Defense Secretary Ashton Carter spoke at the Ronald Reagan Presidential Library in Simi Valley, California, November 7, on the way back from his Asia tour which was laden with provocations against both Russia and China. His remarks were a direct threat that the U.S. is preparing for war with Russia, primarily, and secondarily China, because, as AP summarized Carter’s point, “together these trends are testing American preeminence and its stewardship of the world order.”

Carter reserved his “stronger words” for Russia.

“Most disturbing, Moscow’s nuclear saber-rattling raises questions about Russian leaders’ commitment to strategic stability, their respect for norms against the use of nuclear weapons, and whether they respect the profound caution nuclear-age leaders showed with regard to the brandishing of nuclear weapons.”

He said that terrorist groups such as ISIS certainly pose a threat, “but other challenges are more complicated, and given their size and capabilities, potentially more damaging”—a rather obvious reference to Russia and China. He then warned:

“We do not seek to make Russia an enemy. But make no mistake; the United States will defend our interests, our allies, the principled international order, and the positive future it affords us all…

“We’re investing in the technologies that are most relevant to Russia’s provocations, such as new unmanned systems, a new long-range bomber, and innovation in technologies like the electromagnetic railgun, lasers, and new systems for electronic warfare, space and cyberspace, including a few surprising ones I really can’t describe here.”

“The fact of the matter is, that if you want to save the United States, if you want to save our nation and for what it stands, you have to concentrate on the mission of Manhattan, the mission of Manhattan which is defined by Alexander Hamilton. It’s still there today.”

With that opening charge to the November 7 weekly meeting of his Manhattan Project in New York City, American Statesman Lyndon LaRouche proceeded to lay out the battle plan to rescue the United States, and the planet, from the brink of disaster.

LaRouche stated:

“The first thing we have to do, in order to do that, we have to throw Obama out of office, because if Obama is not removed from office, Obama will take the world to thermonuclear war, from which very few people will have a chance of surviving. So the job is to get rid of Obama, in the proper way, by indicting him for the crimes he’s committed, to remove him from office on that basis. That is the only solution we have, for the existence of the United States and for much of the world besides.”

Over the last 48 hours, the roster of crimes committed by Barack Obama has continued to pile up, exemplified by the Cheney-esque threats issued by his Defense Secretary Ash Carter, that the U.S. is preparing for war with both Russia and China. Speaking at the conclusion of a week-long tour of Asia which was bristling with provocations, Carter pronounced: “Moscow’s nuclear saber-rattling raises questions about Russian leaders’ commitment to strategic stability … Make no mistake, the United States will defend our interests.”

At the same time, the British Empire has telegraphed its identical intentions, with a censure against Labour Party leader Jeremy Corbyn by Britain’s top general, Chief of the Defense Staff Gen. Sir Nicholas Houghton, who attacked Corbyn for being “opposed to the use of nuclear weapons.”

Given the threat which Barack Obama and the British Empire represent to the continued existence of humanity, LaRouche said,

“We must assemble the people in Manhattan, and also in other parts of the United States, into a single unity of purpose. Unless we can do that, and get rid of Obama, for example, and other afflictions which have been imposed on the United States, we don’t have a chance of saving this nation.”

“This nation is one nation. It is not a division of, separation of states within one nation. It is one nation,” [as typified by Alexander Hamilton and his policies.]

And that one nation has a unique role to play in the concert of nations, orchestrating into existence a global Hamiltonian system of development, along the lines of Lyndon and Helga LaRouche’s long-standing program for developing a World Land-Bridge—which emphatically extends into the otherwise doomed United States. As a forthcoming EIR publication on the U.S. role in the World Land-Bridge puts it: “The U.S. Can Stop Killing and Dying, and Start Building Again”—beginning with the Constitutional removal of Barack Obama from the White House.

It can be assumed that a terrified, desperate and enraged Barack Obama gave the orders to The New York Times and The Washington Post not to cover The Intercept’s explosive expose on the atrocities Obama has committed through his illegal drone program. The two dailies clearly complied.

Reporter John Hanrahan, himself a former Post reporter, and now on the editorial board of ExposeFacts, doesn’t say this explicitly in his article in the Nov. 5 Consortium News; but he damns the Post and The Times for filling their pages with inane blather about Donald Trump, and irrelevant nonsense about GOP and Democratic presidential candidacies, rather than reporting a story that Americans absolutely need to know. The Post has virtually ignored the story, he said, while the best the Times could come up with was “a whopping two paragraphs about The Intercepts’s scoop,” in the 23d and 24th paragraphs of a long story on Obama’s decision to keep troops in Afghanistan until 2017. If you didn’t get to the end of the article, you missed it.

How is this possible, Hanrahan asks, noting that the hard evidence offered in the military documents provided to The Intercept, exposing Obama’s murders, goes well beyond anything the Times has ever produced. After cautiously questioning executive editor Dean Baquet, and editor for national security William Hamilton, on the lack of coverage, the Times public editor Margaret Sullivan reported,

“both said they found the project a worthy one. They and several Washington editors looked it over with interest, they said, and agreed that there was new detail in it. But they didn’t see it as something that warranted its own story, at least not at the moment, they said.

Sullivan meekly added that Times journalists “would have served readers well to do more on ‘The Drone Papers.’ They also could consider doing so in the future.”

What will it take to end the blackout, asks Hanrahan. “With only a handful of people protesting—and with no congressional hearings, and only sporadic news coverage raising any serious questions about the morality and legality of targeted assassinations under international law,” the policy of blacking out this explosive story isn’t likely to change, he asserts. “Not unless, and until, a critical mass of well-organized citizens rises up in revulsion and anger at these cowardly killings and endless wars being carried out in our name.”

In its just-released 2015 Drug Threat Assessment, the U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) reveals the terrifying extent of the drug epidemic in the United States, with the startling statistic that drug overdoses now constitute the leading cause of injury deaths, surpassing those from auto accidents or firearms. In 2013, the latest year for which data is available, more than 46,000 people died from a drug overdose and more than half of those were caused by prescription painkillers and heroin.

In its press release announcing the release of its annual report, the DEA referenced a recent survey by the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) which shows that between 2013-2014, the number of current heroin users—defined as individuals who reported using heroin within the previous 30 days—increased by 51%!

At a press conference in Washington, D.C., Wednesday, DEA Acting Administrator Chuck Rosenberg said that overdose deaths from abuse of analgesic prescription drugs “have reached epidemic proportions,” exceeding those caused by cocaine and heroin combined; and abuse of controlled prescription drugs is higher than that of cocaine, methamphetamine, heroin, MDMA (“Molly”) and PCP combined.

While the DEA report didn’t identify the specific age cohorts victimized by the drug epidemic, the National Institute of Drug Abuse reports that young adults, aged 18-25, are the biggest abusers of prescription opioid pain relievers, ADHD stimulants (Ritalin, Adderal), and anti-anxiety drugs. In 2010, 3,000 people in this age group died of prescription drug overdose; 13% of all 18-25 year-olds engaged in non-medical use of prescription drugs the same year. The figure was 7% for 12-17 year-olds, and 4% for people age 26 or older.

According to the Centers for Disease Control (CDC), between 2000 and 2013, the rate for heroin-related drug-poisoning deaths was highest among adults aged 25-44. Between 2010 and 2013, the death rate for adults aged 18-24 increased 2.3-fold, from 1.7 to 3.9 per 100,000. In 2000, non-Hispanic blacks, aged 45-64, had the highest rate for drug-poisoning deaths involving heroin. But in 2013, non-Hispanic whites, aged 18-44, had the highest rate.

Between 2000 and 2013, the rate for drug-poisoning deaths involving heroin increased in all regions of the country, but the greatest increase occurred in the Midwest. On Nov. 1, CBS’s Sixty Minutes program ran a segment on “Heroin in the Heartland,” detailing how heroin is ravaging the state of Ohio, without discrimination as to race or income bracket. State Attorney General, former Republican Sen. Mike DeWine, reported, “In my lifetime, I’ve never seen anything like it.”

Doctors Without Borders/Medicins Sans Frontieres (MSF) yesterday released its internal document reviewing the Oct. 3 “relentless and brutal aerial attack by U.S. forces” on its 140-bed Kunduz Trauma Center (KTC) in Afghanistan.  MSF’s International President, Dr. Joanne Liu, revealed in her letter introducing the report, the horrifying fact that “some patients burned in their beds, medical staff were decapitated and lost limbs, and others were shot by the circling AC-130 gunships while fleeing the burning building.”  [emphasis added]

Dr. Liu points out that although the MSF launched a call for an independent investigation by the International Humanitarian Fact Finding Commission (IHFFC), this has yet to begin, because the U.S. and Afghanistan have not given their consent.  Yesterday, she added, “we are handing over this internal report to both the public and the IHFFC.” Today, Pentagon spokesman Captain Jeff Davis said the Defense Department has received the MSF’s report, but is continuing its own investigation, and had no response to the report.

MSF reviews the details of each day leading up to the Oct. 3 attack, including the Oct. 1 phone call it received  from a U.S. official in Washington, asking whether the hospital “or any other of MSF’s locations had a large number of Taliban ‘holed up.'” MSF replied that the staff was working at full capacity, and that the hospital was full of patients including wounded Taliban combatants.  In its conclusions, MSF states that its rules in the hospital “were implemented and respected, including the ‘no weapons’ policy,” and that MSF was in “full control of the hospital at the time of the airstrikes…. There were no armed combatants within the hospital compound, that there was no fighting from, or in, the direct vicinity of the KTC at the time of the airstrikes.”

Despite this, “a series of multiple, precise and sustained airstrikes targeted the main hospital building, leaving the rest of the buildings in the MSF compound comparatively untouched.” The first room to be hit was the ICU; airstrikes then continued from the east to the west end of the main hospital building, destroying the ICU, archive, laboratory, ER, x-ray, outpatient department, mental health and physiotherapy departments, as well as all operating theaters.  The attack “destroyed our ability to treat patients at a time of their greatest need…A functioning hospital caring for patients cannot simply lose its protected status and be attacked,” Dr. Liu said.

Doctors Without Borders (MSF) added to the already overwhelming evidence that the US destruction of their Kunduz, Afghanistan hospital and killing of doctors and patients on Oct 3 was another planned Obama murder, with a report they delivered in Kabul today. MSF International President, Dr. Joanne Liu, revealed that after their ICU was precision-bombed multiple times, doctors and patients “were shot by the circling gunship while fleeing the burning building.” MSF’s report also recorded that on Oct. 1, the hospital was asked by a US official in Washington whether MSF locations had a large number of Taliban “holed up.”

The reality, as Obama well knows, is that MSF treats patients without regard to their politics, and allows no weapons into its facilities.

We should circulate this throughout the US now, to get rid of Obama. This proves that he did it, he did it knowingly, there’s no excuse, and he’s absolutely guilty. Obama has ordered killings throughout, from the beginning of his first term through today. Anyone who supports Obama is either very stupid, or else guilty himself of supporting murder.

At the same time, it has now come out that Obama leaned on the New York Times and the Washington Compost to refuse to publish anything on the “Drone Papers,” the Oct 15 expose of Obama’s drone killings, which relied on secret documents leaked by a new Edward Snowden. The New York Times buried the news in paragraph 23 of a story on Obama keeping US troops in Afghanistan; the Post published nothing at all. When the NY Times’ ombudsman inquired of the editors, they said they had read The Intercept‘s “Drone Papers” with interest, and agreed there was new detail. “But they didn’t see it as something that warranted its own story, at least not at the moment,” John Hanrahan reported yesterday in Consortium News. You believe it! The reality is that if you call Obama a murderer, you may be next!

Another way Obama is murdering Americans is through spiralling heroin addiction, courtesy of the Mexican drug cartels, Obama’s friends run by the Queen of England, which she used to bankroll Obama’s fraudulent nomination victory in 2008. The latest National Drug Threat Assessment, released yesterday by the Drug Enforcement Administration, shows that drug-induced deaths (drug overdoses), have become far and away the most frequent injury deaths in the United States, outnumbering both motor vehicle and firearms deaths. One hundred twenty Americans die of drug overdoses every day. And between 2013 and 2014, the number of current heroin users increased 51%, as they were driven to heroin by the joblessness and despair caused by Obama’s policies.

And Hillary is part of the Obama team. That’s it; that’s what has to be said. She’s part of the Obama team, and has been ever since she began lying for the sake of Obama.

Say it! That will help accelerate the coming O’Malley torrent.

The point is, she’s always lied, and she’s lied on the basis of covering for Obama. And everything has been in that form. We know that she’s a stooge for Obama,— a chronic stooge for a liar. Obama is a liar, and so Hillary’s a liar. Why is she a liar? Because she’s working for Obama!

Hillary is a lying lawyer. She has consistently lied for Obama,— ever since his illegal war on Libya.

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Today we are re-featuring our New Paradigm report from August 26th, —Global Warming Fraud is Population Reduction, not Science— to highlight the fraud of the current environmental hysteria now engulfing the planet, typified by the upcoming COP21 agenda. A rigorous discussion of atmospheric and galactic science underscores the necessity of passing our latest petition, A Resolution To Defend Billions of Lives: WE SAY NO TO PARIS COP21.

The following resolution was released yesterday by the Schiller Institute, with the intention of rapidly collecting signatures from qualified professionals, political leaders, and ordinary citizens internationally. The main posting of the resolution can be found here, as well as the downloadable leaflet for signatures.

The conditions of life for billions of people depend upon rejecting the agenda being presented at the 2015 United Nations Climate Change Conference to be held in Paris this December. The COP21 Paris initiative to adopt a legally binding agreement to reduce CO2 emissions must be rejected on two grounds: the scientific reality that mankind’s activity is not going to cause catastrophic climate change, and the very real, lethal consequences of the CO2 reduction programs being demanded.

There is no legitimate basis for having the COP21 conference. Put an end to this now!

Despite the climate-change narrative being presented by an extremely well-funded, top-down propaganda campaign, there is an immense amount of solid scientific evidence which clearly contradicts and/or refutes the claims of coming catastrophic climate change caused by human emissions of greenhouse gases. For example, satellite measurements have shown that there has been no average rise in global temperatures for over 18 years, despite the fact that human greenhouse gas emissions have been increasing at an accelerating rate. This underscores the reality that the climate simply does not respond to CO2 levels in the way claimed by climate alarmists; said otherwise, the Earth’s climate system is not highly sensitive to changes in atmospheric CO2 concentrations.

Because many climate models are using these false assumptions of high climate sensitivity to CO2, the predictions of these climate models have been consistently wrong, and with each year they are diverging further from reality. The gradual changes in the climate that have occurred over the recent decades, and the gradual changes which will continue to occur in the future, are not and will not be a cause for alarm. Most of these changes are natural, and any impact mankind may have would be relatively minor. A healthy and growing world economy will be able to adapt to these changes.

We must also recognize that CO2 is not a pollutant—it is an essential part of the biosphere. Because the present atmospheric CO2 levels are well below the optimum for plant growth, human-caused increases in CO2 concentrations are already contributing to increases in agricultural productivity and natural plant growth—creating a measurably greener planet.

But the Paris 2015 summit is not only about nations potentially wasting time and resources on a phantom problem existing only inside computer models—the ugly reality is that the CO2 reduction programs being proposed would increase poverty, lower living conditions, and accelerate death rates around the world. The world simply cannot support a growing population with improving conditions of life using only solar, wind, and other forms of so-called “green” energy.

More to the point, this scheme is being intensely promoted by modern followers of the population reduction ideology popularized by Thomas Malthus. Organizations such as the World Wildlife Fund/World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF) have repeatedly declared that current human population is billions of individuals beyond the Earth’s ”carrying capacity,” and must therefore be reduced by some billions of people. The present push for a CO2 reduction program is deeply rooted in this Malthusian ideological motivation. But Malthus was wrong in the Eighteenth Century, and his followers are wrong today.

Energy-intensive scientific, technological, and economic growth is essential to human existence. This can be measured by transitions to higher levels of energy flux-density, per capita and per area. Such progress, growth, and development is a universal right, and CO2 emissions are presently a vital part of that process for the overwhelming majority of the world’s population. The adoption of a legally binding CO2 reduction scheme at the COP21 conference in Paris will condemn billions of people to a lower quality of life, with higher death rates, greater poverty, and no ability to exercise their inherent human right to participate in the creation of a better future for society as a whole.

This is deeply immoral.

For these reasons the CO2 reduction scheme of the COP21 conference in Paris must be rejected.

Restoring the Glass-Steagall Act, immediately, was the focus of a powerful intervention into a New York City Democratic Party public event Sunday where local Democratic officials tried to represent various Presidential candidates, but were forced by the audience to measure those candidates against the standard of bringing back Glass-Steagall and breaking up the Wall Street banks. Representatives of LaRouchePAC started the intervention, and then were joined by many others asking, “Will you restore Glass-Steagall, and will you do it now?”

The LaRouchePAC activists also demanded action to remove the murderer Obama from the Presidency for his crimes of war.

The matter was posed again by Lyndon LaRouche later that day:

“If we don’t close down Wall Street, we’re going to see a crash like never before. Americans and Europeans aren’t just losing wages, losing jobs. Don’t buy the Wall Street ‘forecasts of options’ for what’s now happening. We’re talking about a sudden, chain-reaction collapse, unless we intervene to shut down the Wall Street institutions.

And this one will be a killer — the economic collapse is accelerating and condemning Americans to death. In Europe, it’s as bad, or worse. The most conspicuous feature of the trans- Atlantic system right now, is the death rates among children.”

But the real crisis, he emphasized, is the loss of intelligence among the Congress and the people about what must be done fast, and the replacement of intelligence by cowardice about doing it.

The requirement is not simply to shut down Wall Street and its speculative frauds. It is to remove it from the U.S. economy and replace it with a buffer of new national credit to sustain productivity, employment, and people.

We can solve this, as LaRouche emphasizes, with the methods of President Franklin Roosevelt. But first, take Wall Street off the table. Shut down the fake economy before its chain-reaction explosion. That means starting with Glass-Steagall restoration immediately. Then, build the real economy.

This does not wait on selecting a new President. It has to be done now, by the people and their representatives, or they will lose everything before they get to choose a new Presidency.

Shut down the claims of Wall Street institutions, before they kill us.

Lyndon LaRouche yesterday issued a renewed, urgent demand for the immediate removal of Barack Obama from the Presidency of the United States by Constitutional means, lest he carry the entire planet into a thermonuclear war of extinction. LaRouche referred to Obama’s latest round of military provocations against China in the South China Sea, his escalating war in Syria, and his mass-murderous drone program—among others—as exemplary of the policies that must be brought to a screeching halt.

LaRouche stated in a discussion today with the LPAC Policy Committee.

“I think the problem here lies in the fact of Obama…now, Obama essentially is moving, as with the China operations and so forth, and is determined to launch a thermonuclear war. And everything on the trend of his behavior goes in that direction. For example, the attack on the medical institution [in Kunduz, Afghanistan]. Actually, the guy’s a murderer. He’s a plain murderer, and he should be thrown out of office.”

“And if we don’t say that, and make a campaign around that, I think the world as a whole, the people of the world as a whole, are on the edge. Just look at what Obama’s doing now on China, in the attack on China, which is an absolutely fraudulent operation.”

“Obama is showing his ugly paws, or his bloody paws, in various operations. This man must be withdrawn, his term must be cancelled! We have a Presidential principle, under which he should be classified, that he should be removed from office. If we don’t remove him from office, then we’re getting in a very dangerous situation.”

“The other side of the thing is that we don’t have a Congress, in a sense, which is competent to express itself in a necessary way. Go back to the Presidencies before this one. We’ve had these before. You cannot fool around with this and treat this by saying: ‘We have to negotiate with this.’

“We have to say, ‘No!’ And I think our organization has the ability to say ‘no.’ And I think we have to say no, by just listing some of the crimes he’s committed. And say: These crimes, while they may not be settled, in terms of final decision, the fact is the requirement is that he has to be examined to show why he should not be thrown out of office. The evidence is sufficient there.

The recent string of crimes committed by Obama includes, among many others:

• The Oct. 27 provocation of sending a U.S. warship into Chinese territorial waters in the South China Sea, while promising to continue similar sea and air provocations in the near future. A direct military encounter between the United States and China becomes highly probable if this continues.

• The Oct. 27 Obama administration leak to the Washington Post, Reuters and other media, that his administration has operational plans on the table to send U.S. Special Forces and other troops into Syria—a total violation of the U.S. Constitution and international law—which only await the President’s green light. This could lead to direct military confrontation between the United States and Russia in the Middle East theater.

• The Oct. 3 intentional bombing by the U.S. military of a Doctors Without Borders (MSF) hospital in Kunduz, Afghanistan, resulting in over 30 deaths, despite receiving prior full information of the coordinates of that hospital. This constitutes a prosecutable war crime. The Obama administration’s brazenness clearly encouraged the Saudi Kingdom to carry out a similar atrocity against an MSF hospital in Yemen on Oct. 26.

• The runaway, illegal drone killing program, under which Obama personally selects and signs off on the cold-blooded murder of suspected terrorists and innocent civilian bystanders alike, as recently exposed by Intercept website.

• Obama’s continuing and unwavering commitment to bail out the bankrupt Wall Street system, by killing off America’s physical economy and its population—a system which should instead be eliminated and replaced with LaRouche’s World Land-Bridge economic program.

• Obama’s principal responsibility for creating the refugee crisis that has brought Europe to the edge of the cliff, through the illegal wars which he and his predecessor George Bush launched throughout the region, most recently in Syria.

As Helga Zepp-LaRouche emphasized in her remarks at the Oct. 27 conference in Washington, D.C. with former Senator Mike Gravel, that refugee crisis has now reached the boiling point, and has presented Europe with a make-or-break situation for its very survival. The entire European Union is crumbling in the face of the crisis, which is far more than a refugee crisis: it is a mass migration and existential crisis. The only solution, Zepp-LaRouche stressed, is to bring real development into the Middle East and Africa by extending the World Land-Bridge into these regions. The United States and Great Britain should participate in providing this solution, she stated, since it was the British Monarchy, and the Bush and Obama administrations in the U.S., which caused the crisis in the first place.

LaRouche stressed yesterday:

“This guy Obama has to be called into restraint, and if he’s not, you’re all dead, that’s what the risk is. And I think our approach has to be defined in those terms of reference. I think we have to make that [drone] issue a top-of-the-list issue. If anyone says that is justified, that is a lie—you’re sucked into adopting a lie. When you murder people, you murder them! And you say ‘you are murdering them.’

“And Obama is essentially a murderer; he’s a mass murderer. The President of the United States currently is a mass murderer! Now if you want to save the U.S., you have to say that. If you don’t say that, well, you may be the next one to go.”

As for those who have been so fearful of Obama that they have been paralyzed into inaction and toleration of his Nazi crimes, LaRouche stated: “The truth is essential: Obama is a murderer, period. If you want civilization to survive, you must shut down Obama. Not long-term; right now.”

EIR gave a needed shock to Washington, D.C. today with a packed, 3-hour forum and discussion at the National Press Club, “Ending Permanent War and Financial Panic: Glass-Steagall and the Global Silk Road.” Among many other guests, 35 embassy personnel from countries around the world heard and debated presentations by Schiller Institute Founder Helga Zepp-LaRouche and former U.S. Senator Mike Gravel of Alaska.

The mission was to present the immediate, tangible alternative to the trans-Atlantic crisis of economic decline and endless wars. This in a depressed and war-weary U.S. capital voting to cut retirement benefits and healthcare services while raising taxes on an economically sinking population. Zepp-LaRouche and Senator Gravel made clear that by a trans-Atlantic restoration of Glass-Steagall, linking up with China’s New Silk Road development policy, and ending Barack Obama’s disastrous presidential role, the U.S. and European crises can be turned into recovery.

Helga Zepp-LaRouche is the organizer and author of EIR‘s in-depth special report, “The New Silk Road Becomes the World Land-Bridge,” which has been endorsed by numerous economic institutions in China and published as a widely-circulating book in Chinese. Mike Gravel is the Senator who broke Washington’s code by reading the Vietnam War “Pentagon Papers” to the Senate in 1971, and in 2007 challenged Barack Obama at a Presidential debate by naming him, with great foresight, a candidate of war, including nuclear war.

Gravel is challenging his colleagues in today’s sleepwalking Congress to open up against Obama’s murderous secret drone wars, his unauthorized perpetual wars in the Mideast, North Africa, and war confrontations with Russia and China. He told the forum that he is working with Lyndon and Helga LaRouche because he supports the conceptions of the New Silk Road global infrastructure development, and the way the LaRouche’s organize for them. He said: “We’re in a ‘Guns of August’ situation: We need the approach of a Marshall Plan to the New Silk Road.”

Helga LaRouche, describing the intensifying refugee crisis in Europe, created by Obama as the direct effect of his wars, called this “a period of the burning shirt,” when leaders’ shirts are on fire with crisis, and “a new era of the common aims of mankind” can be initiated.

Amid an hours-long discussion and debate, guests got EIR special reports and subscriptions to the EIR Alert service. Zepp-LaRouche and Gravel, and Lyndon LaRouche, were interviewed by American and foreign media.

Lyndon LaRouche, in a later discussion after the forum, focused on the central importance of its mission orientation. He said:

“What are you doing to create a higher level of development for those alive and those coming after? — that is the measure of your morality.”

“Wall Street is destroying the people of the United States. It is imposing more and more impoverishment on the American population — not just year by year, season by season! It’s a poison; get rid of it. Obama is a murderer of innocent civilians, a warmaker, and a thief. What are you doing to save humanity from these beasts?”

“Don’t neglect to fix, for lack of passion, what you should have fixed during your lifetime.”

Last week’s visit to Britain by China’s President Xi Jinping came at a time when the British economy is totally collapsed, the British banks are hopelessly bankrupt, the British Monarchy is in a state of disintegration, and the entire global Anglo-Dutch system is on the edge of total disintegration.  The Chinese are well aware of all of these factors, and are moving accordingly.

From the standpoint of the West, it is time for some immediate house-cleaning, before the British-owned desperados, like President Obama, start the world war they have been attempting to provoke since the ouster and assassination of Libya’s Qaddafi in late 2011.  The war drive is driven by their bankruptcy and their imminent loss of power.  The crucial question is whether the world, starting in the trans-Atlantic region, is going to plunge into chaos, or whether an orderly end to the British System, through a revival of the Hamiltonian principles, starting in the United States, can occur in time.

The U.S. Congress is dysfunctional, as evidenced by the fact that there has been no U.S. Congressional action against Obama’s Drone Kill policy, even weeks after the release of the “Drone Papers” by The Intercept (the German Bundestag has already held hearings with U.S. former drone pilot whistleblowers).  Congress is thoroughly corrupted, particularly the Republicans, with very few exceptions.  The very existence of Wall Street assures the perpetuation of this corruption.  Wipe out Wall Street, which is already hopelessly bankrupt, and Congress can be restored to its Constitutional mandate.  Wipe out Wall Street and Obama is out.

In Europe, German Finance Minister Wolfgang Schäuble is the key figure promoting the genocidal austerity measures, known in Germany as “black zero.”  Sunday’s second leading German tabloid, Welt am Sonntag, published an open call for German Chancellor Angela Merkel to be dumped for her soft-on-refugee policies and replaced by Schäuble.  If Europe is to survive, Schäuble, like Obama, must be ousted immediately.

The United States economy, after 15 years of British-owned Presidents, is itself in a state of physical economic breakdown. The collapse of the U.S. productive economy is accelerating tremendously, as evidenced by recent reports on growing poverty, and ten consecutive months of decline in industrial output. Vital sectors like housing, construction, transportation and machine tools, are declining at an accelerated rate.  This is Obama’s responsibility.  He destroyed the U.S. economy deliberately, on behalf of Wall Street and London—and with the complicity of most of Congress.  Congress should be put on notice:  Until you dump Obama and shut down Wall Street, you can’t be paid.  You don’t deserve to be paid.  Find some productive outside work, or, better yet, do your job by ousting Obama and putting Wall Street out of its misery, through  Glass-Steagall and a revival of Hamiltonian credit, for a revival of the productive powers of labor, through infrastructure investment, and through science-driver programs.

A newly declassified report from 1990, written by the President’s Foreign Intelligence Advisory Board (PFIAB), showed that the threat of thermonuclear war in 1983, as perceived by the Soviet Union, had been drastically underestimated by U.S. intelligence, creating a very real danger of nuclear war at that time. Lyndon LaRouche on Sunday referenced that report as a crucial marker of the decline of U.S. leadership since that time, based on his own knowledge of the situation being reported upon — even though that knowledge was not referenced in the PFIAB report itself.

The fact is that then President Ronald Reagan had adopted on March 23 1983, the proposal formulated by LaRouche for a joint development project between the U.S. and the Soviet Union to build a space-based, anti-missile system based on new scientific principles (particle beam and laser beam systems), which would have ended the extreme danger of nuclear war emerging from the “Mutually Assured Destruction” (MAD) policy, a policy based on keeping the world divided between East and West, with both sides pointing massive arsenals of thermonuclear weapons at each other, on a hair-trigger.

The attempted assassination of Reagan by a Bush family acquaintance soon after his inauguration nearly ended this historic cooperation between LaRouche and Reagan, but Reagan survived and announced the program, calling it the Strategic Defense Initiative (SDI). But British interests in both the USSR and in the U.S. sabotaged the effort — a process reflected in the PFIAB admission of the intelligence failure of 1983 on the threat of nuclear war.

Since that sabotage of the SDI, and Reagan’s replacement by the treasonous Bush family for three terms and Obama for two more, the U.S. has declined into economic and strategic insanity, allowing domination of government by Wall Street and City of London banking interests, and launching one colonial-style war after another across the globe, driving the western world into chaos, as reflected in the refugee disaster in Southwest Asia and Europe.

With the creation of the BRICS, and its new global financial institutions dedicated to international infrastructure development, and the brilliant flanking operation by President Putin in Syria, the world is now in a position from which the British Empire can finally be put to rest. Obama, and Hillary Clinton (who submitted to Obama’s evil), have been exposed as supporters of terrorism in order to achieve “regime change” against nations which refuse to submit, and as protectors of the murderous financial lords of Wall Street by rejecting the required restoration of Glass-Steagall to put Wall Street through bankruptcy.

Interventions in Manhattan and elsewhere around the U.S. over the past weeks by LaRouche PAC spokesmen have sent representatives of the Empire scrambling for cover, increasingly aware that the truth of their crimes, uttered in public, destroys their capacity to brainwash and coerce gullible Americans. It’s time for Wall Street to be shut down, for Obama to be removed, and for the sun to finally set on the British Empire.