President Trump’s policy in the Greater Middle East is beginning to materialise. While up until now, the United States and their allies have been attempting to destroy states and impose chaos, they are now legitimising alliances against the jihadists. Although in theory, Iran, Syria and the Hezbollah are still enemies to be defeated, in practice, they have become partners. In the end, this new deal could enable the states of the region to force the multinational companies out of the political sphere and re-establish peace. Buy Silver at Discounted Prices From right to left (method for reading images in the … Continue reading

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As we approach the end of the war against Syria, none of the initial goals of the Anglo-Saxons have been clearly reached. Not only has the Muslim Brotherhood failed to triumph via the Arab Springs, but they seem to be losing all over the region, apart from in Qatar and Turkey. And although Syria is mostly destroyed, Syrian society and its multi-confessional model have resisted – the Silk Road should finally be re-opened. In any case, Israël and Turkey are close reaping the benefits and disengaging, in their own way becoming winners in this war. Everyone expected that the crisis opposing … Continue reading

The post Peace in Syria appeared first on LewRockwell.

It is fashionable in the West to talk about the « compatibility of Islam and democracy » or « Islam and secularism ». These issues suggest that by nature Islam is clerical, and therefore not a religion, but a political current. Consequently, the most « radical » Muslims are terrorists and vice versa. And yet, for the last month, the Greater Middle East, with its mostly Muslim population, is dividing between the faithful followers of this religion and the partisans of a political system which is manipulating them. Some of our readers misunderstood a previous chronicle concerning the evolution of … Continue reading

The post Islam and Clericalism appeared first on LewRockwell.

As the Middle Eastern States split between the partisans and adversaries of clericalism, Washington, Moscow and Beijing are negotiating a new deal. Thierry Meyssan evaluates the impact of this earthquake on the Palestinian, Iraqi-Syrian and Yemeni conflicts. The diplomatic crisis around Qatar has frozen several regional conflicts and disguised the attempts at resolution by others. No-one knows when the curtain will rise, but it should reveal a region which has been profoundly transformed. 1— The Palestinian conflict Since the expulsion of the majority of Palestinians from their homes (the Nakba, 15 May 1948) and the refusal by the Arab peoples … Continue reading

The post Adjustments in the Middle East appeared first on LewRockwell.

Donald Trump’s speech in Riyadh has sparked a wave of declarations against terrorism and against political Islam. The Arab world is expressing its thirst for secularism at the very moment that it is being misrepresented in Europe and used against religions. Faced with this breath of liberty, the British are organizing the camp of political Islam around Qatar, Iran, Turkey and the Muslim Brotherhood. During colonisation and throughout the Cold War, the imperialist powers used religions in order to gag all protest against their domination. So, France, which in 1905 adopted an important law about the secularism of its institutions, … Continue reading

The post A Wind of Secularism appeared first on LewRockwell.

We are witnessing a historical reversal in France, where the ancient political spectrum is exploding into pieces as new fractures appear. Because of the intensive storm of media propaganda which has recently almost drowned the nation, the French can now perceive nothing more than the essential markers and cling to red lines which no longer exist. However, the facts are clear, and certain evolutions are predictable. After a very agitated electoral campaign, the French chose Emmanuel Macron and Marine Le Pen for the second round of the Presidential election. Already, almost all the losing candidates, with the exception of Jean-Luc … Continue reading

The post The French Scuttle Their Own Ship appeared first on LewRockwell.

The White House has finally aligned itself with the Coalition composed of the neo-conservatives around the United Kingdom and a variety of multinational companies. The United States have once again taken up the imperialist policies upon which they decided in 1991, and have reactivated NATO. The rupture with Russia and China was consummated on 12 April 2017. The world is once again on the brink of nuclear war. During two weeks of intense fighting within the Trump administration, the United States have illegally attacked the air base at Chayrat (Syria), then multiplied contradictory signals before showing their hand – finally, … Continue reading

The post The Specter of Nuclear Destruction appeared first on LewRockwell.

While Washington multiplies the signals confirming its intention to destroy Daesh, the British and the French, followed by the rest of the Europeans, are contemplating going their own way. London and Paris may have coordinated the attacks on Damascus and Hama in order to force the Syrian Arab Army to move out to defend them, and consequently, to weaken their presence around Rakka. The Europeans are hoping to organize the flight of the jihadists towards the Turkish frontier. The meeting of the anti-Daesh Coalition in Washington, on 22-23 March, went very badly. Although in appearance, the 68 members reasserted their … Continue reading

The post Destroy Daesh? appeared first on LewRockwell.

This article is a warning – in November 2016, a vast system of agitation and propaganda was set up in order to destroy the reputation and the authority of President Donald Trump as soon as he arrived in the White House. It is the first time that such a campaign has been scientifically organized against a President of the United States, and with such resources. Yes, we are indeed entering a post-Truth age, but the distribution of rôles is not what you may think it is. The campaign waged against the new President of the United States by the sponsors … Continue reading

The post Hillary’s Vast Left-Wing Conspiracy appeared first on LewRockwell.

Our previous articles concerning President Trump have caused some fierce reactions from our readers. Some of them have been wondering about the naïvety apparently displayed by Thierry Meyssan despite the warnings issued by the international Press and the accumulation of negative signals. Here is his response, well-reasoned as always. o weeks after his investiture, the Altantist Press continues its work of disinformation and agitation against the new President of the United States of America. Trump and his new collaborators are multiplying declarations and gestures which are apparently contradictory so that it is difficult to understand what is going on in … Continue reading

The post What’s With Donald Trump? appeared first on LewRockwell.

This is a long story which extends over fifteen years. NATO first attempted to silence those citizens who were trying to discover the truth about the attacks of 11 September 2001. Then it turned on those who contested the official version of the «Arab Springs» and the war against Syria. One thing leading to another, it then attacked those who denounced the coup d’état in Ukraine. Now NATO is behind the accusations by a pseudo-NGO that the people who campaigned for Donald Trump are Russian agents. The attacks of 11 September 2001 were followed by a permanent state of emergency … Continue reading

The post Stifling Freedom of Expression appeared first on LewRockwell.

The FBI investigation into Hillary Clinton’s private e-mails is not directed at a case of negligence in the face of security regulations but at a conspiracy attempting to eliminate any trace of her correspondence which should have been archived on the servers of the Federal State. It could include exchanges about illegal financing or corruption, and others concerning the links between the Clintons, the Muslim Brotherhood, and the jihadists. The reprise of the FBI investigation of Hillary Clinton’s private e-mails no longer concerns questions of security, but rather acts of skullduggery and cheating which could be as serious as high treason. … Continue reading

The post Hillary Clinton and the Muslim Brotherhood appeared first on LewRockwell.

Observing the US presidential electoral campaign, Thierry Meyssan analyses the resurgence of an old and weighty conflict of civilisation. Hillary Clinton has just declared that this election is not about programmes, but about the question «Who are the Americans?». It was not for reasons of his political programme that the Republican leaders have withdrawn their support from their candidate, Donald Trump, but because of his personal behaviour. According to Thierry Meyssan, until now, the United States was composed of migrants from different horizons who accepted to submit to the ideology of a particular community . This is the model which … Continue reading

The post Mass Migration appeared first on LewRockwell.

Observing the US presidential electoral campaign, Thierry Meyssan analyses the resurgence of an old and weighty conflict of civilisation. Hillary Clinton has just declared that this election is not about programmes, but about the question «Who are the Americans?». It was not for reasons of his political programme that the Republican leaders have withdrawn their support from their candidate, Donald Trump, but because of his personal behaviour. According to Thierry Meyssan, until now, the United States was composed of migrants from different horizons who accepted to submit to the ideology of a particular community . This is the model which … Continue reading

The post Mass Migration appeared first on LewRockwell.

The United States and the European Union have launched an undeclared war against Syria, Iran, and Russia – it is known by the alias «economic sanctions». This appalling tactic killed more than a million Iraqis during the 1990’s, without arousing any suspicion in Western public opinion. It is used today, patiently, against any state which refuses to be dominated by the unipolar world order. In the past, conventional war strategy included the siege of a city or a state. It was used to isolate the enemy, to prevent him from using his resources, to submit him to famine, and finally … Continue reading

The post White-Collar War appeared first on LewRockwell.