“There is no destiny, there is only the edge of a good blade and the skill of the man wielding it.” A survival knife isn’t just a knife. It’s one of the most important tools to have on you. Whether you are in back country or packing up your bug out bag – you need a dependable knife. A good knife can cut down branches to make a survival shelter, make traps or skin animals. It can also be used for cooking and defense, if need be. That said, not all knives are the same and understanding this before investing in a … Continue reading

As the fall approaches we must now focus on some of the things now available to you as wildcrafters and herbal “gatherers” that previously may have been difficult to find.  This article entails some facts about medicinal mushrooms and is provided for informational purposes only.  The information provided is not meant to, nor does it diagnose, treat, prescribe, cure, or recommend any actions for any disease or illness.  Only a licensed physician may do such things; prior to taking any actions pertaining to this article, seek the approval of your licensed family physician. Mushrooms are greatly available in the wilds … Continue reading

Since April 2015, eleven cases of plague have been recorded in the U.S., and three people have died leaving the CDC no other recourse but to issue a warning to alert doctors of potential cases that may arise. There is a “Heightened Risk” “It is unclear why the number of cases in 2015 is higher than usual,” the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention says. Many of the cases are occurring in rural and semi-rural areas in the western United States. The report lists two cases in Arizona, one in California, four in Colorado, one in Georgia, two in New Mexico and one … Continue reading

In a post-disaster environment, paramedics and medical response teams are inundated with emergency calls and assign degrees of urgency to emergency calls. If your call is not on the list of priority medical issues, then you will have to wait. Those who understand this know that in these times of crisis, we must become our own medics and know how to treat medical emergencies during disaster events. Stopping a critical life threatening bleed is paramount in an emergency situation and, in some cases, takes precedence over airways and breathing.  This is one of those medical issues that you need to know how to care for. One … Continue reading

My husband and I decided that we wanted to do something special with our family for summer and started saving money right after Christmas was over. We scrimped and saved and were able to come up with the money for a small vacation, plus a little extra that we put away in our emergency fund. When our vacation day finally arrived, we packed our bags and got on the road. At the last minute, my husband ran into Wal-Mart to grab some last minute items. As I sat in the car waiting for my husband to come out, I noticed the car running erratically and … Continue reading

Most people don’t think they need to worry about dehydration. To them, dehydration is something that happens to travelers in the desert when they run out of water. But there is a chronic form of dehydration that does not have the sudden and intense nature of the acute form. Chronic dehydration is widespread in the present day and affects everyone who is not drinking enough liquid. This list of 13 symptoms will inspire you to go get a glass of water, and then another, and another. After each symptom the list below will show how lack of fluid affects the … Continue reading

Collectively speaking, most Americans take for granted the system in place to deliver essential supplies to their area. “The system,” an underlying infrastructure that keeps goods, services and commerce in America flowing creates a sense of normalcy and order. Food, water, gasoline and medications are just a few of the items restocked weekly in order for our dependent society to maintain a steady flow. What many fail to grasp is just how fragile the system is and just how quickly it can collapse. Our transportation systems are one of the weakest links in the system. Mac Slavo explains: In a 2012 report prepared for legislators … Continue reading

There seems to be some discrepancy on whether or not sunscreens are safe. On one hand, it protects our skin from burning and later developing skin cancers, yet on the other hand, most sunscreens are chemical-laden and can cause cancer later in life. So, which is the right choice? Not All Sunscreens Are Created Equal First of all, the sun does not cause cancer; UVA rays and sun damage do. It is suggested that we get 20-30 minutes of unfiltered sunshine preferably in the early morning when UV rays are not yet at their most potent. This naturally creates vitamin D in … Continue reading

According to studies, over 10,000 water immersion auto accidents occur each year and over 300 people on average, perish before getting out. How many of you know what to do? Do you wait until the car has filled up with water so the car is pressurized and you can escape more easily? This is s common answer, but could get you killed. Many die because they have received the wrong information on how to escape a sinking vehicle. Breathing from a bubble of trapped air, kicking out a window or waiting until the car touched bottom all yields a less than … Continue reading

Years ago, I made an investment into cast iron skillets to use in an off-grid environment. We frequently went camping and I needed to find cookware that could be used indoors, as well as outdoors. Additionally, I had just started reading about all of the health risks related to non-stick cookware and the perfluorocarbons (PFCs), a chemical linked to liver damage, cancer, developmental problems. PFCs are released from nonstick pans in the form of fumes when pans are heated on high heat. They can be inhaled and even ingested when the surface of the pan gets scratched. After reading about this, I … Continue reading

Do you ever wonder if a major emergency situation occurred what would disappear first?  Due to the overwhelming nature of prepping for a emergency situation, many do not know where to even begin, let alone think of emergency situations they would need to prepare for.  Having a ready supply of food, water and batteries are a good start, but not enough.  There are many more items to have on hand besides beans, band aids and bullets. When planning for an emergency, especially a sudden and long-term emergency, think about the worst situation imaginable.  For those that need some help – think of mass chaos of people running … Continue reading

Collapse currency is a necessary shtf insurance policy we need to invest in for our long-term longevity. With this idea in mind, when we look at the concept of investing and wealth preservation for uncertain times, we want to employ a strategy that will provide as much coverage as possible so that if we are hit out of the blue with something totally unexpected, we’ll at least have the basic necessities to survive. One of the most popular shtf currencies many have invested in is gold and silver. While these are the currencies of kings, many believe it may not … Continue reading

To live more sustainably, I have a small garden bed in my backyard to grow food for my family. Although it isn’t as large as I would like it be and certainly could not grow a year’s worth of food, I am able to grow plenty of fresh vegetables to make sauces, salsas and salad ingredients. As well, I utilize my patio as a container garden to grow bush-type varieties in pots. Using the space I have to the best of its ability saves me money and, best of all, I have the satisfaction of knowing how my food is grown. … Continue reading