The Soros group believes that its $7.7 million investment in groups pushing for immigration reform was responsible for the passage of the Senate’s 2013 comprehensive immigration reform bill.

The post Memo: Soros’ Investments Led To Senate Passage Of ‘Gang Of Eight’ Immigration Bill appeared first on Infowars.

If you are a Christian, ISIS wants to kill you. Our politicians keep telling us that our battle with ISIS is not a “religious war”, but to ISIS it most certainly is.

The post ISIS Has A New Focus: Killing Christians And Bombing Churches Wherever They Can Find Them appeared first on Infowars.

The term “xenophobia” is comically stupid when used against civilized Europeans who have some of the low crime rates in the world.

The post Norwegian Police Chief Says ‘Xenophobia Is Highly Rational and Justified,’ Cites Crime Stats appeared first on Infowars.

A couple of days ago, investigative journalist Sharyl Attkisson published a very interesting article which examined how Bloomberg News egregiously spun the results of its recent presidential poll.
The post How Bloomberg Spun its Own Poll Data to Make H…