Donald Trump’s highest moment when he held Hillary liable for her emails and called for a special prosecutor.

The post Frank Luntz Says Trump Wowed Focus Group: ‘First Time There’s Been Any Genuine Movement’ appeared first on Infowars.

Clinton press secretary Nick Merrill talks about having “friendly” reporters who they rely on to regurgitate their talking points.

The post WikiLeaks: Clinton Campaign Has “Friendly” Journalists Who Regurgitate Their Talking Points appeared first on Infowars.

“I’m kind of far removed because the life I’ve lived and the economic, you know, fortunes that my husband and I now enjoy.”

The post ‘I’m Kind Of Far Removed’: Clinton Admits Estrangement From Middle Class In Wall Street Paid Speech appeared first on Infowars.

Fallon also highlighted Clinton’s support of universal background checks–which have already failed in California, Colorado, Washington state, and Paris.

The post Wikileaks Release: Hillary Clinton Press Sec Says Gun Control to Be Implemented by Executive Order appeared first on Infowars.