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Join Megan Beets, Liona fan-Chiang, and special Guest David Shavin to discuss the role of Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz in the creation of the U.S. Republic. Live at 11AM Eastern. See “From Leibniz to Franklin on ‘Happiness'” by Shavin for more.

Join Megan Beets, Liona fan-Chiang, and special Guest David Shavin to discuss the role of Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz in the creation of the U.S. Republic. Live at 11AM Eastern.

Video of 5DUNh0dPf2o

Join Megan Beets, Liona fan-Chiang, and special Guest David Shavin to discuss the role of Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz in the creation of the U.S. Republic. Live at 11AM Eastern. See “From Leibniz to Franklin on ‘Happiness'” by Shavin for more.

Join Megan Beets, Liona fan-Chiang, and special Guest David Shavin to discuss the role of Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz in the creation of the U.S. Republic. Live at 11AM Eastern.

Euromaidan fascist commander Andriy Parubiy, now the deputy speaker of the Ukraine Supreme Rada, made the rounds in Washington this week, meeting with Victoria Nuland, John McCain, and John Boehner, and pressing for the US to provide weapons to the Kiev regime. The push for weapons by hardcore Ukrainian Banderists (Parubiy was a co-founder in 1991 of the Social Nationalist Party of Ukraine)  to fight Russia, is the immediate flash-point for strategic confrontation in the heart of Eurasia. Parubiy was joined in Washington on Thursday by former Georgian President Saakashvili, who is a strategic advisor to the Poroshenko/Yatsenyuk government in Kiev. The full court press for war with Russia is on!

Lyndon LaRouche warned on Thursday that the actions of Obama, Nuland, Parubiy, and others represent the potential trigger for the outbreak of a war that can lead to the destruction of mankind.

While, as Lyndon LaRouche has emphasized in dialogue with colleagues over the past 72 hours, even the most fanatical of the British war party are not consciously out to trigger a war of extinction of mankind—a full-throttle global strategic thermonuclear confrontation between the United States and NATO on one side, and Russia and China on the other—they do believe that a “limited” war, even a “limited nuclear war” can be localized in the heartland of Eurasia, targeted at the Russia and China core of the BRICS nations. It is this population of the Eurasian heartland that the British and their Wall Street and Obama Administration allies have targeted for a mass kill.

The drive for such a “limited” nuclear war is moving ahead against both Russia and China. A survey of the past months reveals that there is an intense battle underway, behind the scenes, within the NATO trans-Atlantic system, over the deployment of a new generation of “limited nuclear weapons” in both Europe and in the Asia-Pacific region. Leading critics of the scheme in the US and Germany have raised the roof over the planned modernization of the US arsenal of 180 tactical nuclear weapons in Europe, the B-61. Under the Obama Administration’s nuclear modernization plans, the new generation of B-61 tactical nuclear weapons will be more accurate, with longer range, capable of hitting sites deep inside Russia.

William R. Polk’s Ukraine War: A Reverse Cuban Missile Crisis

In the Asia-Pacific region, Air Sea Battle, the Obama Administration’s war plan against China, similarly blurs the lines between nuclear and conventional warfare, by claiming the right to launch pre-emptive strikes against Chinese mainland critical security infrastructure.  At the same time, Obama is pressing South Korea to accept the deployment of US missile defense systems, ostensibly against North Korea, that are actually more suited to the ASB targeting of China.

This desperate drive for war, including the utopian delusion about the possibility of “limited” nuclear confrontation in Eurasia, is ultimately driven by the fact that the British system of monetarist looting of nations has reached the end of the line. The Greek elections have accelerated the showdown over the bankruptcy of all of the trans-Atlantic too-big-to-fail banks, the ECB and the entire Eurozone system.  There is only one solution, LaRouche emphasized today:  Return to national sovereignty, end the Euro experiment, through an orderly Glass- Steagall reorganization and return to sovereign currencies.  The gambling debt is both illegal and unpayable.  Greece owes nothing to the Troika.

It is this reality, and the further reality of the BRICS alternative, that is driving the British to the edge, where they are pushing limited thermonuclear confrontation in Eurasia.

That is the danger of allowing the British puppets, Barack Obama, Victoria Nuland, and the rest, to remain in power.  Fire Nuland and move to remove Obama from office and the nuclear danger is gone. Sit back and allow them to continue on their current path, and the war that will come will not be limited to Eurasia.  It will be a global war of annihilation.



Euromaidan fascist commander Andriy Parubiy, now the deputy speaker of the Ukraine Supreme Rada, made the rounds in Washington this week, meeting with Victoria Nuland, John McCain, and John Boehner, and pressing for the US to provide weapons to the Kiev regime. The push for weapons by hardcore Ukrainian Banderists (Parubiy was a co-founder in 1991 of the Social Nationalist Party of Ukraine)  to fight Russia, is the immediate flash-point for strategic confrontation in the heart of Eurasia. Parubiy was joined in Washington on Thursday by former Georgian President Saakashvili, who is a strategic advisor to the Poroshenko/Yatsenyuk government in Kiev. The full court press for war with Russia is on!

Lyndon LaRouche warned on Thursday that the actions of Obama, Nuland, Parubiy, and others represent the potential trigger for the outbreak of a war that can lead to the destruction of mankind.

While, as Lyndon LaRouche has emphasized in dialogue with colleagues over the past 72 hours, even the most fanatical of the British war party are not consciously out to trigger a war of extinction of mankind—a full-throttle global strategic thermonuclear confrontation between the United States and NATO on one side, and Russia and China on the other—they do believe that a “limited” war, even a “limited nuclear war” can be localized in the heartland of Eurasia, targeted at the Russia and China core of the BRICS nations. It is this population of the Eurasian heartland that the British and their Wall Street and Obama Administration allies have targeted for a mass kill.

The drive for such a “limited” nuclear war is moving ahead against both Russia and China. A survey of the past months reveals that there is an intense battle underway, behind the scenes, within the NATO trans-Atlantic system, over the deployment of a new generation of “limited nuclear weapons” in both Europe and in the Asia-Pacific region. Leading critics of the scheme in the US and Germany have raised the roof over the planned modernization of the US arsenal of 180 tactical nuclear weapons in Europe, the B-61. Under the Obama Administration’s nuclear modernization plans, the new generation of B-61 tactical nuclear weapons will be more accurate, with longer range, capable of hitting sites deep inside Russia.

William R. Polk’s Ukraine War: A Reverse Cuban Missile Crisis

In the Asia-Pacific region, Air Sea Battle, the Obama Administration’s war plan against China, similarly blurs the lines between nuclear and conventional warfare, by claiming the right to launch pre-emptive strikes against Chinese mainland critical security infrastructure.  At the same time, Obama is pressing South Korea to accept the deployment of US missile defense systems, ostensibly against North Korea, that are actually more suited to the ASB targeting of China.

This desperate drive for war, including the utopian delusion about the possibility of “limited” nuclear confrontation in Eurasia, is ultimately driven by the fact that the British system of monetarist looting of nations has reached the end of the line. The Greek elections have accelerated the showdown over the bankruptcy of all of the trans-Atlantic too-big-to-fail banks, the ECB and the entire Eurozone system.  There is only one solution, LaRouche emphasized today:  Return to national sovereignty, end the Euro experiment, through an orderly Glass- Steagall reorganization and return to sovereign currencies.  The gambling debt is both illegal and unpayable.  Greece owes nothing to the Troika.

It is this reality, and the further reality of the BRICS alternative, that is driving the British to the edge, where they are pushing limited thermonuclear confrontation in Eurasia.

That is the danger of allowing the British puppets, Barack Obama, Victoria Nuland, and the rest, to remain in power.  Fire Nuland and move to remove Obama from office and the nuclear danger is gone. Sit back and allow them to continue on their current path, and the war that will come will not be limited to Eurasia.  It will be a global war of annihilation.



In a new evaluation presented to his associates in the past 48 hours, Lyndon LaRouche states that the strategy for nuclear war being pursued by the Anglo-American monetarists will in all probability target Eurasia for extinction. They believe that they can actually win a war, which will depopulate much of the planet, while saving the United States and other areas of the transatlantic region. Here are LaRouche’s remarks in full.

We have a situation in which we have to recognize the characteristics of the situation we’re operating in.  That is that we’re on the verge of being pulled into the potential of a thermonuclear war, but the idea of the thermonuclear war is not quite what Obama or Obama-thinkers would imagine.  Because the situation is such that if you want to take an optimal estimate of how this thing will will work out, you would have to say that the Eurasian area is the area in which the British,—even though they don’t have much capability to be able to do anything strategically,— but they could waste much of Eurasia, for the sake of what they want to do: their fun and games.

Thus their fun and games could be, most likely the type in which the Atlantic-to-Pacific element of Eurasia would be targeted, rather than the United States, and you could go south from there.  The very idea that you’re going to start with a world war of all the territory of the planet, is not exactly what the schemers want to have.  They want a certain part of the world within the trans-Atlantic region as a playground, from which they would watch the destruction of the rest of the world.

The danger lies essentially in the focus within Western Europe and Eurasia.  I’m not saying this is going to happen, but this is the likely case.  The likely case is that it is not the United States which will be hit hard, although of course it will be hit, but Eurasia will be hit hard. That’s pretty much obvious right now.

That being the case, we have to change the way people understand the threat of a general thermonuclear war.  And what most people would assume to be the characteristic threat, is something which I would say, on my best guess, is not what’s going to happen.  But rather, the full blast, the destructive force, will be in the Eurasian mainland and southern parts accordingly.  That’s where the problem lies.  Now, we have to actually define that problem, rather than just going with this “All-out, well, maybe, so forth, so on.”  We’ve got to get rid of that.  Because there’s no purpose for running a war of this type on a full scale, in terms of the world as a whole.  That does not make sense.  But, what would make sense, is what was done with Zeus, a Zeusian kind of thing, where a very extensive destruction of large areas of the planet Earth would be affected, and it would be really a long time before anybody really moved things up and started to build a civilization again.

That’s what we have to look at.  Now that means that we have to think accordingly.  I think Obama is a real loser.  I don’t see how he can possibly get by with what he’s intending to do. It’s obvious that anybody who’s trying to run an operation, like the Anglo-American forces, is going to play it carefully, but let the full blast of evil strike generally on the Eurasian land-area.

That’s what we’re looking at.  And for the time being, we ought to focus our attention on that, without placing any specific limits on such a war.  But we should recognize that anybody who’s going to run a thermonuclear war on the planet right now, is going to limit the territory, and it can be very large areas of territory, especially on Eurasia.  But we have to operate on the basis of assuming that that is the best option for terror from the Anglo-American interests.  And we ought to react on that basis.  Not go fishing around and saying, “Maybe we’ll all be wiped out.”  I don’t think the intention is there, even for evil people, to do that kind of thing.  They might do it on a very large scale, like a Eurasian scale.  But they’re not going to blow up the whole planet; that’s not their option.  It could happen, of course, but it wouldn’t be their choice of option. They might fall into it; that’s a fact we have to take into account.

But the likely fact is that the area of Eurasia, and areas south of it, is the area in which a thermonuclear war is a likely proposition.  That’s what we ought to concentrate on.  Other things could happen, but the Eurasian option is the likely option.  So, let’s not get stuck into this thing about worrying, and spreading the word, that everyone is going to get killed, wiped out.  Well, you could probably get two thirds of the population of the planet wiped out, but they would want to have an area which they could operate in, even with a greatly reduced population in the trans-Atlantic area, for an actual operation.

Remember, there are other forces involved here than just Obama.  So, we ought to be more specific, and don’t make sweeping, generalized statements about wiping out the human species on this planet as a whole.  That would be very foolish mistake; I think we ought to avoid that.

You can’t think about how you’re going to bargain or try to negotiate this thing.  You’ve got to actually present this fact, that this is reality.  Stick to the concept of that effect, that intention.  Expect that intention to be realized.  Now, you’ve got to stop it.

Zeus must be convinced that he won’t be able to survive his genocide.  They’ll call this blackmail, but it isn’t blackmail.

My intention is to save humanity.  I’m trying to make people aware of the conditions under which a Zeus option is not possible.

Go back to Jeanne D’Arc.  Jeanne D’Arc made herself the commander, the captain.  She was captured by the British, so to speak.  And they tortured her. They tortured her to death.  They cooked her, and they disintegrated her body afterward.  And what happened as a result, was that the Renaissance forces reacted to what was done to Jeanne D’Arc by what we would call the British today.  The murder of Jeanne D’Arc actually produced the will to defeat the forces which had killed her.  That became the Renaissance; all decent civilization throughout the planet is the fruit of the influence of the Renaissance, with Nicholas of Cusa at its center.

This is what we’re talking about; this is strategy.  This is what I’m talking about.  We need a new Renaissance now, a serious Renaissance.  We understand how the human species behaves; we understand its evil as well as its good potential, and we must make an instrument which will do what has to be done, to prevent a mass killing of the human population.  And to create a new kind of organization, a new kind of Renaissance, in the sense of Nicholas of Cusa’s Renaissance.  That’s the policy, not the dibs and dabs and so forth.  And that will work.  That’s what we must do.  We’re getting indications that such potentials exist.  They may be faint on the horizon, but they exist.  And if we do our job properly, we can call a halt to the genocide.

You have to approach this as a matter of a war.  How do you conduct a war which you don’t want to become a war?   How do you pull the forces of the human population, and draw them together in such a way that they, themselves, find themselves dedicated to preventing this atrocity?

You have to lead.   And to deal with an atrocity of this nature, you have to go to the edge of everything.  And you have to jam the works up, so the awful thing does not happen. Nicholas of Cusa’s work was in that direction, along with others in the Renaissance.  And that’s the way we have to approach it. You have to take the principle of the Renaissance.  You have to look at the idea of the Renaissance, from the standpoint of the long wait of Europe to become free of the Zeus atrocity.  So therefore, this is a strategic force of a special kind.  It’s a special kind of force which appears in the scope of human history only very, very rarely.  And it’s just as well it is that way.

In a new evaluation presented to his associates in the past 48 hours, Lyndon LaRouche states that the strategy for nuclear war being pursued by the Anglo-American monetarists will in all probability target Eurasia for extinction. They believe that they can actually win a war, which will depopulate much of the planet, while saving the United States and other areas of the transatlantic region. Here are LaRouche’s remarks in full.

We have a situation in which we have to recognize the characteristics of the situation we’re operating in.

How do you pull the forces of the human population, and draw them together in such a way that they, themselves, find themselves dedicated to preventing this atrocity?
— Lyndon LaRouche • Feb. 25, 2015

  That is that we’re on the verge of being pulled into the potential of a thermonuclear war, but the idea of the thermonuclear war is not quite what Obama or Obama-thinkers would imagine.  Because the situation is such that if you want to take an optimal estimate of how this thing will will work out, you would have to say that the Eurasian area is the area in which the British,—even though they don’t have much capability to be able to do anything strategically,— but they could waste much of Eurasia, for the sake of what they want to do: their fun and games.

Thus their fun and games could be, most likely the type in which the Atlantic-to-Pacific element of Eurasia would be targeted, rather than the United States, and you could go south from there.  The very idea that you’re going to start with a world war of all the territory of the planet, is not exactly what the schemers want to have.  They want a certain part of the world within the trans-Atlantic region as a playground, from which they would watch the destruction of the rest of the world.

The danger lies essentially in the focus within Western Europe and Eurasia.  I’m not saying this is going to happen, but this is the likely case.  The likely case is that it is not the United States which will be hit hard, although of course it will be hit, but Eurasia will be hit hard. That’s pretty much obvious right now.

That being the case, we have to change the way people understand the threat of a general thermonuclear war.  And what most people would assume to be the characteristic threat, is something which I would say, on my best guess, is not what’s going to happen.  But rather, the full blast, the destructive force, will be in the Eurasian mainland and southern parts accordingly.  That’s where the problem lies.  Now, we have to actually define that problem, rather than just going with this “All-out, well, maybe, so forth, so on.”  We’ve got to get rid of that.  Because there’s no purpose for running a war of this type on a full scale, in terms of the world as a whole.  That does not make sense.  But, what would make sense, is what was done with Zeus, a Zeusian kind of thing, where a very extensive destruction of large areas of the planet Earth would be affected, and it would be really a long time before anybody really moved things up and started to build a civilization again.

That’s what we have to look at.  Now that means that we have to think accordingly.  I think Obama is a real loser.  I don’t see how he can possibly get by with what he’s intending to do. It’s obvious that anybody who’s trying to run an operation, like the Anglo-American forces, is going to play it carefully, but let the full blast of evil strike generally on the Eurasian land-area.

That’s what we’re looking at.  And for the time being, we ought to focus our attention on that, without placing any specific limits on such a war.  But we should recognize that anybody who’s going to run a thermonuclear war on the planet right now, is going to limit the territory, and it can be very large areas of territory, especially on Eurasia.  But we have to operate on the basis of assuming that that is the best option for terror from the Anglo-American interests.  And we ought to react on that basis.  Not go fishing around and saying, “Maybe we’ll all be wiped out.”  I don’t think the intention is there, even for evil people, to do that kind of thing.  They might do it on a very large scale, like a Eurasian scale.  But they’re not going to blow up the whole planet; that’s not their option.  It could happen, of course, but it wouldn’t be their choice of option. They might fall into it; that’s a fact we have to take into account.

But the likely fact is that the area of Eurasia, and areas south of it, is the area in which a thermonuclear war is a likely proposition.  That’s what we ought to concentrate on.  Other things could happen, but the Eurasian option is the likely option.  So, let’s not get stuck into this thing about worrying, and spreading the word, that everyone is going to get killed, wiped out.  Well, you could probably get two thirds of the population of the planet wiped out, but they would want to have an area which they could operate in, even with a greatly reduced population in the trans-Atlantic area, for an actual operation.

Remember, there are other forces involved here than just Obama.  So, we ought to be more specific, and don’t make sweeping, generalized statements about wiping out the human species on this planet as a whole.  That would be very foolish mistake; I think we ought to avoid that.

You can’t think about how you’re going to bargain or try to negotiate this thing.  You’ve got to actually present this fact, that this is reality.  Stick to the concept of that effect, that intention.  Expect that intention to be realized.  Now, you’ve got to stop it.

Zeus must be convinced that he won’t be able to survive his genocide.  They’ll call this blackmail, but it isn’t blackmail.

My intention is to save humanity.  I’m trying to make people aware of the conditions under which a Zeus option is not possible.

Go back to Jeanne D’Arc.  Jeanne D’Arc made herself the commander, the captain.  She was captured by the British, so to speak.  And they tortured her. They tortured her to death.  They cooked her, and they disintegrated her body afterward.  And what happened as a result, was that the Renaissance forces reacted to what was done to Jeanne D’Arc by what we would call the British today.  The murder of Jeanne D’Arc actually produced the will to defeat the forces which had killed her.  That became the Renaissance; all decent civilization throughout the planet is the fruit of the influence of the Renaissance, with Nicholas of Cusa at its center.

This is what we’re talking about; this is strategy.  This is what I’m talking about.  We need a new Renaissance now, a serious Renaissance.  We understand how the human species behaves; we understand its evil as well as its good potential, and we must make an instrument which will do what has to be done, to prevent a mass killing of the human population.  And to create a new kind of organization, a new kind of Renaissance, in the sense of Nicholas of Cusa’s Renaissance.  That’s the policy, not the dibs and dabs and so forth.  And that will work.  That’s what we must do.  We’re getting indications that such potentials exist.  They may be faint on the horizon, but they exist.  And if we do our job properly, we can call a halt to the genocide.

You have to approach this as a matter of a war.  How do you conduct a war which you don’t want to become a war?   How do you pull the forces of the human population, and draw them together in such a way that they, themselves, find themselves dedicated to preventing this atrocity?

You have to lead.   And to deal with an atrocity of this nature, you have to go to the edge of everything.  And you have to jam the works up, so the awful thing does not happen. Nicholas of Cusa’s work was in that direction, along with others in the Renaissance.  And that’s the way we have to approach it. You have to take the principle of the Renaissance.  You have to look at the idea of the Renaissance, from the standpoint of the long wait of Europe to become free of the Zeus atrocity.  So therefore, this is a strategic force of a special kind.  It’s a special kind of force which appears in the scope of human history only very, very rarely.  And it’s just as well it is that way.

The foreign ministers of Russia and China spoke out strongly against unilateralism and attacks on sovereignty, at February 23rd’s U.N. Security Council special conference on “Maintaining International Peace and Security: Reaffirm the Strong Commitment to the Purposes of the Charter of the United Nations.” This put them directly at odds with the wild geopolitical rantings made by the Ambassadors to the U.N. from the United States, Samantha Power, and from Britain, Mark Lyall Grant. Thus, the meeting was a venue for a direct clash between the BRICS dynamic toward prosperity and peace, and shrill demands for military actions, and even changing the U.N. Charter.

The event was convened by China, president of the Security Council for February (which rotates monthly), and brought together representatives from some 80 countries, who spoke for five minutes each. China’s Foreign Minister Wang Yi presided.

On the sidelines, Wang met with Russia’s spokesman, Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov, after which the two of them reiterated the commitment of their nations to work together to,
“maintain high-level exchanges, continue to support each other, and strengthen communication and coordination on significant international and regional hotspot issues,” reported Xinhua today.

Wang, in his conference addess, hit directly at US unilateralism, according to Xinhua. He said:

“In China’s view, any unilateral move that bypasses the Security Council is illegal and illegitimate. The Security Council needs to take more precautionary measures to forestall conflict and act in a timely manner to stop warfare so as to restore peace and promote reconstruction as early as possible.”

Xinhua reported,

“Wang said China calls upon all countries, major countries in particular, to step up awareness of cooperation and abandon the mind-set of confrontation, working hard to resolve major problems hampering the world’s peace and regional development through consultations.” Wang said, “The old mindset of confrontation should be discarded, and consultation and cooperation among the parties should be encouraged if we are to address the major issues affecting world and regional peace and development.”

Wang pointed out that no country in the world is entitled to impose its own will on others or to topple the legitimate governments of other countries. “We should make sure that justice, not hegemony, will prevail in the world,” he said. As BRICSPost noted today, with understatement, Wang’s point was “an apparent jibe at the US.”

Wang said,
“We should work with each other with a win-win, not zero-sum approach. We call upon all countries to come together to share rights and obligations and uphold justice while pursuing interests.”

Lavrov’s speech was equally tough; he included specifics on the Washington/London record, as in the case of “Western” intervention and destruction in Serbia, Libya and Iraq.