Although for the most part, observers are taking sides in the Russo-US conflict and hoping for the victory of their camp, Moscow is attempting to calm the atmosphere in the Middle East. It is therefore opposed to an attack on Israël by Iran, just as it was opposed to an Israëli operation against Iran in 2008. Israël fired nine missiles against two Syrian military bases in the night of 29-30 April 2018, causing serious damage. What is surprising about this operation is that the Russian radars did not transmit the alert to the Syrian authorities, who were therefore unable to … Continue reading

The post Russia Is Opposed to a War appeared first on LewRockwell.

When they want to condemn a suspect, the Western powers accuse him of all sorts of crimes until they’re ready to pronounce sentence. Truth and Justice have no say in the matter, the only thing that counts is their power. Let’s take another look at the accusation of the use of chemical weapons in Syria. Thierry Meyssan reminds us that although that particular case is only a few years old, the principle of claiming that Syria is guilty has been established for more than two thousand years. The Western powers claim that a “civil war” began in Syria in 2011. … Continue reading

The post The Cycle of Lies appeared first on LewRockwell.

The more time passes since the allied attack against Syria on 14 April 2018, the more the available information reveals the amplitude of the disaster. While the United States still mange to prevent leaks from their armies, those from France are irrevocable. Washington, Paris and London clearly demonstrated that they still intend to rule the world, but they also showed that they no longer have the means to do so. One week after the allied attack against Syria, very many questions remain unanswered concerning the objectives of this operation and its implementation. And the few established facts contradict the official … Continue reading

The post The Fiasco appeared first on LewRockwell.

Contrary to the picture portrayed by Atlanticist propaganda, Thierry Meyssan takes a long-term view of international relations. For him, what we have seen in Syria over the last seven years is not a civil war, but rather a seventeen-year regional war in the greater Middle East. This vast conflict, from which Russia emerges victor over NATO, is gradually giving rise to a new world equilibrium. All wars end with winners and losers. The seventeen years we have just lived through in the “Greater Middle East” is no exception. Yet, while Saddam Hussein and Muammar Gaddafi have been eliminated and Syria … Continue reading

The post Towards a Post-War appeared first on LewRockwell.

Thierry Meyssan pursues his study of national foreign policies. After having analysed the policy of France, he now turns to that of the United Kingdom. While the former is considered to be the « private domain » of the President of the Republic, and as such, escapes the democratic debate, the latter, even more so, is elaborated by an elite gathered around the monarch, outside of any form of popular control. Thus the elected Prime Minister can do no more than implement the choice of the hereditary Crown. Faced with the failure of the US project for a unipolar world, … Continue reading

The post The Real British Foreign Policy appeared first on LewRockwell.

While the experts were wondering about the possible evolution of the world order towards a multipolar system, or even a simple tripolar system, the sudden advances of Russian military technology force the return to a bipolar organisation. Let’s take another look at what we have learned over the last three years, until the President Putin’s revelations on 1 March 2018. In the second quarter of 2012, Russia and its allies agreed to deploy a peace force in Syria as soon as the Geneva agreement was concluded. But everything changed when France rebooted the war in July 2012. Although Russia had … Continue reading

The post Restoring World Bipolarity appeared first on LewRockwell.

If we accept to take a step back, we notice that the different conflicts which have bloodied the Greater Middle East for the last sixteen years, from Afghanistan to Libya, have not been a succession of civil wars, but the application of regional strategies. Thierry Meyssan reminds us of the objectives and the tactics of these wars since the « Arab Springs » and observes the preparation of those to come. At the end of 2010, a series of wars began, initially presented as popular uprisings. Successively, Tunisia, Egypt, Libya, Syria and Yemen were swept under by the « Arab … Continue reading

The post Aggression appeared first on LewRockwell.

The announcements and denials of the Trump administration concerning military developments in the North of Syria reveal a heavy secret. Paradoxically, Turkey has come to the assistance of the United States to correct « the error » of their superior officers. The denial expressed on 17 January by Secretary of State Rex Tillerson concerning the declarations of the commander-in-chief of CentCom, General Joseph Votel, on 23 December, and of the spokesman of the anti-Daesh Coalition, Colonel Thomas Veale, on 13 January, has sowed confusion. The denial did not satisfy Turkey who, after having warned the US Chargé d’Affaires, Philip Kosnett, … Continue reading

The post US Secrets, Lies, and Confusion appeared first on LewRockwell.

It would be a serious error to judge President Trump by the criteria of the Washington ruling class, ignoring the History and the culture of the United States. It would also be an error to interpret his actions from the point of view of European thought. Indeed, his defence of the right to bear arms or the racist demonstrations in Charlottesville have nothing to with support for extremists, but exclusively the promotion of the Bill of Rights. Thierry Meyssan explains the train of thought that he represents, and draws up an assessment of his highly important economic, political and military realisations. … Continue reading

The post Trump the Anti-Puritan Revolutionary appeared first on LewRockwell.

Since the beginning of the war against Syria in 2011, Russia has been supporting this nation against what it considers to be an exterior aggression. While the Western Press explains this behaviour as a case of solidarity between dictatorships, Thierry Meyssan brings to light its real historical motives. He notes that the victory, which also belongs to Moscow, opens a new period for Orthodox culture in Europe. In order to build a modern Russia, Tsarina Catherine II decided to make its capital, Saint Petersburg, the world’s leading cultural centre. She rooted her country in its basic cultural foundations of Orthodox … Continue reading

The post From Catherine II to Vladimir Putin appeared first on LewRockwell.

While Presidents Putin and Trump continue to make progress on the question of Syria, the United States senior civil servants in service at the UNO have locked into a round of arm-wrestling with Russia. Refusing to investigate a crime that they have already tried a priori, they provoked not one, but four vetos at the Security Council. For Thierry Meyssan, the schizophrenic behaviour of the United States on the international stage is a demonstration of the divisions within the Trump administration and the decline of US imperialism. Decidedly, very little has changed since 11 September 2001. The United States continue … Continue reading

The post At the UN appeared first on LewRockwell.

While the war against Daesh is drawing to a close in Iraq and Syria, and the war against the pseudo-Kurdistan seems to have been avoided, several States of the Greater Middle East are regaining the initiative. Profiting from the fluidity of the moment, the Crown Prince of Saudi Arabia has brutally eliminated the members of the royal family who may be in a position to contest his Power. So not only has the regional balance of power been modified by war, but one of the region’s main actors has just changed its objectives. A new period in the Middle East … Continue reading

The post Palace Coup in Riyadh appeared first on LewRockwell.

Over the last 16 years, numerous debates have troubled the experts in international politics in their attempts to define the objectives of US strategy. It is obviously much easier to answer the question now rather than at the beginning. And yet very few have tried, and many persist in expounding theories which have been belied by the facts. Basing his analysis on the conclusions of this debate, Thierry Meyssan reminds us of the next stage which was planned for the US armies by their theorists of that time – a stage which may soon be put into practice. The forces … Continue reading

The post Clash of Civilizations 2 appeared first on LewRockwell.

While the Syrian Arab Army, the Russian aviation and Hezbollah are preparing to finish off Daesh, the Pentagon is planning a new war against Syria, this time with Kurdish troops. Just as the mission of the Caliphate was to create a Sunnistan straddling Iraq and Syria, so the mission of « Rojava » is to create a Kurdistan straddling the two states, as the Pentagon has been publicly stating for the last four years. This map was published by Robin Wright nine months before the offensive by Daesh into Iraq and Syria. According to this Pentagon researcher, it rectifies the … Continue reading

The post After Its Caliphate Fails appeared first on LewRockwell.

The US ruling class feels threatened by the international changes prompted by President Trump. It has just united in order to force him under the guardianship of Congress. In a law which was voted almost unanimously, it has re-introduced sanctions against North Korea, Iran and Russia, and has unraveled the investments of the European Union and those of China. For them, it is essential to block the President’s policy of cooperation and development and to return to the Wolfowitz doctrine of confrontation and suzerainty. It is a scandal without precedent. The White House Secretary General, Reince Priebus, was part of … Continue reading

The post Against the Rest of the World appeared first on LewRockwell.