A French journalist, Kamel Daoud, has written a clear exposé of the dominant role of Saudi Arabia in fathering the Islamic State, and the hypocrisy of the West, which declares war on ISIS while embracing the Saudis as allies.  It was translated from French and re-published on Nov. 20 in the New York Times.

Daoud gives a brief history of the 18th century emergence of Wahhabism and the alliance between the Wahhabi clergy and the House of Saud, warning that it is the Saudi clergy, what he calls Fatwa Valley, that is the wellspring of ISIS and all future generations of jihadists. 

Daesh has a mother: the invasion of Iraq.  But it also has a father: Saudi Arabia and its religious-industrial complex. Until the point is understood, he warned, battles may be won, but the war will be lost.  Jihadists will be killed, only to be reborn again in future generations and raised on the same books.

Daoud also warned about the immense transformative influence of religious television channels on society, noting in addition that there are thousands of Wahhabi newspapers and clerics who spread the word. 

“The blindness of the West to this Saudi problem means their war [on ISIS] can only be myopic, for it targets the effect rather than the cause. Since ISIS is first and foremost a culture, not a militia, how do you prevent future generations from turning to jihadism when the influence of Fatwa Valley and its clerics and its culture and its immense editorial industry remains intact?”

Daoud concludes with a warning:  “The attacks in Paris have exposed this contradiction again, but as happened after 9/11, it risks being erased from our analysis and our consciences.” 

In Europe, in the Mideast, and in Asia, the truth of Obama’s murderous intentions and policies can no longer be hidden. Obama floundered in Vienna, seething inside as Putin was clearly guiding the process. He moved on to Manila for the APEC meeting, perhaps confident that his effort to restore the Philippines to neo-colonial status, occupying the nation once again with US military forces in preparation for a war on China, would restore his narcissistic grandeur. He was instead greeted by a revolt by Philippine patriots, as their Senate rejected his military occupation plans, while APEC refused to even bring up his obscene accusations of Chinese aggression for building up some islands under their control.

Perhaps Obama imagines he will do better in Malaysia this weekend at the ASEAN Summit and the East Asian Summit. But the ASEAN Defense Ministers earlier this month already rejected his effort to call China an aggressor — in fact, the ASEAN Transport Ministers declared their enthusiastic commitment to working with China on the “One Belt One Road” New Silk Road programs.

Both French and Italian media ran interviews with Syria’s President Assad this week — an “in your face” to Obama clinging to his imperial right to remove a sovereign head of state. Assad named the US, Turkey, Saudi Arabia, and Qatar as the creators and funders of ISIS, noting that the Russian intervention has turned the tide against the barbarians. Increasingly, European and American military and political leaders are turning against Obama’s regime-change madness and demanding a united effort with Russia against ISIS.

In the US, Democratic presidential candidate Bernie Sanders, to explain what he means by describing himself as a democratic socialist, evoked the policies of Franklin Roosevelt, who addressed the destruction of the population in his day by creating social programs to grant their economic rights — to employment, health care, social security, education — while taking on Wall Street’s power through Glass-Steagall and other restraints on the power of the banks over the economy and the government. Sanders then described the destruction of living standards in the US today, the horrendous drug epidemic, the collapse of household income and employment, and denounced the “regime change” policies of the recent administrations, creating chaos and terrorism in their wake.

In the US Congress, a legal document is being circulated to members of Congress by EIR which demonstrates that the Supreme Court ruling which found in favor of then-Senator Mike Gravel for reading the Pentagon Papers into the Congressional Record in 1971, applies equally today to any Congressman with the courage to read the 28 pages of the Congressional Report on 9/11 into the record, exposing the Saudi funding of the 9/11 terrorists who attacked the US.  In fact, at any moment, under the Supreme Court ruling in the Gravel case, Congress, without consultation with the White House, can declassify the entire 28-page chapter—along with all of the other 9/11 investigative files that have been kept secret for the past 13 years.

Obama’s open alliance with terrorists, and their sponsors in Riyadh, in order to achieve his criminal regime-change, can and must be exposed, and must lead to his removal from office, now.

This is a time of revolutionary change. There is no place for pragmatism or half-measures when faced with thermonuclear war and economic collapse. The solution is clear — in restoring Glass-Steagall, joining with China and the BRICS nations in global development programs, restoring real science to the center of policy making, reviving Classical music and the arts. The time is now. The restoration of Glass-Steagall, wiping out Wall Street altogether, must be accompanied by the kinds of Federal credit-generating programs that can create millions of productive jobs and start the process of reviving a genuinely productive economy.

Eyewitness accounts of the weekend G-20 summit in Turkey indicate that President Barack Obama was in a full rage fit at the fact that Russian President Vladimir Putin was the center of attention, for Russia’s “game-changing” military intervention in Syria, which now holds out the possibility of crushing the Islamic State (ISIS) and bringing the nearly five-year Syrian war to a peaceful conclusion.

Obama has been boxed in by the Russian flanking intervention in Syria, and by the fact that, following last Friday’s horrific ISIS attacks in Paris, the world is united around the need to take decisive action against the jihadist scourge.  That action requires decisive collaboration with Russia, as even the former head of the United Kingdom Defense Staff, General Sir David Richards, told BBC this week.

Obama has been guilty, along with George W. Bush, of covering up the crimes of the Anglo-Saudis, by refusing to declassify the 28-page chapter from the original Joint Congressional Inquiry into 9/11, a chapter that provides crucial evidence of the Saudi monarchy’s funding of the hijackers.  As former Sen. Bob Graham told the packed Capitol Hill press conference on Jan. 7, 2015, just hours after the Charlie Hebdo attacks in Paris, had those 28 pages been declassified, the Saudi-backed Islamic State could never have existed.

With the Paris carnage of Nov. 13 hanging in the air, it is now time for those 28 pages to be made public, and to be the basis for launching a de novo investigation into 9/11 and all of the subsequent terrorist atrocities committed by the British-Saudi apparatus, up to and including last Friday’s Paris slaughter.  It is that apparatus that owns Barack Obama and always has.

Now, more than ever, it is time for Congress to take up its Constitutional mandate and dump Obama from office.  The full consequences of the cover-up of the 9/11 chapter can be seen in the carnage in Paris. In a very direct sense, Obama has the blood of those killed and wounded in the Paris attacks on his hands. The consequences of his continuing the cover-up of the 28 pages can no longer be tolerated.  If the Islamic State and all the other Anglo-Saudi jihadists are to be decisively defeated and wiped out, Obama must be removed from office.  He is as much a creature of that British-run apparatus as the leaders of ISIS and Al Qaeda.  To tolerate Obama remaining in office, after the Paris attacks and his willful protection and cover-up of the Saudis behind 9/11, is to write off the United States.

Release the 28 pages and oust Obama now.

LaRouchePAC activists rallied at the United Nations in New York with this message yesterday, and received a powerful, “raw” response to their organizing, from diplomats, New Yorkers and foreign visitors alike. Their mobilization: Release the classified 28 Pages, expose the perpetrators of the 9/11 attacks. Stop “Londonistan,” the recruiting base of terrorists, and Riyadh, their funder and Wahhabite “educator,” before they can strike again.

The evidence was coming out internationally on Monday, as “everything was changing” as a result of Russian President Putin’s resolute Syria action, and now the shock of the new Paris murders. Putin announced he personally briefed G20 leaders in Ankara with Russia’s intelligence on terrorist funders “in the G20 countries”; India’s Prime Minister Modi called there for striking at terrorism where it is financed; denunciations of the Saudis’ leading role came from British Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn, from the Italian Catholic bishops’ publication Famiglia Cristiana, from American journalists opposing the Bush-Obama perpetual wars.

Obama, who thought ISIS was “contained,” was under intense pressure at Antalya, Turkey to concede to a war on jihadi terrorism led by Putin and shocked European leaders. French President Hollande told the French Parliament session, “We must eliminate, not contain, Daesh [isis].”

Release the 28 Pages now! This part of the 2002 report of the “Report of the Joint Inquiry into the Terrorist Attacks of September 11, 2001” which lays out the Saudi responsibility for the 9/11 attacks according to then Senate Intelligence Committee Chairman Sen. Bob Graham, has been hidden by George W. Bush and Barack Obama for 13 years. Its public release alone will change U.S. policy, according to members of Congress who have viewed it.

Mobilize to release this evidence now, showing that Obama’s and Cameron’s “regime-change” wars are in open alliance with the terrorists.

On Jan. 7, 2015, just hours after terrorists staged an assault on the Paris offices of the satirical publication Charlie Hebdo and killed a dozen people, former U.S. Senator Bob Graham (D-Fla.) joined House of Representatives Members Walter Jones (R-N.C.), Steven Lynch (D-Mass.) and Thomas Massie (R-Ky.), and representatives of the 9/11 families in a Capitol Hill press conference, convened to demand the immediate release of the 28 page chapter from the original 2002 Joint Congressional Inquiry  on 9/11, which detailed the role of the Saudi Royal Family in financing the 19 hijackers.

Senator Graham’s words are even more profound and urgent today, in the wake of the Nov. 13 Paris massacres by Islamic State-allied butchers. Graham told the standing-room only crowd:

“The Saudis know what they did. They are not persons who are unaware of the consequences of their government’s actions. Second, the Saudis know that we know what they did! Somebody in the Federal government has read these 28 pages, someone in the Federal government has read all the other documents that have been covered up so far. And the Saudis know that.

“What would you think the Saudis’ position would be, if they knew what they had done, they knew that the United States knew what they had done, and they also observed that the United States had taken a position of either passivity, or actual hostility to letting those facts be known? What would the Saudi government do in that circumstance, which is precisely where they have been, for more than a decade?…

“Al-Qaeda was a creature of Saudi Arabia; the regional groups such as al-Shabaab have been largely creatures of Saudi Arabia; and now, ISIS is the latest creature!…

“So the consequences of our passivity to Saudi Arabia, have been that we have tolerated this succession of institutions, violent, extreme, extremely hurtful to the region of the Middle East, and a threat to the world, as we saw this morning in Paris.”

Sen. Graham was absolutely right on Jan. 7.  His words now take on even greater significance, as the entire world is still in shock over the Friday events in Paris, and the prospect that it can happen again.

The United States and Europe have been given a wake-up call by the barbaric terrorist assault in Paris. Multiple leading voices are now demanding that Obama’s insane regime- change policy in Syria—that, as in Iraq and Libya earlier, is unleashing chaos around the world—must be ended immediately, so that the world can unite against the ISIS scourge.

President Putin said Saturday: “It is clear, that to effectively fight this evil we need real joint efforts by the entire international community.”

Former NATO Commander Adm. James Stavridis told Foreign Policy that France could expect NATO to invoke Article 5, authorizing a NATO response to the attack, with the “fundamental purpose” of the NATO mission to “defeat the Islamic State in Syria and destroy the infrastructure it has created there.” Most importantly, the Admiral added: “Russia should be invited to participate alongside NATO and other coalition members against the Islamic State.”

In Vienna on Saturday, U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry and Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov led a broad coalition of nations in calling for a ceasefire in Syria, with an 18-month time frame for elections. President Assad is not excluded from the process.

On Sunday, Presidents Obama and Putin spoke on the sidelines of the G-20 Summit in Turkey, where a White House official told Reuters that “President Obama and President Putin agreed on the need for a Syrian-led and Syrian-owned political transition, which would be preceded by UN-mediated negotiations between the Syrian opposition and regime as well as a ceasefire.”

Helga Zepp-LaRouche said from Germany on Sunday that Americans must understand that “nothing will be the same in Europe after this.” The intentional targetting of normal life—concerts, sports events, restaurants—shows that everyone is vulnerable, not only in France, but across Europe. She reported that high-level European sources know that U.S. and British intelligence forces have been openly supporting the terrorists, both through the Saudis and directly, as former U.S. Defense Intelligence Agency chief Gen. Michael Flynn has already exposed.

She pointed to the fact that in January, on the day of the Charlie Hebdo attack in Paris, former U.S. Senator Bob Graham told a press conference that if the classified 28 pages of the congressional 9/11 report had been released, that Paris attack would not have happened. The 28 pages documented the Saudi role in funding the 9/11 attack on the United States. Now, Mrs. LaRouche said, we must re-focus our efforts to release this damning evidence now, showing that Obama is in an open alliance with the terrorists in order to achieve his criminal regime- change policies.

Lyndon LaRouche’s friend, Sen. Mike Gravel, has issued a cover letter to a legal document which demonstrates that his victory in the Supreme Court in 1971—when the Court ruled that his release of the classified Pentagon Papers into the congressional proceedings was legal under the Constitution— applied to the 28 pages, and any Member of Congress could read them into the Congressional Record. LaRouche has mandated a full mobilization of his organization over the coming days to release this document to every member of Congress, the press, and all citizens.

LaRouche emphasized that Obama is now the most hated figure in the world, and that the United States is not and will not be trusted as long as he remains in the presidency.

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Check out our on the ground report from Friday’s rally in front of the New York Times headquarters as we ask the Times to show the same guts they did in 1971 when they published the Pentagon Papers story—ultimately leading to President Nixon’s resignation. Why do they continue to cover up for Obama and refuse to cover the Intercept’s “Drone Papers”? Are they more afraid of Obama than they were of Nixon? For more, see the full story, “Press Release: Why Won’t the NYT Publish Obama’s ‘Drone Papers’, which Prove Our President is a Murderer Who Must be Removed?”

Lyndon LaRouche’s mere half-hour’s discussion with his Policy Committee on Wednesday, Nov 11, explored some of the most vital implications of his conception of musical voice “placement,” in a manner which was often inspiring.  These notes are only approximate, and probably suffer from imprecision, but they may still be useful.

Kesha Rogers, the leader of the LaRouche organization in Texas, asked LaRouche to amplify the concepts of the state and the nation.  He responded that the nation is a nation; the national factors are predominant, and the location is secondary.  Kesha replied that that would mean that placement is part of the choral principle, which governs nations and states such that they function as a whole.  LaRouche responded again, to say that we are running a national policy with international implications; the choral principle governs the way in which the various nations can function as a unified force.  We want to bring the nations into coherence around a meaningful purpose of human life.

Rather than playing mean tricks on people to shape expressed opinion, we want to get a national organization which works,— not gimmicks.  Lyn said that there is a common language, in effect, which ought to be developed.  People evade it because they fear that they might reveal facts which some don’t want to be pointed out.

He said that an enormous amount of work is being done in and around Manhattan, to bring things into coherence with the Italian Classical method.  A lot of equipment is being brought together to do that.  How do you treat the singing voice in choral music? What’s needed is a rational form for the voice of Classical choral music.  Keep the idea of performance according to the Italian Classical principle; use it as a common denominator to convey ideas.

He said that we are concentrating so much on Manhattan, as we must, but that it’s useful also to look at different parts of the United States from the standpoint of Manhattan.  We must have coherence in the nation as a whole.  Manhattan is a standard to ensure that there’s a coherent understanding of people more generally.  It’s something where we have to do some explaining; don’t try to double-talk people.

Shortly after this point in the discussion, something eerie occurred which proved how the Policy Committee was indeed “in tune” with LaRouche and each other, as well as with some key strategic realities.  Several of them came, almost independently, to refer to the moment early in Vladimir Putin’s Presidency, when he had to confront the sinking of the submarine Kursk, with the loss of the lives of its entire crew.  Even more so, they had all seen the unspeakably painful video of Putin’s encounter in an auditorium with the families of the dead crew-members, who refused to accept the death of their sons, their husbands, and their fathers.

As Kesha said later, at the end of the discussion, this situated agape at the heart of the inseparable links of musical placement, of human life as human, and therefore of history and statecraft.  You can’t find the placement without agape.  You can’t find it without two working together as a coherent “one,” she said.

The sinking of the Kursk was a formative turning-point moment at the very beginning of Putin’s Presidency.  “It caught him by surprise, and suddenly he saw things in a different way,” LaRouche said. Nothing that has happened since would have been possible without it.  We would not even be here to recollect it today as we are.

I’m interested, keep me connected

The Washington Post reported yesterday that Colombia is going through an explosive expansion of cocaine production, with the latest available statistics showing a 44% increase in coca production between 2013-2014, and a projected 55% increase this year. It is anticipated that this will mean a flood of new, cheap cocaine hitting American markets in the immediate months ahead. There is already, according to both the CDC and the DEA, an epidemic expansion of heroin use in America, along with an equal expansion of methamphetamine and other synthetic drug abuse.

Lyndon LaRouche denounced this as part of the “New British Opium War on the Americas.” Indeed, the evidence is all there that British agents, starting with Colombian President Santos and U.S. President Barack Obama, are willfully behind the dope offensive.

The first thing Santos did after winning the presidential election in June 2010, was fly to London to meet with Tony Blair, his long-time collaborator and mentor with whom he often consults. In November 2011, Santos told the London Observer that it was time to discuss legalizing marijuana and cocaine; he sent his Foreign Minister to a 3-day House of Lords planning session on the global legalization of narcotics production, use, and trade, coordinated by Lady Fieldings’ Beckley Foundation; and then repeatedly championed “discussing” legalization during his Nov. 20-21, 2011 state visit to the U.K.

Santos is today the Obama administration’s closest ally in Ibero-America, and drug legalization is at the center of it. Santos insisted that drug legalization be put on the agenda of the April 2012 Summit of the Americas in Cartegena, attended by President Obama, and Obama did not object. In September 2012, Santos announced that he had reached an agreement with South America’s largest cocaine cartel, the FARC, to start formal peace negotiations. The White House backed the negotiations the same day, and Blair warmly welcomed them shortly thereafter. In February 2015, Obama appointed retired diplomat (and former Goldman Sachs advisor) Bernard Aronson as special envoy to the FARC-Santos government talks, in support of a deal.

Santos, in addition to his active promotion of dope legalization, created the preconditions for the cocaine explosion. He ordered a halt to the coca spraying eradication program, on “ecological” grounds, effectively shutting down the plan for collaboration between US and Colombian drug enforcement and military agencies. It was this action that facilitated the expansion of coca cultivation, and is now driving the surge in cocaine trafficking into the U.S.

 The Washington Post rationalized the coca expansion by claiming that the deal between Santos and the FARC is close to completion, with an expected deadline of March 23, 2016. Once the deal has been reached, the Post stupidly claims, the FARC — the biggest drug cartel in the country — will “voluntarily” end the cocaine production and allow farmers to engage in crop substitution; to be bankrolled by the U.S. Even the Post, after spinning this lie, had to admit it was far-fetched; and that, at best, it would take years before any crop substitution program would gain any traction.

Russian President Vladimir Putin delivered stark opening remarks before meeting with top defense officials and representatives of the Russian military/industrial complex in the annual review session. The meeting, which took place on Tuesday in Sochi, coincided with the announcement that the Russian defense budget for next year will be $49 billion, with $35 billion earmarked directly for Russian armed forces. By comparison, the US defense budget is 10-15 TIMES bigger; and two new US weapons programs — the F-35 new stealth fighter plane and the replacement ballistic missile-carrying submarines — are each more expensive than the entire Russian defense budget.

Putin focused his opening remarks on the threat to Russia posed by the US and allied global missile defense program. Putin said early in his remarks:

“As we all know, the United States and their allies are continuously building up their global missile defense system. Unfortunately, neither our concern nor cooperation proposals are taken into consideration. We indicated on numerous occasions that we see such actions as an attempt to undermine the existing parity in nuclear missile armaments, and actually to destabilize the entire system of regional and global stability.”

Putin noted that Washington persistently claimed that the ABM deployments were related to the danger from Iran, but the deployments continue even after the P5+1 deal. He concluded:

“Therefore,” he concluded, “references to the Iranian and North Korean nuclear missile threats are a cover-up for the true intentions, which are actually directed at neutralizing the strategic nuclear potential of other nuclear states, apart from the United States and their allies; primarily that of Russia, of course, and at obtaining a decisive military supremacy with all the ensuing consequences.”

The fact that Putin did not elaborate on “the ensuing consequences” in no way watered down his direct message: Obama, like Bush and Cheney before him, is driving the world rapidly towards thermonuclear confrontation. Putin made clear that Russia is already preparing for such a confrontation by the very work that was the subject of the special annual session he was addressing.

Putin explained:

“We have said repeatedly that Russia will take the necessary reciprocal measures to strengthen its nuclear potential. We will also work on anti-missile defense systems as well, but on the first stage, as we have repeatedly said, we will focus also on offensive systems capable of overcoming any anti-missile defense systems.”

Putin noted, in concluding his opening remarks, that Russia has been working for the past three years on developing “a number of promising armament systems capable of performing combat missions in conditions of an anti-missile defense system in depth,” noting the combat units have begun receiving such new weapons systems this year already.

Not everyone in the US and the West has missed the point. Stephen Blank, a senior fellow at the American Foreign Policy Council recently wrote an article titled, “The West Underestimates Putin at Its Peril.” He began,

“To the great British military analyst Basil Liddell-Hart, it was axiomatic that the purpose of war was a better peace. In other words, for military operations to be successful, they must be correlated with political outcomes and strategic gains.” After noting that the Obama administration has shown itself to be incapable of strategic thinking, Blank wrote, “Whatever defects Russia and its armed forces have, this disdain for strategy is not one of them. Washington’s elites, with few exceptions, cannot accept that Russian President Vladimir Putin thinks and acts strategically.” Blank then demonstrated that, in the current case of Syria, Putin has done precisely that. He concluded that “Putin may ultimately lose his game in Syria, because nothing is as unpredictable as war. But that possibility cannot justify the complacency, arrogance, and intellectual laziness that threatens U.S. interests and allies.”

Julian Borger writing in the Guardian Nov. 10, brought the issue directly back to US nuclear weapons provocations against Moscow. Borger reported on recent warnings by former US Joint Chief of Staff Vice Chairman Gen. James Cartwright, who stated that the modernization of the US tactical nuclear weapons in Europe, the B-61 12, makes that weapon “usable,” and this poses a grave danger of a slide into thermonuclear war. Cartwright told PBS “If I can drive down the yield, drive down, therefore the likelihood of fallout, etc., does that make it more usable in the eyes of some — some President or national security decision-making process? And the answer is, it likely could be more usable.” Borger noted, “The great thing about nuclear weapons was that their use was supposed to be unthinkable, and they were therefore a deterrent to contemplation of a new world war. Once they become ‘thinkable’ we are in a different, and much more dangerous, universe.”

Russian President Vladimir Putin addressed the opening of a conference of defense ministry and military industrial leaders in Sochi on Tuesday, and warned, in pointed language, that President Barack Obama’s policies are driving the world towards thermonuclear extinction in the very near term. In effect, Putin offered the most air-tight argument for why the President of the United States must be removed from office now.

Putin made clear that the US has been lying about the reasons for building a global missile defense system, since Iran has now signed the P5+1 deal, renouncing nuclear weapons. The goal of the US and allied global ABM was always to alter the global military balance in favor of a US first-strike thermonuclear strike against Russia. Russia, for its part, is not having anything of it; building new weapons systems, some of which are already in the field, to offset any ABM advantage that the US might obtain.

This is the same Barack Obama whose signature foreign policy “success” has been the drone mass-kill program, under which an unknown number of innocent civilians have been killed, only to be posthumously classified as “enemies killed in action,” or, more simply, as “collateral damage.” In discussion with colleagues from his Policy Committee on Wednesday, Lyndon LaRouche drew a clear line in the sand between genuine human beings and monsters, like Obama, who have no capacity for agape, and thus lack the human emotional qualities that distinguish man from beast. LaRouche noted that California Governor Jerry Brown has the same character as Obama, completely removed from any concept of agape.

Even if thermonuclear Armageddon can be avoided in the near-term, Obama’s seven years in office, following eight years of Bush-Cheney, have seen a total disintegration of the conditions of life for the vast majority of Americans. The latest atrocity is the massive jump in cocaine production in Colombia, which will soon, inevitably, take the form of a flood of cheap cocaine entering the United States. This is on top of the already epidemic jump in heroin addiction and addiction to pharmaceutical pain-killers. The American people are being targeted in a new and vicious British Opium War. The case of Colombia is exemplary; where President Santos, a Tony Blair protege and Obama ally, has openly promoted drug legalization, has shut down the coca eradication programs, and is now in the final phase of negotiating a narco-peace with the notorious narco-terrorist FARC.

The President of the Boston Federal Reserve Bank has also come out this week with dire warnings of a blow-out of the commercial real estate bubble, noting that the situation today is more grave than in September 2007, when the housing and commercial real estate bubble first blew; leading to the September 2008 meltdown and the QE bail-out that followed.

The real conditions of life for the vast majority of Americans — thermonuclear war dangers aside — have been destroyed over the past 15 years of Bush and Obama. Europe is in even worse shape, with leading nations, like Germany and France in hopeless collapse, and Britain already in a total economic breakdown. While the trans-Atlantic region goes from bad to worse, and leading British circles plot war as the way out of their dilemma, the situation in Asia and Eurasia is qualitatively different, with China, Russia and India leading the effort to chart a new path for genuine global cooperation and scientific revolution to benefit all of mankind.

The opportunity to launch such a “new paradigm for mankind” is at hand, and the vital first step is the oust Obama and shut down Wall Street, to begin the process of recovery and healing in the United States.

A hard-hitting article was posted on the blog of the prominent liberal-conservative author Roland Tichy, under the headline “China baut, Europa schaut zu” (China Builds, Europe Just Watches”). Written by Fritz Görgen, a former advisor to German Foreign Minister Guido Westerwelle, it makes the same point as Helga Zepp-LaRouche has made in her Nov. 1 statement, that The New Silk Road could become the spark of hope in an utterly destroyed Middle East.

The article initially contrasts China’s future-directed high-speed rail projects in Europe with the struggling EU, caught in the here and now. The author dismisses the U.S. State Department version of the Silk Road as not serious. Then he makes his main argument, saying that if the European nations want to stabilize the Middle East, then they have to have China as a partner.

The author continues:

“Along a logistical artery of this magnitude, industries will be lining up like pearls on a necklace: a magnet for short-term and long-term migrants, who are looking for a better life for themselves and their kin. A digital broadband will be accompanied by a logistical broadband such as the world has never seen. Just a statement of intent by the EU to join this project, even just a statement by its member-states, would change the political climate.

Once the first activities of planning and building appear on mobile screens, many will see the first longed-for silver-linings on the horizon. Such a strategy would improve the situation in the Near East, and would weaken the Islamic State decisively: Where people are gripped by hope and confidence, fundamentalism will cease to find its nourishment. This would be true not only for the Islamic State, which is usually talked about, but also for its relatives, such as Saudi Arabia and elsewhere.”


The United States can stop killing and dying, and start building again.

November 2, 2015 brought news of a devastating shock to the United States: The death rate has been steadily rising since 1999 for white Americans 45-54 years old— some 44 million people — and has risen by at least 15% during that time, covering the entire Presidencies of George W. Bush and Barack Obama. No such thing happened during the Great Depression of the 1930s, nor at any time in the 20th Century; and no such thing has happened in any other industrial country since World War II.

The causes are overwhelmingly drug and alcohol intoxication, suicide, and liver diseases associated with substance abuse. This “disease of hopelessness,” to quote one rust-belt mayor, is the disease of deindustrialization and constant war. The authors of the study which discovered this shocking reality, say “these Americans are the first to find, in mid-life, that they will not be better off than were their parents.”

Every nation has a mission for mankind; and every nation’s mission for itself is to allow each generation to give way to another which rises higher, and is of greater benefit to future humanity.

The United States’ mission, to save itself, is staring us in the face. We must stop the killing in our name, illegally, of at least hundreds of thousands in wars and drone wars, by George W. Bush and Barack Obama. It is illegal and unconstitutional, and it is still being escalated by Obama. He must be removed from office, to stop it.

We should shut down Wall Street’s speculations by re-establishing the Glass-Steagall Act. Then, start building again, by linking up with the most powerful initiative building modern infrastructure to develop the world economy: The China-initiated ‘New Silk Road’ projects across Eurasia by land and sea. We should usher this into the United States by high-speed rail across the Bering Strait and down to the U.S. West Coast; and build out a high-speed rail grid to match China’s 11,000 miles already operating.

America should accept responsibility for the huge crisis of refugees in Europe created by Obama’s and Bush’s Libya, Syria, Iraq, Afghanistan wars — by taking a lead in building the ‘New Silk Road’ into the Mideast. As a German author’s article put it yesterday,

“Just a statement of intent … to join this project would change the political climate. Once the first activities of planning and building appear, many will see the first longed-for silver-linings on the horizon. Such a strategy would improve the situation in the Near East, and would weaken the Islamic State decisively: Where people are gripped by hope and confidence, fundamentalism will cease to find its nourishment.”

So will the “disease of hopelessness” cease in the United States.

I want to help build this new perspective.