now including a majority of nations of South and Central America and the Caribbean. Of course, this also includes many nations of Southeast Asia, South Asia, the Middle East, Africa…”

“What we are seeing in the confrontation with Greece, as well as the confrontation with Russia, is a last, desperate effort to bluff. The danger is, that at the end of this bluff, is nuclear war. The challenge for most Americans, is that they cannot conceive of the insanity that is driving this policy of bluff and provocation. They cannot conceive, for the most part, that anyone is willing to risk the suicidal extermination of mankind. This is insanity beyond comprehension, yet this is what we are dealing with in the case of Obama, the British, and other desperate forces.”

The rest of Mr. LaRouche’s statement can be found here, Call the EU Bluff and Join the BRICS dynamic.

We are asking that all thinking citizens not only sign the petition for the U.S. to join the BRICS, but that you make a donation to fund our efforts.



He that dies pays all debtsThe Tempest, III, ii

The contrast could not be more clear between the way the governments of the west are treating Ukraine, versus how they are treating Greece. The policy, at least, is duplicitous, and has grave implications within the current potential nuclear showdown.

Let’s briefly look at Ukraine.


The U.S. and institutions of the west such as NATO have been supporting the Nazi-backed coup government in Kiev, openly admitting their financial, military, and diplomatic support. The U.S. Senate just concluded a competition over who could proclaim their support for the Ukrainian Nazis more fervently, and U.S. Defense Secretary Carter just announced $75,000,000 towards militarily aiding and abetting the Nazi Battalions. In fact, a top adviser to Prime Minister Poroshenko has just stated that Ukraine needs less of their traditional draftees, and more Nazi volunteers. This, as they are actively sabotaging the implementation of the Minsk accords.

The West makes no secret of the fact that their support of the Ukrainian military is directly aimed at Russia, and some have made the point that the U.S. sanctions against Russia will do nothing but unify the country in opposition, and give voice to the more radical elements of policy.

Dmitri Simes Strikes a Different Note on Putin

In the midst of the strident campaign of vilification of Vladimir Putin in Washington—and other Western capitals—a speech by Russian-born thinktanker Dimitri Simes, president of the Center for the National Interest, in the U.S. capital this week is a notable exception.

Simes, a foreign policy analyst whose career has included working for Richard Nixon in his post-presidential years, the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, and Johns Hopkins University, spoke at the National Interest center on the subject of “The Crisis in U.S.-Russian Relations.” The event was chaired by Ambassador Zalmay Khalilzad.

Simes has recently visited Russia and held high-level meetings, including with Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov.

According to the write-up on the National Interest website, Simes presented President Putin and Foreign Minister Lavrov as the “pragmatists,” who are

“relatively moderate on Ukraine and relations with the United States, particularly when contrasted with what Simes called a ‘second school of thought’ in Russia, which believes that the Kremlin should ‘absolutely challenge the existing world order’ and treat the United States as Moscow’s main enemy.”

Simes advocated a pull-back on sanctions, which he said feeds the hardliners’ story, and called for the U.S. to understand that Putin has limited goals. The alternative could lead to an alignment which would “set the stage for a great conflagration.”

If that weren’t enough, the IMF has just announced that they will be bailing out the Nazi coup government of Ukraine, with $17,500,000,000.

IMF Bails Out Ukraine’s Nazis

The International Monetary Fund (IMF) announced yesterday that it had approved a four-year, $17.5 billion bailout package for Ukraine, the first $5 billion tranche of which will be made available immediately. The $17.5 billion is supposedly part of a larger $40 billion loan and aid program, designed, as the Wall Street Journal put it, to “keep the country afloat.”

Not to keep the population alive—it will be subjected to murderous austerity conditionalities—but to allow Ukraine to continue its war against Russia. Notably, $1.5 billion of the $5 billion for Ukraine will be extorted in debt payments “due” Friday and Monday from Greece, which refuses to join the assault on Russia.

The program’s anti-Russia bent is clear. As Ukrainian President Poroshenko tweeted ecstatically “today’s IMF decision proves the civilized world believes in and supports Ukraine,” the Journal reported, adding its own comment that many economists and analysts see the bailout as part of a “broader political decision to back the fledgling pro-Western government in Kiev. The U.S. and Europe are trying to help the former Soviet republic leave its decades-long political and economic orbit around the Kremlin.” David Lipton, the IMF’s No. 2 official, underscored that Ukraine’s crisis “proves an opportunity for the government to make a decisive break from the past.”

The idea that this program will “stabilize” Ukraine is fantasy. Conditionalities including much higher energy tariffs, privatizations, dismantling of any social safety net (already underway) will push existing political tensions to the breaking point. Virtually every commentator points to the “enormous risks” inherent in the program.

Built into the bailout program is the demand that Ukraine also come up with $15.4 billion in “savings” through negotiations with creditors, debt restructuring, or an outright debt moratorium. Reuters claims today that “some players” think a creditor “haircut” of 70% is possible. On Friday, Finance Minister and U.S. citizen Natalie Jaresko will hold a videoconference with creditors to outline plans for negotiations with holders of sovereign debt.

According to the terms of the agreement, release of the next tranche of the funding package, due in three months, is contingent on ramming through a “successful” debt restructuring with high creditor participation, David Lipton warned. Contrast this to the Troika fascists’ approach to Greece’s proposal for debt restructuring and write-down.   

Compare this to the treatment of Greece.


As we reported earlier, Greece actually owes nothing to international creditors, as widely claimed in the media:

What Americans need to know about Greece and “its debt,” is that the new Greek government is asking the European Union to shut down a huge Wall Street-London bank swindle and make economic growth possible again in Europe.

If that doesn’t happen, the worsening bankruptcy of the whole trans-Atlantic banking system will continue to generate desperate confrontations with major powers Russia and China, with the threat of world war.

Not only do governments of the West, notably the (catas)-Troika, expect Greece to pay a fraudulent debt, they refuse to offer Greece any help, while they bail out Ukraine, expecting much of Greece’s near term debt payments to help pay for the Ukraine Bailout.

The origin of the apparent paradox between the west’s handling of Ukraine, vs. their treatment of Greece lies in neither Greece or Ukraine, but has more to do with the bankruptcy of the London-Wall Street transatlantic system as a whole. As LaRouche reiterated in his March 6th Friday webcast message:

The question being asked by Russia and many other nations today, is whether the Europeans and the United States under Obama can survive their own foolishness, or whether their actions will lead to world war, and a possibility of general extermination. Queen Elizabeth and her circles may appreciate the idea of general war, but I don’t.

“Greece, fortunately, does have a place. They can join the other club. They can become a part of the BRICS process. A growing part of the world is breaking from the Anglo-American interests, and this is now including a majority of nations of South and Central America and the Caribbean. Of course, this also includes many nations of Southeast Asia, South Asia, the Middle East, Africa…”

“What we are seeing in the confrontation with Greece, as well as the confrontation with Russia, is a last, desperate effort to bluff. The danger is, that at the end of this bluff, is nuclear war. The challenge for most Americans, is that they cannot conceive of the insanity that is driving this policy of bluff and provocation. They cannot conceive, for the most part, that anyone is willing to risk the suicidal extermination of mankind. This is insanity beyond comprehension, yet this is what we are dealing with in the case of Obama, the British, and other desperate forces.”

The rest of Mr. LaRouche’s statement can be found here, Call the EU Bluff and Join the BRICS dynamic.

We are asking that all thinking citizens not only sign the petition for the U.S. to join the BRICS, but that you make a donation to fund our efforts.



In the midst of the strident campaign of vilification of Vladimir Putin in Washington—and other Western capitals—a speech by Russian-born thinktanker Dimitri Simes, president of the Center for the National Interest, in the U.S. capital this week is a notable exception.

Simes, a foreign policy analyst whose career has included working for Richard Nixon in his post-presidential years, the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, and Johns Hopkins University, spoke at the National Interest center on the subject of “The Crisis in U.S.-Russian Relations.” The event was chaired by Ambassador Zalmay Khalilzad.

Simes has recently visited Russia and held high-level meetings, including with Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov.

According to the write-up on the National Interest website, Simes presented President Putin and Foreign Minister Lavrov as the “pragmatists,” who are

“relatively moderate on Ukraine and relations with the United States, particularly when contrasted with what Simes called a ‘second school of thought’ in Russia, which believes that the Kremlin should ‘absolutely challenge the existing world order’ and treat the United States as Moscow’s main enemy.”

Simes advocated a pull-back on sanctions, which he said feeds the hardliners’ story, and called for the U.S. to understand that Putin has limited goals. The alternative could lead to an alignment which would “set the stage for a great conflagration.”

In the midst of the strident campaign of vilification of Vladimir Putin in Washington—and other Western capitals—a speech by Russian-born thinktanker Dimitri Simes, president of the Center for the National Interest, in the U.S. capital this week is a notable exception.

Simes, a foreign policy analyst whose career has included working for Richard Nixon in his post-presidential years, the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, and Johns Hopkins University, spoke at the National Interest center on the subject of “The Crisis in U.S.-Russian Relations.” The event was chaired by Ambassador Zalmay Khalilzad.

Simes has recently visited Russia and held high-level meetings, including with Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov.

According to the write-up on the National Interest website, Simes presented President Putin and Foreign Minister Lavrov as the “pragmatists,” who are

“relatively moderate on Ukraine and relations with the United States, particularly when contrasted with what Simes called a ‘second school of thought’ in Russia, which believes that the Kremlin should ‘absolutely challenge the existing world order’ and treat the United States as Moscow’s main enemy.”

Simes advocated a pull-back on sanctions, which he said feeds the hardliners’ story, and called for the U.S. to understand that Putin has limited goals. The alternative could lead to an alignment which would “set the stage for a great conflagration.”

During an extensive press conference with Spanish Foreign Minister Jose Manuel Garcia-Margallo March 10, Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov provided a somewhat detailed briefing on the ongoing sabotage of the Minsk Accords, in the course of answering questions.

First, he noted that

“it looks like the EU bureaucracy in Brussels is deliberately escalating the confrontation with Russia, often trying to pretend that no progress is being made in fulfilling the military clauses of the Minsk agreements. This delays the implementation of the political clauses and, at the same time, hampers the normalization of EU-Russia relations, something many countries advocate, including Spain”

(transcript from Russian Foreign Ministry).

Later, he described how the Kiev authorities are also denying that military objectives are substantially being met, and were sabotaging the Minsk agreement, which all the Western powers claim they want to see fully implemented.

First, Kiev said they had no obligations to grant “an amnesty to the participants in the events in southeastern Ukraine, nor had they assumed any political or legal obligations to take Donetsk and Lugansk’s positions into consideration in carrying out constitutional reform.”

Second, he noted that the Rada had issued a statement saying it would not cooperate with representatives of the Donetsk and Lugansk republics to hold local elections—an item in the agreement.

Third, Kiev has refused to honor the agreement to establish working subgroups within the Contact Group on the constitutional process, humanitarian and economic issues, the holding of elections, and so on.

To Lavrov’s listing one might add the specific statement of Vladislav Deinego, the Lugansk republic representative on the Contact Group, who both complained of ongoing shelling by Kiev, and also noted that the Rada had only 4 days left to meet the deadline set in the Minsk accords for adopting a decree on granting special status to Donbas.

Lavrov concluded his discussion as follows:

“Are our Western colleagues unable to see all this? It is essential to draw their attention to the fact that full implementation of the Minsk Agreements, which they call for, is in fact being blocked by the Kiev authorities.

I don’t know what tools the Americans and Europeans have to pressure Kiev. Perhaps they should use their preferred mechanism—sanctions—to force the Kiev authorities to deliver on what they have agreed and what all our Western colleagues are demanding.”

Speaking at a special session of the Greek parliament March 10, Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras backed the establishment of a committee to seek war reparations from Germany for crimes committed in the Nazi era.

According to the publication To Vima, which claims to have seen an April 2013 report by a parliamentary investigatory committee, the amount of money in question—which would deal with destruction to infrastructure and a forced loan—would amount to EU162 billion.

In his parliamentary speech, Tsipras said that the issue was a sensitive one, and would have to be negotiated, but that there was a moral issue involved. He then linked that moral issue to the question of the demands being made against Greece, to pay its unpayable debt.

He noted that Germany got support for an enormous write-down of its debts at the London Debt Agreement conference of 1953, despite the crimes of the Nazi era. In an obvious reference to current demands by Germans like Finance Minister Schäuble that it was Greece’s [moral] obligation to pay every penny by savaging its population, Tsipras then added: “We are not giving morality lessons, but we will not accept morality lessons either.”

During the debate, the Justice Minister indicated that he might approve an order to confiscate property, particularly in the case of a massacre which occurred in the small village of Distomo.

A spokesperson for Chancellor Merkel has already rejected the Greek demand.