Russia’s military intervention in Syria at the request of its government began two years ago today – September 30. It dramatically changed the dynamic on the ground, turning sure defeat into eventual triumph. Thousands of square miles of Syrian territory were liberated from the scourge of US-supported terrorists, defeating Washington’s imperial aims, wanting regime change, the country transformed into another vassal state. Tass reviewed Russian operations over the past two years, saying “victory over terrorism is near.” Its efforts transformed armed opposition conflicting groups into “a common front in the struggle against terrorists.” What began two years ago today “is entering … Continue reading

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The agency operates unaccountably, its diabolical agenda incompatible with democratic values and rule of law principles. It’s mostly a global Mafia hit squad. Its unchecked power threatens everyone. As long as it exists, no one anywhere is safe. Imperialism is tyranny by another name. The CIA acts as its enforcer. America is the United States of Amnesia, learning nothing from its imperial history, repeating the same mistakes, ordinary people at home and abroad suffering most. Pompeo is the latest in a long line of rogue CIA directors. At an Aspen, Colorado security summit last week, he substituted venom and fiction … Continue reading

The post The CIA Director Is a Venomous Snake appeared first on LewRockwell.

Syrian and allied forces, greatly aided by Russian airpower, are relentlessly smashing US-supported terrorists. Washington, NATO, Israel and their rogue allies want things reversed to regain the upper hand, escalating aggressive war their strategy. They want Syrian sovereignty destroyed, overwhelmingly popular Assad ousted, pro-Western puppet governance installed, Iran isolated, and the diabolical scheme repeated against Iran’s legitimate ruling authorities. Imperialism works this way, humanity’s greatest scourge. Endless high crimes of war and against humanity attest to its barbarity. America is indisputably the most vicious regime in world history, defiling democratic values and rule of law principles for centuries, raping and … Continue reading

The post Fake News Campaign appeared first on LewRockwell.

It’s one of the dirtiest of dirty open secrets.   US Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA) documents prove it – obtained by Judicial Watch through an FOIA lawsuit.  They show ISIS, al-Qaeda and like-minded terrorist groups are the “major forces” used as US foot soldiers in Syria, Iraq and elsewhere.  The myth of so-called “moderate rebels” was long ago discredited. Yet claiming they exist persists.  The DIA documents show America, NATO, Saudi Arabia and other regional rogue states support an Islamic caliphate to challenge, topple and replace Bashar al-Assad with an imperial puppet.  Longstanding US/Israeli plans call for redrawing the Middle East … Continue reading

The post Dirty Open Secret appeared first on LewRockwell.

A previous article discussed mysterious deaths associated with the Clintons, dating from when Bill was Arkansas attorney general in the 1970s. Were they suicides as reported or murders? Cover-ups and lack of proper media investigative work conceal full knowledge of what happened. Yet one thing seems clear. Anyone able to expose Clinton crime family wrongdoing not already made public runs the risk of dying under mysterious circumstances, indicating possible foul play. WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange is at risk, especially  after saying he’ll release thousands of “significant” documents on Hillary before November’s election. Asked by Fox News if new revelations could … Continue reading

The post The Clinton Body Count Mounts appeared first on LewRockwell.

America is a warrior nation, Hillary its most despicable exponent, her rage for war humanity’s greatest threat, WW III too serious a risk to allow her to succeed Obama. She supported and encouraged all US premeditated belligerence since the 1990s Balkan wars and rape of Yugoslavia. As secretary of state, she orchestrated war on Libya and Syria, naked aggression against both countries – devastated by mass slaughter, destruction, and displacement, along with unspeakable chaos and human misery. London’s Telegraph said her “first key task” as president, if elected, will be ordering a “full review” of America’s Syria policy to complete … Continue reading

The post Hillary in Charge appeared first on LewRockwell.

It’s largely a choice of style, not substance, dirty business, as usual, continuing no matter who succeeds Obama. Still, Snowden has a point. Hillary Clinton, like husband Bill, got super-rich through speechmaking, lucrative book deals, and other Big Money handouts. Lots came from Wall Street and other corporate supporters – a rogue’s gallery of crony capitalist interests buying influence. Her public financial disclosures show she earned $2,935,000 from 12 speeches to Wall Street banks alone from 2013 – 2015, five for $225,000 (her usual fee). Deutsche Bank paid her $485,000, Goldman Sachs, an astonishing $675,000 for a single speech. Wall … Continue reading

The post Trump or Goldman Sachs appeared first on LewRockwell.

Times management and editors march in lockstep with Washington’s imperial agenda – supporting its aim to replace all independent governments with Western-controlled puppet ones. International law prohibits interfering in the internal affairs of other countries except in self-defense if attacked. The General Assembly’s 1974 Charter of Economic Rights and Duties of States says no nation may use or encourage use of economic, political or other measures to coerce another country to subordinate its sovereign rights in any way. Tehran’s nuclear program is entirely peaceful. Its military development and activities are solely for self-defense. Nothing suggests otherwise. Iran hasn’t attacked another … Continue reading

The post The NYT Tells Lies About Iran appeared first on LewRockwell.

The London-based European Leadership Network (ELN) focuses on defense and security issues. Its new report is titled “Preparing for the Worst: Are Russian and NATO Military Exercises Making War in Europe more Likely?” It warned about war games making a clash between the world’s dominant nuclear powers more likely. “Each exercise is seen as provocative by the other side and feeding a dynamic of distrust and unpredictability,” said ELN’s Ian Kearns. “Everyone is focusing on the deterrent value of big exercises, but there is a downside and that is the risk factor. Politicians have to show political judgment and restraint … Continue reading