Imagine this scenario: It’s the year 2005 and you are living in the heart of New Orleans. A hurricane is threatening to hit and even though the city sits 8 feet below sea level, you choose not to evacuate or even prepare because you’ve seen many hurricanes threaten to hit the city and it never makes landfall, so why prepare for this one? Days later, your great city is almost completely flooded from Hurricane Katrina and over 1,800 lives were claimed including some of your neighbors because, like you, they decided not to leave the city. Now you are left without … Continue reading

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Have you ever pictured what it would be like to be ordered to immediately evacuate your home because of an impending emergency? Imagine only having enough time to grab your pets and your children and head for the hills. While many believe there is adequate advanced notice in evacuations, this isn’t always the case. As many of you know, due to the higher than normal rain levels in California, water levels at Oroville Dam, the nation’s tallest dam, were so high that an emergency spillway was used for the first time. Initially, dam officials believed the measure worked, but were soon disappointed Sunday afternoon, … Continue reading

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It seemed like yesterday we were wishing each other a Happy Thanksgiving, and now half of December is gone. If you are stumped on what to get your favorite prepper or are shopping at the last minute, these gift ideas could be what you’ve been looking for. I like to focus prepper gifts on striving to enhance a prepper’s skillsets or helping one acquire the equipment they need to live in a long-term off-grid environment. Myths, Misunderstandings and Outright lies about owning Gold. Are you at risk? 10 Stocking Stuffers Crocheting Kit Mountain House Meal Assortments (Great for 72 Hour Bags) … Continue reading

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Make no mistake, anyone held at gunpoint is living through one of their worst nightmares. That nightmare came true for Kim Kardashian West when she was recently held at gunpoint and robbed by masked criminals pretending to be police officers. While the criminals spoke mostly French when they broke into the private apartment, they also screamed, “Ring!” “Ring!”, referring to the 20 carat diamond ring estimated at 5 million dollars that her husband, Kanye West had given to her, and one they most likely saw on her Twitter feed. In addition to her ring, the robbers stole other jewels in the … Continue reading

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We all have our quirky ailments. Some of us have digestion issues, while others are arthritic inflammation and some have a suppressed immunity. Whatever the case may be, there is a simple way to reduce symptoms that go along with these personal ailments. By gently flushing the system on a daily basis with infusions of fruit, herbs and water, you can start taking steps to get your health to the standards you want to be at. Infused detox waters act by gently flushing out toxins and provide you added antioxidants and other health boosting nourishment. As well, many of the detox waters … Continue reading

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For the better part of a year, I haven’t felt like myself. I was lethargic, depressed and always on the verge of catching the latest virus circulating around, even though I was taking supplements and eating a healthy diet. After having enough of feeling crappy all the time, I took a food allergy test and found out I had a food intolerance to dairy, gluten, and a few other food types. For years I had heard of people talking about the Wheat Belly book and thought it was impossible to live that healthy of a lifestyle. Well, folks, my time … Continue reading

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If you spend any time outdoors, you know that poison ivy can grow just about anywhere and is the bane of all outdoor enthusiasts. 85% of the population has some sort of allergic reaction to poison. In all truthfulness, it is not the plant people are allergic to, but the oil in poison ivy, poison oak, and sumac. All parts of the plant contain the oil, urushiol, which causes the bubbly, itchy rash. Once the oil makes contact with your skin through direct or indirect exposure (from clothing, shoes, or your pet), a rash can occur within 12 to 72 hours. Within that time, you … Continue reading

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Collectively speaking, there are many of us who have been preparing for emergencies for a while and have read our fair share of prepper fiction and watched enough apocalyptic thrillers know that the higher the population density, the more dangerous it is. As well, when resources like food and fuel have to be transported from outside the city limits, then your survivability rate lessens. So what about those who have to live in the city? Should they just stop prepping all together? Would they stand a fighting chance at surviving? According to the last census, 80.7 percent of the U.S. population lives in urban … Continue reading

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Food freedom – now that’s a loaded statement. Is there such a thing? How many of you go to the store every week to get produce and meat? I would venture to guess almost all of us. Over the last several years, a substantial amount of our wealth has gone into purchasing food staples like meat, eggs and dairy. Even though we were “technically” making our way out of the recession of 2008, prices still continued to steadily rise. I was even more frustrated when country of origin labels were removed and serious health-related superbugs were present in packaged meat. … Continue reading

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Since the last great recession of 2008, economic forecasters and preppers alike have warned of the bottom dropping out of the economy. The proverbial doom prediction of “it’s not if, but when” was used for years as a call to action to get ready for a much larger economic disaster. Well folks, it seems that history is repeating itself. This week, George Soros cautioned the public of an impending economic crisis. Speaking at an economic forum in Sri Lanka’s capital, Colombo, he told an audience that China is struggling to find a new growth model and its currency devaluation is transferring problems to … Continue reading

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Merry Christmas, my dear friends. It’s that  time of year again where we put up our favorite prepper gift suggestions. As many of you know all too well, prepping is an investment. As we move toward more longer-term preparedness needs, the items can get more expensive. That said, Christmas is an excellent opportunity to make these investments. I have always been one that leans toward the more practical gifts, rather than the extravagant. While there are some great online deals to take advantage of, I wanted to share the prepper gifts that I have bought in the last few weeks for … Continue reading

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Surviving the wilderness in the bitter cold is not for the faint of heart. Record low temperatures could create the need for emergency shelters, especially if you find yourself outdoors and fear exposure. Your Top Priorities In a Cold Environment Your primary concerns in such an unforgiving environment is shelter and water. You want to ensure you can maintain your body heat. One small mistake such as accidently losing a glove or eye protection can cause detrimental issues like hypothermia, frostbite and even snow blindness. In addition, the clothing layers you wear outdoors could make all the difference in the world. Proper layers … Continue reading

The post Outdoor Winter Survival appeared first on LewRockwell.

One of the perks of Ready Nutrition is to read books on prepping and natural living and share which ones I like with all of you. Like many of you, I have a natural curiosity about natural medicine and practiced using essential oils and herbs to make my own salves and teas. I am by no means a master herbalist but love learning about the subject. Cat Ellis, blogger at Herbal Prepper and author has a long-time background in herbal medicine and is something that I believe will serve her well during a time when there is no doctor. I was … Continue reading

The post When the Meds Run Out appeared first on LewRockwell.

Gear up, I’m about to take the whole PSL (pumpkin spice latte) fad to a whole new level! Many of you are getting ready to Halloween festivities and may be looking for a yummy adult beverage to serve at the parties. With all the flavors of fall, pumpkin spice moonshine is a fun drink that has a great kick! Here’s my favorite pumpkin spice blend: 2 teaspoons cinnamon2 teaspoons ground ginger1/2 teaspoon nutmeg1/2 teaspoon ground cloves  Whether you have made your own moonshine from scratch and want to kick it up a little or go the easy route and purchase some … Continue reading

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For far too many years, there have been stories exposing harmful chemicals found in our everyday items. Chemicals such as fluoride and triclosan found in deodorant, cosmetics, and our toothpastes, has led me to find more natural products to replace them. If you think the FDA is on our side and looking out for these harmful chemicals, think again. In fact, the FDA actually conspired with Colgate to hide the evidence of how harmful triclosan truly is. As usual, we need to be more mindful about the products we use and try and find more natural ways to live. Making your own tooth powder … Continue reading