Video: Trump Slams ABC Anchor For Probing Into Tax Rate
‘I know Hillary is a good friend of yours’.
‘I know Hillary is a good friend of yours’.
“We have to have Donald Trump not give in, to do something about the problem.”
Armed with iron bars they barricade the road with tree trunks, obstacles and fires, throw rocks at the passing vehicles to slow them down so they can climb aboard to smuggle through the port to the UK.
This is a tyranny. It is dressed up in political theater and subtle rationales for the scofflaws and dissidents it targets.
This is simply spectacular.
The letter, which is signed by officials at the Justice Department and the Department of Education, will be sent out to the districts on Friday.
More Evidence Media is Fanning Flames for Trump Assassination.
America is falling apart. And the repair bill is getting bigger.
“We’re conducting an investigation … That’s what we do.”
“An alien may not be denied admission to the United States because of the alien’s religion or lack of religious beliefs.”
Copenhagen bars tired of ‘Sharia patrols’ rampage & threats raise issue with integration minister.
Most people just seem to believe that everything is going to be okay somehow.
“They were forcing us to get in the van.”
The problem with this entire propaganda campaign is they’re giving the false impression wearing a hijab is just a “choice.”
Alex Jones talks with Stefan Molyneux about the importance of free speech and why some people are so opposed to it.