Remember former Soviet leader Mikhail Gorbachov’s Jan. 10 warning, echoing repeated statements of U.S. statesman Lyndon LaRouche, that any U.S.-Russia confrontation over Ukraine “would inevitably turn into a nuclear war.”

Now consider the cascade of developments since Victoria Nuland’s Nazi-dominated government in Ukraine re-initiated its attempt to retake control of Eastern Ukraine militarily, which is being turned into an British/Obama-led NATO showdown with Russia. On Sunday, during a state visit to India, President Obama immediately charged, without hesitation or evidence, that Russia was responsible for the Jan. 24 attack on civilians in Mariupol, in the eastern region of Ukraine, which he declared to have been carried out by Ukrainian resistance, misnamed “separatists.” Charging that “separatists” carried out that aggression “with Russian backing, Russian equipment, Russian financing, Russian training and Russian troops,” Obama ominously declared that he will “rachet-up pressure” on Russia, looking “at all additional options that are available to us short of military confrontation.” Greater sanctions against Russia will also be on the table at the emergency meeting of European Union Foreign Ministers convoked for Jan. 29.

At the conclusion of an emergency meeting held on Jan. 26., the OSCE Permanent Council expressed:
“deep concern about the increase in violence in Donetsk and Luhansk regions…[and]…stressed the need for all parties to immediately return to peace consultations in order to achieve a sustainable ceasefire and to implement all provisions of the Minsk agreements,”

But belligerent confrontation against Russia dominated the emergency meetings of NATO and the UN Security Council, convoked yesterday also at the request of Nuland’s Ukrainian government. Like Obama, U.S. Ambassador Samantha Power  grandstanded at the UN meeting that
“this offensive is made in Moscow. It is waged by Russian-trained and Russian-funded separatists, who use Russian missiles and Russian tanks, who are backed up by Russian troops.”
UN Under Secretary General for Political Affairs Jeffrey Feltman asserted that the Mariupol shelling of civilians came from rebel-controlled territory. Russian UN Ambassador Vitaly Churkin’s appeal to Western governments to “stop egging on the Ukrainian hawks. The only thing that will lead to is an even greater catastrophe,” was ignored.

NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg emerged from the NATO ambassadors meeting to likewise charge that the Mariupol attack came from territory controlled by the “separatists” which are backed by Russia. Stoltenberg reported that Ukrainian Gen. Mykhailo Koval briefed the Ukraine’s security and defense council yesterday and will meet with NATO defense councilors today, but claimed NATO only provided “political” support, along with financing (“trust funds”) for modernizing their armed forces and medical aid for wounded soldiers. Ukraine’s Ambassador to NATO Ihor Dolhov indicated Kiev’s request for additional military assistance was made to “individual countries” of NATO.

Russian Presidential Press Secretary Dmitry Peskov responded that the new threats of sanctions against Russia will prove

“absolutely destructive…[which will]…eventually prove to be short-sighted. Russia has never agreed to such threats and moreover, the threats and blackmail have never led and never would lead to the change of Russia’s well-known and logical position…. Instead of stepping up the pressure on those who refuse to start a dialogue and to solve the conflict in a peaceful way, we hear they want to resume this economic blackmail against Russia.”

Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) has gone where Obama has refused (in his State of the Union speech, for example) to go: calling for a $1 trillion investment to repair our disintegrating infrastructure.

Sanders, a potential 2016 Presidential candidate, and now the ranking member of the Senate Budget Committee, produced the report in advance of hearings sure to be dominated by a Republican bloodlust for budget cuts, with a fresh Congressional Budget Office annual report on the state of the U.S. economy out yesterday afternoon, focused on deficits and the national debt. In his report, Sanders compiles his own list of “deficits,” starting with the Jobs deficit; Infrastructure; Income and Equality (both the lack thereof and the unequal distribution of); Retirement Security (where workers are forced to work longer and retire with smaller pensions); Trade and Education deficit.

Sanders’ report on infrastructure reads:

“Our infrastructure is collapsing, and the American people know it. Every day, motorists across the United States drive over bridges that are in disrepair and on roads with unforgiving potholes. They take railroad and subway trains that arrive late and are overcrowded. They see airports bursting at the seams. They worry that a local levee could fail in a storm.

“For many years we have underfunded the maintenance of our nation’s physical infrastructure. That has to change. It is time to rebuild America. Investing $1 trillion over five years to modernize our country’s physical infrastructure would create and maintain at least 13 million good-paying jobs that our economy desperately needs. We need to get this done.

“For most of our history, the United States proudly led the world in building innovative infrastructure — from a network of canals, to the transcontinental railroad, to the interstate highway system. We launched an ambitious rural electrification program, massive flood control projects, and more.

“These innovations grew our economy, gave our businesses a competitive advantage, provided our workers a decent standard of living, and were the envy of the world. Sadly, that is no longer the case.”

A warning that the oil debt crisis is likely to repeat the financial crash of 2008 appeared in the Financial Times Jan. 25; actually the more serious for its comical attempts to disguise itself as a “reassurance” that this is not likely to occur.  “Oil Price Slide Is Not Akin to Subprime Fiasco” was the name of the column, also republished in Oil & Companies News Jan. 26 and elsewhere. Most notably, the article was clearly based on a worried presentation by a Bank of Canada governor at a recent “energy markets” meeting in Wisconsin.

“Last decade, investors learnt a nasty lesson about contagion,” the article begins.

“When the price of mortgage bonds and related derivatives plunged in the summer of 2007, it initially seemed to be an isolated problem. Ben Bernanke, then Federal Reserve governor, declared that losses on subprime mortgages would be limited to $25 billion. But in the event, the panic spread to infect the whole financial system. Losses were 100 times higher.

“Could the same thing happen again, as a result of plunging oil prices? Timothy Lane, deputy governor of the Bank of Canada, told an energy conference in Wisconsin that it could, and that central bankers are alert to the possibility that financial linkages could transmit stress from oil markets to the financial system.

“Meanwhile, big investors are pondering those parallels with subprime. Chris Flanagan, head of securitization at Bank of America Merrill Lynch, recently compared the trajectory of the Brent crude oil price to the ABX index of subprime mortgage derivatives in 2007. He found that the patterns were almost identical. ‘As mortgage analysts, our concern with the disorderly downside scenario [to oil prices] perhaps is heightened by our experience with the subprime crisis,’ he wrote. `We feel that we may have seen this movie before.'”

The nature of the “reassuring statements” offered, is indicated by this one: After citing “big differences” from 2008, the article proffers that regulators are much more mobilized now; the Bank of Canada is doing stress tests on $35/barrel oil. This is laughable after the Wall Street banks’ roughshod ride over the U.S. Congress and “regulators” regarding derivatives in December.

Then this:

“There is a third difference, too: the dispersion of infected assets. Back in 2007, losses on mortgage-related assets created a chain reaction because these bonds and derivatives were spread across the system. Not only were they scattered across the portfolios of many investors; they were also used as collateral to underpin trillions of dollars of financial deals. There is no denying that bonds and derivatives whose value is linked to the oil price make up a noticeable chunk of the financial universe. They account for about one-sixth of risky American corporate debt, and sit inside many investor portfolios. But, unlike 2007, they are not widely used to underpin other financial deals.”

And if that doesn’t let the reader whistle past Lehman’s grave, this: “Whereas the banks that got into trouble in 2007 were the bedrock of the entire financial system, energy companies and commodity trading houses are not. True, if oil companies start defaulting on their bonds, the effects will ripple through the financial system….”

And finally: “The pattern could become more pernicious if it turns out that there are big financial interconnections that regulators cannot see. This scenario cannot be ruled out, given that these two corners of the financial system are murky. There is limited public data, for example, about what is happening inside the gigantic trading houses or how they are entwined with investment banks.”

The Wall Street system of banks is again facing a bankruptcy crisis — this time triggered by collapsing oil and commodity debt and derivatives — and even central bankers know that it will be as bad as a second 2008 crash, or worse.

These banks have been generally bankrupt since the impact of the elimination of Glass-Steagall. Wall Street’s bankruptcy crisis is made worse by the free fall of the euro and the fact that all the biggest European banks, most definitely including the London banks, are loaded to the gills with toxic debt securities of more and more varieties, and have never written any of it off since 2008.

A financial crash worse than 2008 is looming over this whole bankrupt London-Wall Street system of banks. The United States must act immediately to generate a buffer against this crash for its economy and citizens.

The Wall Street banks should effectively be shut down, put through a bankruptcy reorganization so that they may continue some limited function as commercial banks. Their ability to manage things in the U.S. economy must be terminated now, or the economy faces a terrible crisis.

Launch the bankruptcy reorganization of these megabanks by reinstating the Glass-Steagall Act to separate the doomed speculative divisions from their insured, regulated commercial banks — and let the former go.

As a substitute, a buffer of credit must be created — Federal credit — to put people into productive, well-paid work. That means above all, work related to crucial new projects of modern infrastructure.

Provide a source of Federal credit to be used by states and Federal governments to provide skilled employment and economic development. The United States must incur a limited debt to do so, but devoted entirely to this purpose. This has been done before; it must be done again.

Create a Reconstruction Finance Corporation with initial government capital and issue RFC bonds to the public and to commercial banks, to support national and state projects.

And, create a National Bank with an initial capital of new Treasury debt, and provide the great majority of that Bank’s capital by the voluntary trade of existing 3- to 30-year Treasury debt. If $500 billion of U.S. debt is voluntarily invested in the National Bank, the Treasury can issue $500 billion in Treasury notes to the Bank to start providing credit for productivity and employment.

Aid the states in a national high-speed rail network. Give credit support to state and municipal bond issues for new economic infrastructure. Provide western drought measures, from large-scale water diversion to a large network of nuclear desalination/power plants. Restore and replace the ancient national network of locks and dams, water navigation and water management, flood and storm protection. Restore cutbacks in medical care, firefighting, sanitation, water purification and build anew. Restore the nation’s historic levels of investment in NASA projects.

Most crucial for this new National Bank and RFC: Join the BRICS! Accept China’s President Xi Jinping’s offer to Obama at the APEC Summit last November.

Use the National Bank and RFC to join with the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank and the other new international development banks and funds for Silk Road and Maritime Silk Road infrastructure which have been created since the BRICS-allied nations summit in Brazil last July. In the process, multiply the buffer of Federal credit for new infrastructure and productivity investments in America.

Create a new economic platform for America’s economy, “driven” by development of fusion technologies and thermonuclear fusion power. Relaunch America’s presence in the Solar System in competition and cooperation with China’s lunar program, now the world’s leading space program.

Wall Street blowing out again will hit the economy like a major war. And Wall Street’s desperation is turning to escalating financial and other warfare actions against “enemies” China and Russia, which is leading toward actual, thermonuclear war.

That’s why the new institution, and the new economic platform, must be supplied immediately.

We need to put everything we have into making it happen.

A trio of experts, including two former U.S. Senators, have published serious warnings about the growing danger of thermonuclear war as the Ukraine crisis remains unresolved, and both Russia and the United States modernize their strategic nuclear triad under conditions of great tension.

Ted Postol, a well-known nuclear expert, published a warning in the Sunday Boston Globe under the headline “How a nuclear near-miss in ’95 would be a disaster today.”  The article cited a 1995 missile test by Norway that the Russians detected as a possible U.S. launch of a high-altitude nuclear detonation to “blind” Russian defenses to a possible U.S. thermonuclear first strike.  Postol noted that, fortunately, in 1995, relations between Washington and Moscow were on a positive enough footing that the Russians took a second look before deciding on whether or not to launch a second strike, which would be the standard response to a genuine thermonuclear threat.  At that time, there were gaps in Russia’s radar detection system which was a factor in the near-miss.

Postol noted

“Had the false alert of 1995 occurred instead during a political crisis, Russian nuclear forces might have been launched.  American early warning systems would have immediately detected the launch, and this might then have led to the immediate launch of U.S. forces in response to the Russian launch.”

Postol noted that, at the time in 1995, Russian military commanders and top political leaders took a cautious approach. Not so now. 

“In the different political circumstances of 2015, the same cautious assessment of the rocket’s trajectory by Russia’s political and military leaders might not be possible. Russia has annexed Crimea, interfered in eastern Ukraine, and embarked on a major modernization of its conventional forces. The United States and NATO have responded with sanctions, which, together with the precipitous fall in the price of oil, are destabilizing the Russian economy and threatening President Vladimir Putin’s popularity.”

Postol then warned that
“On top of this, the relentless modernization of U.S. nuclear forces continues unabated.  The current situation has become so dire that only four days ago the Bulletin of Atomic Scientists decreased the time to Armageddon on their doomsday clock from five minutes to three minutes.”

Postol concluded that the United States must curb any foolish decisions that could provoke a full-scale showdown.  He recommended that NATO take a cautious approach to building up military force, drawing a line between deterrence and provocation. 

“Second, the United States should rein in its senseless and dangerous nuclear force modernization efforts. This program creates the appearance that the United States is prepared to fight and win a nuclear war with Russia.  The nuclear deterrent on hand, with minor modifications, is already more than enough.”


Postol concluded by calling for the U.S. and Europeans to share with Russia the specialized satellite sensor technologies that will “correct this dangerous shortfall [in Russia’s early warning system] by equaling the nuclear playing field.”

Postol’s warnings were echoed by former U.S. Senators Sam Nunn (D-Ga.) and Richard Lugar (R-Ind.), who penned a joint op-ed in yesterday’s Sunday Washington Post under the headline, “A Nuclear Rift Worth Fixing.” The two Senators authored the 1991 Nunn-Lugar Cooperative Threat Reduction Act, which has provided American funds to assist Russia in dismantling and securing its nuclear arsenal and stockpiles of enriched uranium and plutonium for the past 24 years.  In December, the U.S. Congress de-funded the program and in response, Russia, as it had warned, cut off most nuclear security cooperation with the United States.  Nunn and Lugar warned that this is a dangerous situation.

“The world’s two largest nuclear powers repeatedly set aside their political differences to cooperate on nuclear security to ensure that terrorists would not be able to detonate a nuclear bomb in New York, Moscow, Paris, Tel Aviv, or elsewhere. Unfortunately, this common-sense cooperation has become the latest casualty of the spiraling crisis in relations among the United States, Europe, and Russia.”

After documenting the tremendous accomplishments of the Nunn-Lugar program, the authors called for a new approach—”a real nuclear security partnership guided by the principle of reciprocity and mutual interest.”

They concluded with a dire warning:  “Failing to cooperate in this area is a ‘lose-lose’ proposition that would damage the vital interests of both nations and vastly increase the risk of nuclear terrorism. The US and Russia must recognize the imperative to provide global leadership. The consequences of inaction are simply too great.” 

Greece has elected the first anti-bankers-bailout government in Europe since the European oligarchy launched its nightmare policy of bailing out the banks no matter how many people had to die for it to happen. The question now on everyone’s mind is whether Spain, Portugal, or even Italy and Ireland will be far behind. The real issue is that the battle lines have to be drawn: Either the ideas of Solon and Alexander Hamilton triumph, or Europe sinks with the British Empire.

The official election returns from the Interior Ministry in Greece, as of midnight East European Time (23:00 CET; 17:00 EST), show a stunning victory for Syriza and its left-wing anti-austerity policy, with 36.12% of the vote, giving the party 149 of the Greek Parliament’s 300 seats (the winner of the election receives 50 extra seats). The Independent Greeks won 4.69% which will give them 13 seats. The next government of Greece will most likely be led by Syriza in a coalition with the Independent Greeks.

In a statement following the release of exit polls showing they would win, Syriza leader Alexis Tsipras declared it

“an historic victory for the Greek people, who have overwhelmingly stood against the austerity, sending a message to Europe which can become the launching pad for changes across Europe. Syriza is assuming the responsibility of forming a government of social salvation in order to implement the Thessaloniki program and negotiate in Europe.”

In a statement given after he voted, Panos Kammenos, leader of the Independent Greeks declared that today

“we send a message of hope. It is a day for the Republic, a fateful day for the history of Greece. One day the Greek people decided to reacquire sovereignty, democracy, and the restoration of the Constitution. There is no longer a Greece that will be managed by e-mail. Independent Greeks promised that we are regulators and we are. From tomorrow we will be the guarantors for a course in the country, where all Greeks will be united”

and defend the nation.

LaRouchePAC interviews Panos Kammenos, December 2013

Reuters quoted one Antonis Balousis, a 54-year-old butcher, who said:
“This is a very important victory for Greece and Europe. We are going to prove that a different kind of politics is possible in Europe.”

The former ruling New Democracy came in second place with 28.08% giving it 77 seats. The fascist Golden Dawn came in third with 17 seats, one less than in the last elections. The fourth party was To Potami, a new countergang party formed to draw votes away from Syriza, with 16 seats. The Communist KKE came next, increasing its number of seats from 12 to 15. Pasok came next, with less than half the votes they had in the last elections and now have 13 seats. No other parties got past the 3% threshold.

Political leaders throughout Europe quickly moved to show their support for Syriza’s victory. Katja Kipping, leader of Germany’s Die Linke party, hailed Syriza’s victory as the “beginning of Europe’s spring.”

In Spain the leader of the anti-austerity Podemos, Pablo Iglesias, told a rally of supporters yesterday:
“Hope is coming, fear is fleeing. Syriza, Podemos, we will win.” Podemos has been leading in opinion polls and could very well win in Spain’s municipal and regional elections in May, and general elections in December.

In Ireland, Sinn Féin spokesman Pearse Doherty congratulated Tsipras and gave support for Syriza’s call for a European debt conference, saying

“I want to congratulate Mr. Tsipras and his party on this stunning victory, which will bring real change for the people of Greece and brings an opportunity for progressive change in Europe. Syriza has promised to renegotiate Greece’s debt if it wins the election and to call for a European Debt Conference, which would be in Ireland’s interests also.”

Doherty then blasted Prime Minister Enda Kenny:

“Enda Kenny bluntly rejected the idea of a debt conference when asked about it by Gerry Adams in the Dáil [parliament] last week. Ireland should not be dependent on Greece to propose something which is so obviously in our interests. If Enda Kenny and his government are not going to stand up for Irish citizens then they should remove themselves from office and allow the people to elect a new government that will.”

Put more trust in nobility of character than in an oath.Solon of Athens

The results of Sunday’s Greek elections, in which Syriza won a near-landslide victory and will form a new government with Independent Greeks and other parties, was a stunning and powerful repudiation of the murderous austerity policies imposed on Greece by the Troika.

Upon being informed of the Greek vote, Lyndon LaRouche called it a “profound victory that can secure a shift in the entire European and trans-Atlantic situation.”  LaRouche noted that the outpouring of the Greek people to repudiate the Troika’s austerity regime was one of several recent developments that can rapidly bring down the failed euro system altogether.  He cited the recent decision by the Swiss National Bank to decouple the Swiss franc from the euro, which triggered significant derivatives losses by major Wall Street and City of London banks.

LaRouche noted that the Greek vote will have a

“big impact on Germany.  Merkel and company are in a tough situation, pretending to control things in Europe, but in reality, they have no control and the Greek vote proves it.  They will be shaken hard, and will not be able to pretend that the austerity policies are working.

This is great, the enemy of humanity is being damaged and everyone should be happy.”

As of midnight Sunday, the final results of the Greek vote showed that Syriza received 36.12 percent of the vote, giving it 149 seats out of 300.  The Independent Greeks received 4.69 percent of the vote, giving them 13 seats. The two parties are expected to form a coalition government with a 162 seat majority.

All of the European finance ministers will be meeting today to decide what to do in the face of the dramatic Greek election results, which further discredit European Central Bank head Mario Draghi’s Thursday announcement of a one trillion euro quantitative easing hyper-inflationary bailout of the bankrupt European banks.  Greece’s action could very well be the catalyst of a stampede for the door, with Greece, Portugal, Spain, Ireland, and even Italy leaving the euro system to return to sovereign currency and anti-austerity policies.

The implications for Wall Street are equally dramatic.  The hopelessly bankrupt Wall Street banks are reeling from massive derivatives losses, triggered by the Swiss National Bank’s sudden ending of the peg to the euro.  Those same banks, along with their City of London counterparts, are holding more than $600 billion in junk bond loans to the shale oil and gas sector, and those debts are about to blow out.  This could very well be the trigger for the disintegration of the entire trans-Atlantic financial system at any moment.

LaRouche has emphasized for the past months that the blowout of Wall Street and London is the single most important factor driving the world to a potential thermonuclear war showdown. Increasingly, more and more sane voices are joining LaRouche in warning of the growing danger of thermonuclear Armageddon.  Over the weekend, leading nuclear disarmament expert Theodore Postol warned about the imminent danger of thermonuclear extinction, and former Senators Sam Nunn and Richard Lugar added their voices to those calling for emergency action to de-escalate the global showdown.

In discussion with colleagues on Sunday, Lyndon LaRouche focused on the urgent measures to be taken to put the Wall Street and London banks through orderly bankruptcy reorganization, starting with the cancellation of all the gambling debts.  He then elaborated on the kinds of Hamiltonian measures that must be immediately implemented to put people back to work in meaningful jobs.

LaRouche explained: 

“The important thing is that what we need is a statement, which is to be a general statement, which is to say that we know now that the Wall Street organization is generally not only bankrupt, but hopelessly bankrupt.  Now, therefore, since the Wall Street money, which is actually now worthless, in fact, is gone, we have to provide a source of credit which will be Federal credit, a lawful creation of Federal credit which will be a fund which can be used by the states and by the national government in order to fund, the creation of new employment.  That’s what the issue is.

“Now, the new employment means, employing people in things that they can do, or can be trained to do.  Because you have to have a buffer by which you cannot leave the government and this nation collapsing.  You’ve got to intervene immediately and say: Okay, we’re going to take a debt.  We’re going to incur, — as the United States we’re going to incur a debt; it’s going to be a big debt, it’s not going to be excessive, but it’s going to be a big debt because we must immediately move to put people to work, and to do similar kinds of things now, immediately. And it has to be done on a credit system, which is a Federal credit system.

“Now, we have some history on this thing, which Bill Clinton can respond to, essentially, at least emotionally, because what happened, then, when Bill Clinton left office, what happened, this bail-out business, this crazy operation took over. And so, for a period of four terms of office of the Presidency, and we have ruined everything.  And it was ruined by the people who tried to change the policy of the United States against what Bill Clinton had been working to do.

“Go back to what Bill Clinton had announced in the summer of the year when the attack on him came [1998], he had a policy, as a policy which he endorsed me for doing, for presenting, and that policy can work.  And it was Bill’s idea, of how to organize, because the Russian system was bankrupt, totally bankrupt; and that had an effect upon Europe and everything else, and the idea was to get a recovery program based on the trans- Atlantic region, which would work, to save the economy from what was created by Wall Street at that time.

“And that’s what we have to do, we have to do that now. Because we cannot sit there without a program of that type.  This thing is totally bankrupt, entirely, hopelessly bankrupt.  It’s going to become worse at an accelerating rate.  We have to have a buffer, a Federal buffer, and the old system of government has to take the responsibility of creating that buffer.  And then, the purpose is to put people to work, in productive work.  And we must have that now.”

Yesterday’s annual year-in-review press conference by Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov and a lengthy interview with President Vladimir Putin’s press secretary, Dmitri Peskov, were timed in such a way, that each could respond to Barack Obama’s nasty bluster against Russia during his State of the Union, January 20th. Each of these Russian officials counterposed to Obama’s delusions of power, the reality of the rising strength and influence of the Eurasian nations and the BRICS alliance.

This is what Obama said:

“We’re upholding the principle that bigger nations can’t bully the small—by opposing Russian aggression, supporting Ukraine’s democracy, and reassuring our NATO allies. Last year, as we were doing the hard work of imposing sanctions along with our allies, some suggested that Mr. Putin’s aggression was a masterful display of strategy and strength. Well, today, it is America that stands strong and united with our allies, while Russia is isolated, with its economy in tatters.”

Peskov, in an interview to the nationally circulated Argumenty i Fakty newspaper, reiterated what Putin himself said last month, that
“it is not a matter of Crimea or Ukraine; if it had not been Crimea, they would have come up with another pretext” for “being on Russia’s case.”

Peskov charged that people in the West were

“trying to portray Putin as a party to the [internal Ukrainian] conflict, to isolate him in international politics, to suffocate Russia economically in their own interests, and to get Putin overthrown, while at the same time demanding that he settle the crisis in a neighboring country.”

Asked about a recent remark by German Chancellor Angela Merkel, that Putin would not be invited to this year’s G-7 summit, Peskov noted that Putin was not expecting that. “On the other hand,” he added,
“one could ask what the point of the G-7 is, anyway; what decisions can it take without the participation of Russia, India, and China?”

Lavrov took up Russian-American relations several times in his two-hour press conference, stating in his opening remarks:
“We hear a lot of statements by our Western partners, about the need to isolate Russia further. U.S. President Obama found it appropriate to state this yesterday in his State of the Union message.”

But, countered Lavrov,
“Such attempts are fruitless. Russia will never take the road of self-isolation, suspiciousness, and looking for enemies.”

As examples of Russia’s foreign policy outreach, Lavrov cited, besides Moscow’s diplomatic efforts related to Ukraine, its engagement in multilateral formats such as the G20, the BRICS, and the Shanghai Cooperation Organization. As host of the summits of the latter two organizations this summer in Ufa, Lavrov said that Russia would seek to animate their operations.
“In the BRICS framework, this means above all the coordination of economic documents such as an economic partnership strategy and a road map for investment cooperation.”

Lavrov went on to discuss Russia’s engagement with other nations of the Asia-Pacific Region, China in particular, as well as the offers from the new Eurasian Economic Union for free-trade relations with the European Union.

Returning to the problem of Obama, in answer to a question about Russia-U.S. ties, Lavrov said:

“The Americans have taken the pathway toward confrontation, and are not in the least critical in evaluating their own actions. Yesterday’s speech by President Obama shows a philosophy centered on just one thing: ‘we’re number one, and everyone else should recognize this,’ which is slightly old-fashioned and out of whack with today’s realities. The foreign policy philosophy of the USA is even more aggressive: it wants to be not merely primus inter pares, but to dominate the world.”

Lavrov said he thought that reality was already forcing Washington to realize that this doesn’t work, because international cooperation really is required on a whole range of matters. Furthermore, he said, returning to the theme of the rest of the world’s development,
“the objective development of the world and the appearance of powerful centers of economic growth and financial influence, and also centers of political influence, is an objective process and cannot be left out of account.”

Wall Street is on the edge of another financial tsunami, and this is driving the world towards general war, with the latest provocations in Ukraine serving as the immediate trigger for confrontation with Russia.

As Citibank was the latest of the Wall Street too-big-to-fail banks to post serious fourth-quarter losses, and as the Wall Street banks were announcing 50,000 layoffs, half-way around the globe the Ukrainian government was launching new provocations against Russia, meeting with top NATO generals and announcing a draft to call up 100,000 new troops to launch a military offensive against its own citizens in eastern Ukraine.

Russian officials have made clear that, while they are pushing for a diplomatic solution to the crisis in eastern Ukraine—starting with an immediate cease-fire and a resumption of direct talks between Kiev and the eastern Ukrainian leaders—they will not cave in to NATO blackmail. In statements on Wednesday, both Foreign Minister Lavrov and Putin spokesman Peskov made clear that they understand the NATO actions to be nothing short of an all-out campaign to overthrow Putin and make Russia the victim of the latest color revolution. This kind of madness can lead the world to thermonuclear extinction at any moment.

Russia has boosted its strategic strike capability and announced a new military doctrine, making clear that they understand the nature of the asymmetric assault on the current Russian leadership.

Lyndon LaRouche, in discussion with his Policy Committee colleagues on Wednesday, emphasized that Russia is prepared to respond preemptively to the ongoing US and NATO provocations, and this can mean the obliteration of the United States if the current Obama trajectory is not ended now. That, he clarified, means crushing Wall Street, which is the driving force behind the imminent war danger.

President Obama’s Tuesday night State of the Union Address contained blatant provocations against both Russia and China, and his words did not go unnoticed in Moscow and Beijing. It was a disgusting Nuremberg Rally, with Democrats groveling in front of a president who has destroyed the party and the country—on behalf of Wall Street and London.

LaRouche was blunt:

“Obama’s State of the Union address was clinically insane, filled with the most corrupt, rotten, foolish, idiotic statements. And what was worse, the audience was cheering him on like a pack of idiots. It was an echo of the Nuremberg Rallies of Nazi Germany.”

“This is why we are facing an immediate danger of thermonuclear war.”

Wall Street and London are not only bankrupt, facing an immediate blowout of their quadrillion-dollar derivatives bubble. They are driven by the belief that war can be the solution to their imminent demise, which makes them pathologically dangerous to the very survival of the human race.

It is in this context that the Wall Street rally by the LaRouche Political Action Committee on January 20 brought reality to the heart of the financial district. Thousands of passers-by were confronted with the reality of the Wall Street bankruptcy, the war danger, and the urgent need to revive the Hamiltonian alternative, starting with the immediate reinstatement of Glass- Steagall.

It is that option, alone, that can set the world as a whole, back on a course of development, which is now already underway with the initiatives of the BRICS countries, led by China. At this week’s World Economic Forum at Davos, Switzerland, the role of China in launching a new global economic paradigm is being openly admitted.

The vital question is whether the reality of the imminent war danger and the role of Wall Street and London in pushing the planet to the brink of annihilation will be acknowledged and acted upon in time.

The role of Saudi Arabia, and implicitly London, in funding international terrorism, continues to remain in the international media spotlight.

We will relate here several of the most recent echoes of our efforts to place Saudi Arabia and the British Empire under the international microscope for their role, over decades, of continuing to be the main sponsors of international terrorism.

The world has a right to know the role of Saudi Arabia in funding terrorism….
— Terry Strada • Jan. 19, 2015CNN International

Terry Strada spoke to CNN International on January 19th, where she said “Yes, Saudi Arabia funds terrorism.”

Senator Bill Nelson spoke to reporters about Saudi duplicity, and he said: “[the saudis] allowed… the incubation and hatching of these radical terrorists.”

Even the right-wing Marine Le Pen in France got it right for once, when she said on her January 18 op-ed in the New York Times, that:

“…alliances formed with rentier states that finance jihadist fighters, like Qatar and Saudi Arabia—all are mistakes that have plunged France into serious geopolitical incoherence.


We at LaRouchePAC are demanding the release of the suppressed 28 Pages of the Joint Inquiry Report, and mobilizing the political support for H.Res 14, which deals with the same. Walter Jones, one of the co-sponsors of H.Res 14, delivered prepared remarks to the Schiller Institute conference, to urge your support for the legislation.

Video of CstLnvTYPKQ
Walter Jones on H.Res 14

At the January 17th Schiller Institute conference in New York, Jeffrey Steinberg, an editor of Executive Intelligence Review, discussed the history of this international support for terrorism in great detail. The title of his presentation was: “A Time to Break the Silence: Reversing the Illegal Use of Secrecy from the Assassinations of MLK, RFK, and JFK to the Suppression of Sen. Graham’s 28 Pages,” and the transcript is below.

Transcript: Jeffrey Steinberg

Thank you Dennis, and thanks Helga, and thank you Congressman Walter Jones and also Ramsey Clark.

There is in fact, one dove that I can think of in the world, that actually deserves to be shot, and that dove, is Al Yamamah, which is the Arabic word for “the dove,” and also happens to be the name of the project, through which, for the last 30 years or so, the British and the Saudis have been amassing the offshore slush funds that have been the major source of financing, to all of the world terrorism that Helga identified in her presentation as one of the two great horrors that have been bestowed on the world by the British Empire, and which still represent the greatest threat: The danger of thermonuclear war at the high end, and the danger of terrorism as a source of mass population reduction at the low end of the violence spectrum.

Now, I think that in the words of Congressman Jones, you may have detected the fact for the first time in quite some time, there’s some passion in Washington about something that really is important, for the survival of the United States and the world. What I would say to you today, is that the pathway for realizing what Helga called for, in her keynote address, namely for the United States to accept the offer that was presented recently in Beijing by Chinese President Xi Jinping, for the United States to join not just the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank (AIIB), but the whole emergence of a new just paradigm for the world. If the United States can break free from the power of the British Empire, which is manifested not only in the overarching power of Wall Street over our political institutions today, but I would say is equally demonstrated by the fact that Presidents Bush and Obama have gone far beyond what anybody would consider to be rational in covering up the 28 pages. These are both examples of the power of the British Empire today.

Much of what is in the 28 pages, per se, is fairly well known, at least portions of it that are very damning to the Bush family, and to the Saudis, are fairly well known. Senator Graham, in 2004 wrote a book called Intelligence Matters and by using anecdotal accounts of the work of his Joint Select Committee on 9/11, he was able to get a lot of the story out. So, for example, we know that two agents of Saudi intelligence, located on the West Coast were the official greeters of the first two 9/11 hijackers when they arrived in the United States, in early 2000. They were financed by those two Saudi intelligence agents, they were set up in housing, and for security purposes, they were set up in residence at the home of an FBI informant. They were provided the funds to go through the flight training, and every step along the way, they were provided with all of the resources they needed.

It’s become pretty obvious to anybody who has actually tried to dig into the details of 9/11, that 19 individuals, 15 of them Saudis, who did not speak English, could not have conceivably carried out that attack, without substantial logistical assistance, and there’s evidence on a certain level that agents of the Saudi government were involved in providing that assistance. So that aspect of it — name, rank, serial number — of the people involved in that, both the Saudi intelligence officers and the terrorists themselves is fairly well known publicly. It’s also now known that the FBI covered up 86,000 pages, of evidence that there was a similar Saudi support cell backing up the terrorists in Sarasota, Florida, so that the group down there, including Mohammed Atta, were able to operate freely because they had, similarly, a support apparatus with lots of money that was behind them. And so a lot of those details are going to come out.

The real importance of getting the 28 pages released, though, is something quite different, because there’s some mythologies that need to be busted up. And the best opportunity that we have right now, the critical flank for getting to the underlying, deeper truth, not just about 9/11, but about the nature of the real political control over the United States, is buried in those 28 pages, so long as when they come out publicly, the full implications of what they tell, are fully realized. We know, for example, Ambassador “Bandar Bush,” that was his unofficial name, Prince Bandar bin Sultan was the Saudi Ambassador to Washington for decades, and was considered to be the adopted son of President George H.W. Bush, and the adopted brother of President George W. Bush. You can find on the internet, hundreds of photographs of Bandar and the Bushes, hanging out together. It’s also known that Bandar was a source of some of the funds that went through Saudi intelligence, directly into the pockets of the 9/11 hijackers.

And so, some of those elements are well known and the critical thing is that, once those leads come out, once the official content of those 28 pages comes out publicly a number of things are going to be clear. Number one, it’s going to be clear that the real issue, behind why President Bush, and now for the last six years President Obama, have desperately refused the demands of the 9/11 families, the demands of Congress to release those 28 pages, when everyone who has read them, knows that there are no genuine national security secrets to be protected, is going to be a lot more clear.

The first fiction that I expect and I can assure you, those of us here, will guarantee that this fiction is busted once and for all, is that the whole idea that there are countries of the Persian Gulf, the whole idea that Saudi Arabia exists, the whole idea that Bahrain exists, the whole idea that Kuwait and Oman and the U.A.E. and Qatar, actually exist as real countries, is a pure British fiction. These countries have never existed as independent entities, in any way, shape, or form, that we think of as a genuine, sovereign country.

And we’ve written extensively about the Al Yamamah deal, the Dove deal, which began in 1985, between Prince Bandar and Margaret Thatcher, that continued under Prince Bandar and Tony Blair, and every subsequent British government since then. It was a barter deal in which the British gave armed equipment, fighter planes, radar systems, military hardware, to the Saudis, and the Saudis paid in oil. And the amount of oil that they gave, when sold on the international spot market, generated literally hundreds of billions of dollars in excess cash, after BAE Systems was paid, after all of the usual bribes were given to the relevant Saudi princes, there were hundreds of billions of dollars left over. And the British themselves and Bandar himself, openly admit that that has been the largest offshore, unregulated secret source of black funds to finance terrorism, in the world today. It still exists. It’s still operational.

But the story itself goes back long before Prince Bandar was born, long before the Al Yamamah deal. In point of fact, the British Empire has controlled every country of the Persian Gulf, and by official British accounts, they openly acknowledge that Britain ran all of these countries, officially, through a series of treaty agreements, beginning in 1763, and extending officially through 1971.

So, in other words, you’ve had centuries in which the policies of these countries were dominated by the British.

Now, the story goes back a little bit earlier, because in 1661, the British East India Company expelled the Portuguese from the Persian Gulf because the Persian Gulf was the critical stop along the way to India. And the battle for empire in Europe centered around who would control India.

And so, I think it’s very notable that the starting date from which the British themselves say that they ran the entire Persian Gulf, is 1763: That’s the year that the British won the Seven Years’ War and defeated all of their European rivals and at that point, took undisputed control over India, and through India, they took undisputed control of the Persian Gulf. I’ll just give you a few examples: In 1820, the British signed what they call the General Treaty of Peace, and this solidified the fact that the British actually selected the particular tribes in each of the countries of the Persian Gulf, that would be installed in power. And those tribes, the al-Khalifa tribe, the al-Thani tribe, the Saudi tribe, are still to this day, the ruling families in the six countries that makes up the Persian Gulf Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC).

The actual head of state of the Persian Gulf region, from the time of that treaty was the Viceroy of Bombay in India, and under whom there was a resident agent of the British East India Company located in various cities, first in Iran and later in Iraq. And they were the actual sovereigns. The actual name, that the British head of operations in the Persian Gulf was referred to, he was called, “the uncrowned King of the Persian Gulf.”

In 1853, there was a follow-on treaty signed between Britain and all of the tribal leaders of all of the countries that still exist under the same borders today in the Persian Gulf. It was called the Treaty of Maritime Peace in Perpetuity. In 1892, there was a corollary to that treaty called the Exclusive Agreement, which basically gave the British absolute veto power over any territorial transfers; it gave the British control over all foreign relations; and in return for that, the British guaranteed that they would be the armed force to provide security for all of the Persian Gulf states.

In 1922, even after the end of the First World War, during the epoch of the Sykes-Picot Treaty, the agreements were extended to give the British control over all resources of the Persian Gulf region, and by that point, obviously, “resources” very much meant “oil.” Much of this was under royal charter, under the control of the British East India Company directly, during the 19th century in particular. But as late as April 1st, 1947, the British Foreign Office officially assumed control over the foreign affairs of all of the countries of the Persian Gulf, under a new treaty, in which a power-sharing arrangement was reached, with British security backup, the tribal sheikhs were given control over the internal affairs, and the British controlled foreign policy, they controlled military policy, they controlled the international commerce, meaning the British had actual sovereign control over the oil flows, and basically, the British courts had extraterritorial jurisdiction over all non-resident Muslims. So in other words, any foreigners operating throughout the Persian Gulf were operating under British Crown law and there were British courts that existed in the area to make sure that that was enforced.

By the way, I should say that in the British archives, you can go there and find a series of annual reports covering elements of the British controls, year by year, over this region, one of which was called the “Annual Memorandum of the Cultivation of Opium in Persian.” So you’re dealing with the Opium Wars policy, all along.

Now, in 1971, the British were so confident, with Henry Kissinger as both Secretary of State and soon-to-be National Security Advisor as well under Nixon, that they “nominally, surrendered their absolute, top-down control over the Persian Gulf. And it was short-lived, but nevertheless, they temporarily thought that it was more important to let the Americans foot the bill, since costs of military operations were getting a little bit more expensive.

In 1985, with the establishment of the Al Yamamah deal, they clearly decided that they had to be in on the ground and running things as a result of the relationship between the British and nominally Saudi empires.

Now, things are changing: On April 29th, 2013, the preeminent military think-tank for the British Crown, the Royal United Services Institute [rusi] published a report called, “A Return to East of Suez: U.K. Military Deployments to the Gulf.” I’ll just read you a couple of sentences quote from it. They say, “Just as U.K.’s withdrawal in 1971 created a security vacuum that drew the U.S., somewhat unwillingly, further into the affairs of the Gulf, the U.S.’s cooling of its engagement seems to be drawing the U.K. back in. We seem to be witnessing the slow transformation in the U.K. military postured towards a tentative return at this early stage, to the pre-1971 strategy of rooting Britain’s presence in the southern Gulf through agreements with its traditional allies in Abu Dhabi and Dubai without outlying anchors in Bahrain and Oman, and with close political and economic ties with Saudi Arabia and Kuwait that could be upgraded to the military level if necessary.” So, in other words, they’re back. And really, the truth is, they never left.

So, when you look at the implications, from this historical standpoint, of the role that the Saudis are now nakedly playing as the patrons and sponsors, of virtually every form of jihadist Sunni Wahhabi terrorism in the world, and fold in the fact that the other major source, of international terrorism, is the international drug trade run by the British through institutions like HSBC and the follow-on institutions of the old British East India Company’s Opium War policy, then you see very clearly, that what we’re dealing with here, if we go to the heart of what these pages really tell us — let’s not worry about the literal “words”; we already know a great deal about what the literal words tell us, but let’s look at the implications, let’s take the opportunity of getting these 28 pages released, and released in such a way that we guarantee that the truth, the underlying truth, that the real source of 9/11 — yes, it’s Saudi, but explicitly, it’s also British.

Why is the Bush family so desperate to cover up 9/11? And what does the Bush family have in common with President Obama, who remains equally desperate to cover up 9/11? I can assure you this is not about Saudi Arabia. This is not about a bunch of people running around the Persian Gulf, still to this day riding on camels. This is about the British. And the 9/11 events, and the content of the 28 pages, opens up a window into the historical truth.

At the event a week ago Wednesday in Washington, D.C., that Congressman Jones referenced in his brief remarks earlier, Sen. Bob Graham made a number of very clear, unveiled references to the British. I can assure you that he’s aware that this Al Yamamah factor, the British factor in 9/11 is significant. Two years ago, he wrote a novel called Keys to the Kingdom, and of course, in a novel, you’re free to say a lot of things you can’t say if you’ve been privy to classified information; you can give real name, rank, serial number. But he goes through, as the centerpiece of the entire narrative, the Al Yamamah deal and the fact that the Saudis and the British are basically wedded at the hips, and that’s really the nature of the source of international terrorism today.

Now, Prince Bandar, who does not actually have a reputation for being the brightest bulb in the marquee, made the kind of typical mistake of arrogance that you would come to expect from someone who considers himself to be a protected asset of a royal system — by which I don’t mean the Saudi royal family. He’s had on-and-off relations with the Saudis. But Bandar’s a British agent: He was trained at Sandhurst, and if you think about the long wave of British control over Saudi Arabia and the other countries of the Persian Gulf, you realize that there are many, many people who may nominally be Saudi by birth, or Qatari by birth, or Bahraini by birth, but they’re British to the core, and Bandar is absolutely one of them. That’s why he went to Thatcher to establish the Al Yamamah deal in the first place.

So Bandar was leaving the United States; he was a burnout case. And so, he was preparing to go back to Saudi Arabia, and so he commissioned a biography, an official biography written by someone who he went to British Air Force academy with, a kind of a finishing school for training of young Gulf princes who were going to be going back and having some kind of power role in the establishment there. And in this book [The Prince, by William Simpson], he could not resist, but boasting about the real nature of the Al Yamamah deal. And so, he said, and this is a quote from one of the British officials who actually managed the bank accounts through a British office in the Ministry of Defense, called the DESO, the Defense Exports Support Office. They basically wrote the checks for the Al Yamamah and a guy named Edwards was the head of the DESO for a number of years and was interviewed by Prince Bandar’s friend who was the biographer.

And he says: “Edwards admitted that for the Saudis the use of oil meant that the contract was effectively an off-balance- sheet transaction: it did not go through the Saudi Treasury. Edwards also confirmed that one of the main attractions for the Saudis in this unique arrangement was British flexibility.” I don’t think that was a sexual allusion, by the way. [laughter] “‘The British were much more flexible than the Americans,’ he said. ‘The Americans went through the Foreign Military Sales system which has congressional law behind it. If the customers get out of line and they fail to pay the money, then they are cut off. In this country, it was quite flexible;…’ The phenomenal amount of money generated from the sale of oil comes through DESO before being paid to British Aerospace. Edwards admitted that the government does charge a little commission for administering the contract, money that attracted the attention of the treasury, as it built up a considerable surplus…. The ingenious diversity of Al Yamamah, together with the British government’s discretion and liberal approach to a unique finance deal, largely founded on the undisputed collateral of the huge Saudi oil reserves, could explain the financial black holes assumed by a suspicious media, to be evidence of commissions.”

But [author] Simpson explained, “Although Al Yamamah constitutes a highly unconventional way of doing business, its lucrative spinoffs are the by-products of a wholly political objective: a Saudi political objective and a British political objective. Al Yamamah is, first and foremost, a political contract. Negotiated as the height of the Cold War, its unique structure has enabled the Saudis to purchase weapons from around the globe to fund the fight against Communism. Al Yamamah money can be found in the clandestine purchase of Russian ordnance used in the expulsion of Qaddafi’s troops from Chad.” And here’s the key admission: “It can also be traced to arms bought from Egypt and other countries, and sent to the Mujahideen in Afghanistan, fighting the Soviet occupying forces.” In other words, the antecedents and then the existence of al-Qaeda was being financed through this fund. “Arguably,” Simpson admitted, “its consummate flexibility is needed because of inevitable opposition to Saudi arms purchases in Congress…. The oil barter arrangement, circumvented such bureaucracy.”

So this is the kind of thing that exists when you are an empire, and you can make your own laws as you go along and you happen to control every offshore financial in the world. You can use them to run these operations, and, if you shut down that apparatus, then you dry up international terrorism in short order. The idea of approaching this from the bottom up, by hunting through caves in Afghanistan or desert outposts in Yemen or Somalia is not the way to go, when this is a policy of empire. And if we can break the myth that there is in fact a Saudi Arabia or a Qatar, or a U.A.E., or a Kuwait, as real sovereign entities, as opposed to subsidiary fictions of the British Empire, then we’ll already be a very long way towards defeating terrorism.

And by the way, this is what Bush and Obama are terrified of more than anything. What they’re afraid of, is that their existence as creatures of the British Empire, poisoning the United States, is going to be exposed.

Now, I don’t believe in coincidences, at least not when it comes to major historic turning points, and so, I have a sinking suspicion, that there’s some correlation between the press conference by Senator Graham and Congressmen Lynch and Jones and the 9/11 families on January 7th, and the fact that earlier this week, the Republican Party in their retreat, their “chocolate kiss” retreat in Hershey, Pennsylvania, had as their keynote speaker, Tony Blair. And the same day, President Obama at the White House was entertaining British Prime Minister David Cameron. So I think this is the Bush/Obama concept of “bipartisanship.” [laughter] The British New Labour go to brief the Republicans, and the British Tories go to dictate to President Obama what to do.

Now, I am sure, that Blair, who shut down the Al Yamamah investigation as Prime Minister, because it threatened vital British national security interests, — and indeed it did — was there with the Republicans, telling them, “You better shut these guys up. You better make sure that this Senator Graham, Walter Jones, et al. thing gets quashed now, and it doesn’t see the light of day, because all of our necks are on the line.”

So I think that sort of brings me to an obvious conclusion: Everybody here in this room, as Representative Jones urged all of you, has a special responsibility to make sure that these 28 pages see the light of day, and they see the light of very soon, before we wind up staring down the barrel of Russian nuclear weapons, or American nuclear armed submarines launching on Russia. This is the legacy of Ground Zero. If you want closure on Ground Zero, which is hallowed ground in this country, then let’s get these 28 pages released, and let’s be the voice that explains to the American people, and the world, what these pages actually reveal. It’s not just the fact that Prince Bandar received money through the Bank of England into his account, and dutifully wrote checks to the 9/11 hijackers, which is exactly what happened. But that’s merely a small episode in something that’s much bigger and that we’ve got to make sure that the world clearly understands.

If we can accomplish that, in the days and weeks and months ahead, then what Helga called for, about the United States becoming an active participant in the BRICS process, in the new paradigm of relations in the world, can be realized. So there’s no gap whatsoever, between the fight for the 28 pages, and the fight to restore the United States to its Hamiltonian tradition, which means wiping out the power of Wall Street and London over the U.S. And this is the decisive flank, to make that happen.

Thank you.

The media spotlight continues on the role of Saudi Arabia in terrorism, and the necessity to de-classify the “28 pages” of the Joint Congressional Inquiry report on 9/11. Among the developments in the last two days, are that CNN International interviewed Terry Strada on January 19th, national co-chair of the 9/11 Families and Survivors United for Justice Against Terrorism, who spoke at the Jan. 7 Washington, D.C., press conference with Congressmen demanding declassification.  January 19th, Commentary magazine posted an article, “Every Presidential Candidate Should Pledge Release of Missing 9/11 Pages.”

Amidst this ongoing attention, an instance of arrogant evasion took place today, by Michael Hayden, former head of the CIA (2006-2009) and NSA (1999-2005).  Hayden was speaking on Capitol Hill at a Middle East Policy Council event, where he was asked about the withheld 28 pages and the Saudi role in terrorism, by EIR’s Bill Jones.  Hayden sneered in reply, that he was going to give an “unsatisfactory answer.”  Namely, Hayden said that he hadn’t read the 28 pages; didn’t know what was in them; and didn’t intend to; and wouldn’t say more.

This is the immorality Terry Strada denounced roundly on CNN International. She said, “Yes, Saudi Arabia funds terrorism.” She said that, besides releasing the 28 pages, we want legal action against those responsible.

“The world has a right to know the role of Saudi Arabia in funding terrorism….”

She called on everyone to activate. 

In the Commentary article, writer Michael Rubin ended his piece,

“Journalists should not let any candidate off the hook. Every aspirant to the presidency should pledge him- or herself to full transparency and to complete the historical reckoning from 9/11 that all the victims, their families, and, indeed, every American deserves.”


Rubin, who is at the neo-conservative American Enterprise Institute, makes the point that “Obama is no different than his predecessor,” and not only on the 9/11 cover-up.  Rubin wrote, “When Navy SEALS raided bin Laden’s compound, they removed millions of files…” but they have released only 17 documents.