Pope Francis Says ‘a Christian Lets Everybody Come’
The fourteen migrants were guests of Caritas of Florence and the European university, and carried banners of the charity that is caring for them along with Vatican flags.
The fourteen migrants were guests of Caritas of Florence and the European university, and carried banners of the charity that is caring for them along with Vatican flags.
Rangel says members of Congress “deserve” and “need” people with firearms protecting them.
Meaning they got into the United States either through illegal immigration or via a U.S. government-allowed legal immigration or visa program or refugee program.
The people are to blame for everything according to the German president.
“It could be argued that the dude who was hoping to assassinate Donald Trump is a good guy with a gun,” Mowrer tweeted.
Stress has been building up along the San Andreas fault for more than a century, and scientists tell us that southern California is way overdue for a major earthquake.
“It’s not an uncommon thing.”
“People there they have a sympathy.”
Protecting the precious snowflakes.
“I think that [leaving the EU] is something that is probably not in our advantage from a Muslim perspective.”
Noor Salman is missing
Families reported being stuck in the chaos all day as gangs of migrants attacked the causeway in waves, hurling rocks and other projectiles at cars and breaking into lorries.
The Bilderberg-CFR-Trilateral elites are bringing all hands on deck to stop Britons from voting to leave the EU, in the June 23 Brexit referendum.
“Once you start, where do you end?”
Hillary Clinton once threw a Bible at the back of a Secret Service agent’s head.