The necessity to remove Barack Obama from Presidential authority, in order to prevent an otherwise oncoming nuclear confrontation of the United States with Russia and China, was made dramatically clear by events and warnings today.

Following Obama’s (and NATO’s) aggressive public support for Turkey’s provocative act of war against Russia, his meeting today with Putin at the Paris Conference was an escalation. According to both the White House and Kremlin reports of the meeting, Obama reiterated his insistence that Syrian President Assad “must go” as precondition for any cooperation against terrorist gangs in Syria; that Russia must join the “U.S. led coalition” and must stop bombing in the areas of strength of al-Nusra and other jihadi groups being armed by Saudi Arabia, Turkey, the United States and Britain. Obama disregards the views and reports of military and military intelligence, to continue escalating the confrontation with Vladimir Putin.

A Russian strategic analyst writing in Sputnik News today warned that the Turkish provocation, backed by NATO and by Obama, is pushing the world toward a confrontation like that of the 1962 Cuba Missiles Crisis — this time not with a JFK to resolve the situation, but with his opposite, the arrogant drone killer Obama.

And a senior Chinese expert on Eurasian affairs, based in Hong Kong, gave an even more dramatic warning: If Obama continues to conduct provocations in the South China Sea, China may well respond “asymmetrically,” with nuclear war.

EIR Founding Editor Lyndon LaRouche, insisting there is no way out but Obama’s rapid removal from office, said today,

“Putin was right in estimating his position vis a vis Obama. There will be no change of course or backing down by Putin; and he understands fully, that no cooperation is possible with Obama. Putin is not experimenting. He is determined, and looking at the confrontation from a global standpoint. It is Obama’s White House, which is making serious blunders, but everything it is doing, is with full intention.”

This was LaRouche’s emphatic point about Chinese Professor Zhang’s warning of a U.S.-China nuclear war triggered by Obama’s provocations. This analysis of the situation is “absolutely right,” LaRouche noted, but for one thing — the nuclear confrontation is not “unintentional” or an “error” on Obama’s part.

“Obama DOES know what he is doing,” LaRouche said. “He is a killer, and British-controlled.”

Obama is threatening nuclear war, arrogantly believing in a Russian or Chinese “backdown” which does not exist.

“But he can lose his grip on the situation, if challenged by people and forces moving to get him out of office.” That is the mission — if we can do it in time.

I’m ready to help.

The president of France’s Solidarité et Progrès party Jacques Cheminade, a longtime friend of Lyndon LaRouche’s, told Sputnik that France must not stay in the NATO alliance if Turkey is allowed to remain, after Ankara’s unapologetic shootdown of a Russian bomber over Syria, where the Russians have been engaged in the fight against ISIS at the invitation of the Syrian President.

Here is an excerpt of the English-language dispatch from Sputnik, posted Friday, and headlined “France Should Leave NATO if Turkey Preserves Its Membership in the Alliance after the Downing of a Russian Su-24 Aircraft.”.

France should leave NATO if Turkey preserves its membership in the alliance after the downing of a Russian Su-24 aircraft, head of the French Solidarity and Progress party told Sputnik France on Friday.

“Either France should leave NATO at this stage, or to demand suspension or exclusion of Turkey [from the alliance members] as part of NATO,” Jacques Cheminade said.

On Tuesday, the Su-24 bomber crashed in Syria. Russian President Vladimir Putin said that the plane was downed by an air-to-air missile launched by a Turkish F-16 jet over Syrian territory, falling 4 kilometers (2.5 miles) from the Turkish border. Putin described the Turkish attack as a “stab in the back” carried out by “accomplices of terrorists.”

The full article can be found here.

Lyndon H. LaRouche today reiterated, with added urgency, his previous warning that U.S. President Barack Obama is on a determined path toward nuclear war and must be removed from office immediately. The warning comes in response to the escalation of Obama’s ongoing nuclear confrontation policy towards Russia as exemplified by the shooting down of a Russian jet over Syria by NATO member and U.S. ally Turkey. The Turkish action could only have occurred with the blessing of Obama. LaRouche’s warnings are underscored by assessments of security experts in the U.S. Yet, there is a foolish reluctance among these experts to demand the one remedy that can pull the world back from the threat of nuclear war—removing Obama from control of the U.S. nuclear forces, by impeachment or the activation of the 25th amendment to the U.S. Constitution.

The latest warning about possible imminent nuclear war was just published in Politico Magazine by a former nuclear-missile launch officer, Bruce G. Blair, titled, “Could U.S.-Russia Tensions Go Nuclear?” Blair points to the Obama Administration’s launch on warning policy and the shortening of the response time for making a decision about launching nuclear forces. He states that this puts the world on a nuclear hair-trigger more dangerous than during the Cold War.

Blair warns,

“That’s especially true since the public doesn’t realize just how little time exists for our leaders to make a decision to use nuclear weapons, even today—and if anything the atmosphere has become even more hair trigger with the threat of cyberwarfare. A launch order is the length of a tweet. Missile crews in turn transmit a short stream of computer signals that immediately ignite the rocket engines of many hundreds of land-based missiles. For the United States, this takes 1 minute. As a former nuclear-missile launch officer, I personally practiced it hundreds of times. We were called Minutemen. U.S. submarine crews take a little longer; they can fire their missiles in 12 minutes.”

“Given the 11- to 30-minute flight times of attacking missiles (11 for submarines lurking off the other side’s coasts, and 30 for rockets flying over the poles to the other side of the planet), nuclear decision-making under launch on warning—the process from warning to decision to action—is extremely rushed, emotionally charged, and pro forma, driven by checklists. I describe it as the rote enactment of a prepared script. In some scenarios, after only a 3-minute assessment of early warning data, the U.S. president receives a 30-second briefing on his nuclear response options and their consequences. He then has a few minutes—12 at most, more likely 3 to 6—to choose one.”

In that context, Obama’s deployment of U.S. and allied forces against Russia can only be seen as an escalation towards nuclear conflict. For example, Blair cites the deployment of U.S. Aegis destroyers in the Black Sea armed with cruise missiles that could strike Moscow in minutes. Or the deployment of U.S. strategic bombers flying toward Russia. This, in turn, forces Russia into an escalatory response.

Blair asks, “Do U.S. leaders understand that the Russians may fear a decapitation threat is emerging, and that this threat may be the underlying driver raising the stakes for Russia to the level of an existential threat warranting preparations for the use of nuclear weapons? I doubt they do.”

The frightening conclusion that Blair does not draw, however, is that U.S. President Barack Obama does know, and intends, to create an existential crisis for Russia, and thus, bring the world to the brink of thermonuclear war. Since the beginning of Barack Obama’s Presidency, LaRouche has warned that Obama is a narcissistic killer. Everything that Obama has done since has proven LaRouche right. One need only look at Obama’s assumption of the role of global executioner, presiding over the regular Tuesday sessions where he personally decides the kill lists for U.S. drone attacks. Or, his confrontational behavior towards Russia in the wake of the Turkish downing of the Russian fighter jet.

There is no time or room for a long debate on this matter. Obama’s nuclear war provocation poses a threat to the existence of the human race. He must be removed now. A single Congressman can initiate impeachment proceedings. Responsible officials within the Presidency can initiate the 25th amendment on the basis that a President intending to provoke nuclear war is no longer fit for office. The American people must now heed LaRouche’s warning. Remove Obama Now!

Lyndon LaRouche is sharply criticizing his immediate associates for failing to change their own thinking, to grasp and act upon the immediate need to demoralize and crush Barack Obama before he succeeds in launching thermonuclear war over the coming days or weeks.

LaRouche insists that Obama must immediately be humiliated and degraded to the extent that he is unable to force through the remaining short steps to thermonuclear war, nor able to prevent his being abruptly forced out of office.  This is a matter of life or death for humanity,— not weeks into the future, but right now.

On just this issue, in his emergency Fireside Chat on the evening of Nov 25, the last question to LaRouche came from a Texan, who said impeachment of Obama was out of the question, since it requires two-thirds of the Senate, and has never happened.  Obama should be thrown out in a popularly-demanded military coup like Egyptian dictator Morsi, he continued, but that can’t happen since Obama has fired all the good generals. How can we get the American people to rise up en masse and demand Obama’s ouster, he asked?

LaRouche answered that no systemic principle prevents that. The people must be mobilized into the right way of educating themselves.  The values they have been taught to adapt to have corrupted them.  It’s not just a question of cleaning up the people: they must be brought to understand the diseases with which they have infected their own minds.  This will work.

If you want to control society, you corrupt society; you induce people to believe things which are not true; whereas truthful knowledge is not generally practiced.  This is because our systems of government are so often corrupt.

You have to get people to look at themselves, and ask “What am I doing wrong?”  They can understand this, but they have to enter into a study of themselves, and review what they should be thinking about, with the right ideas.  This can be done, but the only way it can be done is for people to look at themselves very carefully.  To re-examine what they have adopted as their opinion.  Under certain conditions this has happened successfully.  We need that again now.

Lyndon LaRouche is sharply criticizing his immediate associates for failing to change their own thinking, to grasp and act upon the immediate need to demoralize and crush Barack Obama before he succeeds in launching thermonuclear war over the coming days or weeks.

LaRouche insists that Obama must immediately be humiliated and degraded to the extent that he is unable to force through the remaining short steps to thermonuclear war, nor able to prevent his being abruptly forced out of office.  This is a matter of life or death for humanity,— not weeks into the future, but right now.

On just this issue, in his emergency Fireside Chat on the evening of Nov 25, the last question to LaRouche came from a Texan, who said impeachment of Obama was out of the question, since it requires two-thirds of the Senate, and has never happened.  Obama should be thrown out in a popularly-demanded military coup like Egyptian dictator Morsi, he continued, but that can’t happen since Obama has fired all the good generals. How can we get the American people to rise up en masse and demand Obama’s ouster, he asked?

LaRouche answered that no systemic principle prevents that. The people must be mobilized into the right way of educating themselves.  The values they have been taught to adapt to have corrupted them.  It’s not just a question of cleaning up the people: they must be brought to understand the diseases with which they have infected their own minds.  This will work.

If you want to control society, you corrupt society; you induce people to believe things which are not true; whereas truthful knowledge is not generally practiced.  This is because our systems of government are so often corrupt.

You have to get people to look at themselves, and ask “What am I doing wrong?”  They can understand this, but they have to enter into a study of themselves, and review what they should be thinking about, with the right ideas.  This can be done, but the only way it can be done is for people to look at themselves very carefully.  To re-examine what they have adopted as their opinion.  Under certain conditions this has happened successfully.  We need that again now.

“One question is would [Turkish President] Erdogan do this without US permission, without US support,” said Daniel McAdams, executive director of the Ron Paul Institute for Peace and Prosperity, in an interview today with Sputnik International. McAdams, a long-time aide to Ron Paul in Congress, accused Turkey of criminal activity in helping ISIS:

“This is very serious…Turkey has allowed itself to become a super-hotbed for ISIS and other jihadists to go back and forth from Syria into Turkey…if you want criminal activity, Turkey is an accomplice to the crime at the very least.”

…Just this week, the US was considering inviting al-Qaeda’s affiliate Ahrar ash-Sham to attend the talks [on Syria], as well. So, 14 years after al-Qaeda attacked the US on 9/11, the US is talking about bringing an al-Qaeda affiliate in as a moderate opposition in Syria.”

Obama’s role is also raised by Pepe Escobar: “Let’s cut to the chase. The notion that Turkey’s downing of a Russian Su-24 by a made-in-USA F-16 was carried out without either a green light or at least pre-arranged ‘support’ from Washington” is almost impossible to believe. Escobar then gives a synopsis of Turkey’s dirty role under “Sultan Erdogan” in helping ISIS, and trafficking in oil stolen by ISIS from Syria and Iraq.  He also documents that “Bilal Erdogan, the sultan’s son, is a major profiteer” in this trade, which Putin, he notes, exposed at the G-20 meeting in Antalya, Turkey, last week.

There are also serious warnings of the danger of nuclear war. Republican Presidential candidate Rand Paul said yesterday, reported The Hill, “The shooting down of a Russian fighter jet illustrates precisely why we need open lines” to Russia. He also smashed other candidates’ demands for a no-fly-zone, saying, “Shooting down other countries’ fighter jets will be the result and a war between nuclear superpowers a possibility.”  The editor of, Justin Raimondo, says that “the Americans want another Cuban missile crisis … Are you ready for World War III?”

British agent Barack Obama was behind the Turkish shoot-down of the Russian Su-24 over Syrian airspace on Tuesday, Nov. 24, and the Russian government has made clear that it is fully aware of the Obama complicity. In a phone conversation with U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry on Wednesday, Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov pointed out that, under the terms of the Memorandum of Understanding on deconfliction that the U.S. and Russia recently signed, the U.S. took responsibility for the actions of all of the so-called Coalition partners. More to the point, Lavrov pointed out that the attack on the Russian plane was carried out by a U.S. manufactured F-16, and there are binding understandings that offensive operations using U.S. made planes must be pre-cleared.

In the immediate aftermath of the shooting down of the Russian jet, President Obama made a point of getting on the phone with Turkish President Erdogan, and assuring him that the U.S. fully supported his “sovereign” actions. In his disgusting press conference with visiting French President Hollande on Tuesday afternoon, Obama launched into a megalomaniacal attack on Putin and Russia, calling them “the outliers” and “offering” Russia one last chance to join the U.S. led “Coalition” doing the real fighting against ISIS.

Obama was doing what he does best—lying, pathologically, on behalf of his British masters. For the longest time, the British Crown strategy has been to provoke war between the United States and Russia, and to fuel a permanent population war within the Muslim world, between Sunni and Shia, using their Saudi junior partners as the chief provocateurs. Now, Turkey, under the corrupt Erdogan regime, has been brought into the mix, to stir up the conditions for world war. Obama has been the principle asset of this British war strategy ever since he came into office, and kicked off his first term by visiting Queen Elizabeth and Prince Charles in London three months after his inauguration.

A growing number of analysts have joined Lyndon LaRouche in calling the shot on Obama’s complicity in the Turkish actions of Tuesday. John Helmer in Moscow, Justin Raimondo, Daniel McAdams of the Ron Paul Peace Institute, and Pepe Escobar have all come out in the last 24 hours, saying that Erdogan would have never launched the action against the Russian jet without prior approval from Obama.

In response to the Turkish attack, President Putin has announced a number of immediate military counter-measures, including the deployment of the most advanced S-400 air defense systems to the Russian air base in Latakia Province in Syria, the stationing of a surface-to-air missile ship off the Syrian coast, and the beefing up of intercept escorts for all future Russian bombing runs against ISIS targets in Syria. The Russian government made clear that they have evidence, including the heat trail from the Su-24, showing that it never entered Turkish airspace. An unnamed US official told Reuters and other news agencies that the Russian plane was shot down over Syrian airspace, after a very brief passage through Turkish airspace, that could not have lasted more than a few seconds. The attack was pre-planned, pre-meditated, and aimed at wrecking the post-Paris attacks climate, in which a potential for a settlement of the five-year Syrian war and a concentrated campaign to destroy ISIS and Nusra was in the making.

Putin will respond with a flanking attack, in line with his September deployment of Russian forces into Syria, that fundamentally altered the direction of the conflict.

If there was any doubt that this is a global British/Obama- led war drive against Russia, just look at Ukraine, where the Right Sector has been bombing power lines into Crimea, and where Victoria Nuland’s pet, Yatsenyuk, just announced he was barring Russian planes from any access to Ukrainian air space. That is tantamount to a threat to shoot down a Russian plane at any moment.

The biggest vulnerability of the British in this war drive is Barack Obama. He has committed crimes against humanity, and so many impeachable crimes that he only remains in office due to the cowardice and opportunism of most members of Congress and the American people, who tolerate his existence at the risk of their own survival.

Once again, the British Royal Family is personally stepping forward to lead the fight for the genocide program they seek to impose on the world in the name of the “anthropogenic climate change” hoax. Prince Charles is not only scheduled to give a keynote speech at the UN COP21 Climate Change summit which opens in Paris on Nov. 30. Three days earlier, Queen Elizabeth, her would-be mortal virus consort, Prince Philip, and their unfortunate offspring Charles will descend on the isle of Malta, to take the lead in the Nov. 27-29 Commonwealth Heads of Government Meeting (CHOGM), where climate change is a key issue on the agenda.

Commonwealth Secretary General Kamalesh Sharma wrote in the Times of Malta on Nov. 22, that the Commonwealth countries, representing a third of the world’s people, could accelerate implementation of such global schemes. He reported that more than half of the Commonwealth nations are small island states—key targets of the lie of CO2-induced “rising seas” hysteria.

In 2009, when the Commonwealth’s biennal summit also occurred on eve of the world UN Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) summit — that one in Copenhagen — Queen Elizabeth famously opened that CHOGM summit in Trinidad and Tobago with a speech ordering her subjects around the world to ensure that a binding agreement be imposed at the Copenhagen UNFCCC COP15 summit which was to follow.

The Queen failed royally in Copenhagen. “I went to Copenhagen in 2009, and that really ended in disaster, frankly,” Prince Charles admits in just-released clips of an interview with Sky News, scheduled to be aired in Britain in full.

The Prince’s interview threatens to make the Royal family an international laughing stock. Taped three weeks ago, the addled Prince argues that the war in Syria is driven by climate change!

Quoth the would-be heir to that unfortunate throne: “There’s very good evidence indeed that one of the major reasons for this horror in Syria, funnily enough, was a drought that lasted for about five or six years, which meant that huge numbers of people in the end had to leave the land.”  And droughts come from CO2.

Asked if there was a direct link between climate change, conflict and terrorism, he added:

“It’s only in the last few years that the Pentagon have actually started to pay attention to this. It has a huge impact on what is happening…. I mean the difficulties in 2008 with the financial crash — that was a banking crisis. But we’re now facing a real possibility of Nature’s bank going bust.”

American statesman Lyndon LaRouche drily suggested that the Prince’s diapers need changing.

Where Russian President Putin had launched a flank which could lead to the complete destruction of the ISIS and al-Qaeda terrorists’ base in Syria and Iraq, the British have now intervened aggressively against that flank, which the whole planet desperately needs.

British Prime Minister Cameron’s current frenetic deployment aims to enforce the opposed war policy, the disastrous war policy of Tony Blair, George W. Bush, Barack Obama — British agents and puppets. Cameron insists: No, don’t destroy the base of the terrorists murdering in the Mideast and Europe. Assad must be overthrown as President of Syria first.

And British puppet Obama has repeated, throughout the past week: No cooperation against ISIS, the precondition is that Russia must agree that Assad has to be thrown out first.

The British monarchy and financial empire insist: Don’t go after ISIS’ funders and arms suppliers in Saudi Arabia; don’t go after its facilitator in the Turkish government. Above all, don’t challenge the British-Saudi policy of regime-change wars carried out by Bush and Obama, which has knowingly created and spread ISIS and driven hundreds of thousands of desperate refugees into Europe.

To France and other nations, the British order: Don’t enter a partnership with Russia and call the United States to join it to destroy ISIS; but demand that Assad must go first. Don’t seize the chance offered by Putin’s recent openly global role, backed by China’s offer to extend the New Silk Road development into the Mideast.

At the same time the British royals are preparing to head up the Paris COP21 “global warming” conference and direct it to their obsession — reducing the human population. Prince Charles, chosen to keynote that conference, claimed in an interview Nov. 21 that climate change is the cause of the genocidal wars in the Mideast and North Africa — not Tony Blair, not George W. Bush and Barack Obama, but climate change caused those wars.

And British puppet Obama repeated, in a speech Nov. 21, that “climate change is the number-one national security threat to the United States.”

Is he insane? No, he’s a puppet of the British monarchy and the British financial empire, and of Wall Street.

Lyndon LaRouche has insisted on this. Obama is a British puppet and a president of perpetual wars and drone murders. He has to be removed from office. Then, to recover, “everything we have to do in the United States has to go to the principles that President Franklin Roosevelt represented against Wall Street. There will be no peace until the British monarchy is overthrown,” LaRouche said on Nov. 22.

Pay attention to LaRouche’s insistence on this, it means the future of mankind.

With Brussels in a second day of lockdown, in anticipation of another major Islamic State terrorist attack on the scale of the Nov. 13 massacres in Paris, attention is increasingly turning to the fact that the hub of jihadist terrorism is actually located in the heart of Europe.  Brussels, the capital of both NATO and the European Union, is now being referred to as Brusselstan, just as London has long been referred to as Londonistan, because of the fact that virtually every jihadist, narcoterrorist, and separatist terrorist organization has been housed, protected, and financed by the British Monarchy.  Recently, the British government dropped all charges against an alleged jihadist weapons smuggler, because his defense attorneys pointed out that the same groups he was accused of arming were being overtly backed by British intelligence’s MI6.

This is an old story.  London has been at the center of world terrorism for decades.  Executive Intelligence Review provided a dossier to the U.S. Department of State in 2000, calling for Great Britain to be put on the list of state sponsors of terrorism.  The dossier was based exclusively on evidence provided by governments around the world, including Russia, Egypt, India, Pakistan, Colombia, and Peru, showing conclusively that the British Crown was harboring the world’s worst terrorists as part of the system of Empire.  The biggest British banks, starting with HSBC (formerly the Hong Kong and Shanghai Banking Corporation, of Opium Wars infamy), are the world’s most notorious drug money laundering institutions, as recently documented by the United States Senate.

It is the British Crown, as well, that has deployed Knight Commander John Schellnhuber to capture the Pope and the Vatican to the idea of radical population reduction, based on the scientific swindle of man-induced global warming.

Every atrocity committed by President Barack Obama—from his drone-kill mass assassinations in Afghanistan, Pakistan, Yemen, and Somalia, to his overthrow and cold-blooded murder of Qaddafi in Libya, creating a zone of chaos, terrorism, and failed states across much of North Africa and the Middle East, to the decimation of the conditions of life for the vast majority of Americans—can be laid at the doorstep of the British Crown. Obama is nothing but a British agent, who was selected by the British to be installed as President of the United States, on behalf of the Crown and the City of London.

After the Paris atrocities, it is becoming transparently obvious to a growing number of thinking people that the Islamic State is a creation of Obama and the British.  Al Qaeda was created and nurtured by the British, the United States, and Saudi Arabia during the 1980s, who collectively assemble a gang of terrorists from jails throughout the Arab and Islamic world, to drive the Soviets out of Afghanistan.  In 1985, Prince Bandar bin Sultan, a virtual member of the Bush Family, joined with British Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher to launch the Al Yamamah barter arrangement, under which a $100 billion offshore slush fund was established to covertly arm Al Qaeda and other terrorist outfits. In 2001, Bandar deployed some of those Al Yamamah funds to bankroll the 9/11 hijackers to take down the World Trade Towers and strike the Pentagon.

If you want to understand why British agent Barack Obama has refused to declassify the 28 pages from the original Joint Congressional Inquiry into 9/11, you must start from the top down, with this account of how the British and Obama created Al Qaeda and, more recently, the Islamic State.  Former Defense Intelligence Agency head Gen. Michael Flynn has openly reported that President Obama armed the Syrian rebels out of Benghazi, and continued to do so because it was the Administration’s policy. DIA documents from the summer and autumn of 2012 detailed the joint British-American operations from Benghazi to smuggling ports in rebel-held areas of Syria.

Lyndon LaRouche bluntly told colleagues on Sunday, Nov. 22, that you have to eradicate the British Monarchy or there is no solution to the Syria war or any other global hot-spot.  Unless the British Empire is brought down, we are facing global war against Russia and China, leading to the extermination of much of mankind.  Barack Obama is a British agent, selected by the British to be President of the United States. We must sink the British Empire and all it represents or we will face accelerated horror shows around the globe.