Nashville Cop of the Year Attacked by Mob at Housing Project [Video]
Blue Lives Matter – except to thugs.
Blue Lives Matter – except to thugs.
Doesn’t care what bathroom trans-genders use.
“The pro-abortion folks were eating the baby cookies or breaking the heads off and laughing.”
“The only question is, how far will the Republican establishment go to kill off this guy who is the most popular of all the other candidates?”
“Everyone deserves to feel like they belong.”
Schilling shared a meme on Facebook that clearly showed he was against transgender individuals using bathrooms against their biological sex.
The mainstream media pretends to care about bullying and rape culture and sexism. But they don’t if it’s a Muslim migrant behind it.
Near the end of last week, a magnitude 6.5 earthquake was quickly followed by a magnitude 7.3 earthquake just 28 hours later.
I’m surprised she didn’t say watermelon, just go all the way.”
“I will kill all the blacks tonight, tomorrow and any other day if they go to Kean University.”
Sanders supporters are in essence being forced to vote for Hillary Clinton delegates.
Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) and that he was glad to have won delegates “with the votes.”
Clinton campaign financier Anthony Podesta is one of the several lobbyists at his firm personally handling the Saudi account.
Sean Hannity had Senator Ted Cruz on his radio show today to discuss the GOP race.
At 2:32 local time on Tuesday morning, the most dangerous volcano in Mexico roared to life.