Tech entrepreneur Peter Thiel ignited a thunderous applause on Thursday night when he became the first openly gay man to address the Republican National Convention and tout his sexuality onstage.

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In response to a terror attack by a young Muslim man, Germany is going to further indoctrinate their own children into Islamism, supposedly to combat extremism.

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The reason why Donald Trump’s campaign slogan has so strongly resonated with the American people is because deep inside most of us realize that America is not as great as it used to be.

The post Donald Trump’s Convention Speech Highlighted The Truth About America’s Decline appeared first on Infowars.

Two executives from Twitter, the social media giant, refused to answer over and over again for more than eight minutes whether the company believes in the basic American principle of freedom of speech.

The post Twitter Execs Won’t Say If They Believe in Freedom of Speech appeared first on Infowars.

The Trump-Cruz showdown was one of the more dramatic confrontations in GOP convention history. So dramatic in fact that Heidi had to flee the premises amid taunts.

The post Heidi Cruz Escorted Out Following Ted’s Showdown with Trump appeared first on Infowars.