While the cease-fire in Syria, drawn up by the US Secretary of State and his Russian counterpart, seemed to be holding – apart from the Israëli violations on the first day – the Pentagon attacked the Syrian Arab Army for the second time. Washington claimed it was a mistake, but the reaction of the US ambassador to the UNO, on the contrary, made it seem more like the execution of a plan. What game is Washington playing? Even as it negotiated a cease-fire with the United States, Russia knew that they would not respect it any more than they had … Continue reading

The post Washington’s Dirty Game appeared first on LewRockwell.

The United States and their allies will be commemorating the 15-year anniversary of 9/11. For Thierry Meyssan, it’s the occasion to take an honest look at Washington’s policies since that date – it is not a pretty picture. There are two ways of looking at it – either the White House’s version of the 9/11 attacks is correct, in which case their response has been particularly counter-productive, or else it’s a lie, in which case they have succeeded in pillaging the Greater Middle East. 15 years ago, in the United States, on September 11, 2001, the «continuity of government plan» … Continue reading

The post 15 Years of Crime appeared first on LewRockwell.

For 30 years, the National Endowment for Democracy (NED) has been sub-contracting the legal part of illegal CIA operations. Without rousing suspicions, it has put in place the biggest network of corruption in the world, bribing trade unions and management syndicates , political parties both on both the Right and Left so that they defend the interests of the United States instead of their members. In this article, Thierry Meyssan describes the extent of this system. In 2006, Kremlin denounced the proliferation of foreign associations in Russia, some of which would have participated in a secret plan, orchestrated by the … Continue reading

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During their meeting in Istanbul on the 13 May 2015, the leaders of NATO finish a well-alcoholised meal by mocking the idiots who believe in their rhetoric of peace, singing «We are the world». In this unpleasant video, we can recognize General Philip Breedlove, Jens Stoltenberg, Federica Mogherini and a number of Ministers of Defence. The summit of the chiefs of staff and government of NATO has just finished its meeting in Warsaw (7 and 8 July 2016). It should have been the triumph of the United States over the rest of the world, but was, in fact, the beginning … Continue reading

The post The Twilight of NATO appeared first on LewRockwell.

The United States remain uncertain of their capacity to convince the European Union to participate actively in NATO, and the will of the United Kingdom to pursue the military alliance that they have been building together since 1941 for the purpose of dominating the world. Because despite the allegations of the European leaders, the Brexit does not isolate the United Kingdom but enables it to turn to the Commonwealth and to create links with China and Russia. Press-ganging the Europeans into NATO The United States and the United Kingdom had planned to push the members of the Union to announce … Continue reading

The post The Anglo-American Imperial Alliance appeared first on LewRockwell.

Propaganda is a military technique which should be distinguished from strategic subterfuge. The former seeks to trick one’s own side, generally in order to garner support. The latter, whose antique archetype is the Trojan horse, aims to damage the adversary. As is often the case, this military technique has known many civil applications, in the commercial as well as the political sector. While at first, the monarchic and oligarchic régimes were satisfied with making a display of their power, particularly through ceremonials and public architecture, the democratic régimes, as soon as they appeared, incited propaganda. Thus, the Athenian democracy favoured … Continue reading

The post The Techniques of Modern Military Propaganda appeared first on LewRockwell.

The United States primaries, which are intended to be the preparation for a confrontation between the Republicans and the Democrats, have progressively deviated to become a contest for the control of the Republican Party. While on the side of the Democrats, the duel between Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders may be resumed as experience in the service of the rich against idealism in the service of the greatest number, all attention is now focused on the combat opposing Donald Trump and Ted Cruz for the Republican nomination. Cruz is a pure product of a private military «psychological operations» agency. In … Continue reading

The post Neocons Versus Trump appeared first on LewRockwell.

Democracy is a tramway – you climb on to get where you want to go, then you climb off.» Recep Tayyip Erdoğan (1996) The European Council of the 17th and 18th March 2016 adopted a plan which aimed to solve the problems posed by the massive influx of migrants from Turkey [1]. 28 heads of state and government submitted to the demands of Ankara. We have already analysed the way in which the United States wanted to use the events in the Near East in order to weaken the European Union [2]. At the beginning of the current «refugee crisis», we were … Continue reading

The post Europe Chooses Suicide appeared first on LewRockwell.

In 1979, Israel completed the final adjustments to its atomic bomb, in collaboration with the apartheid régime of South Africa. The Hebrew state has never signed the Non-Proliferation Treaty and has always avoided answering questions about its nuclear programme. Every year since 1980, the United Nations General Assembly has adopted a consensual resolution to make the Near East a region free from all nuclear weapon. This resolution was aimed at encouraging Israel to give up its bomb and to ensure that other states would not enter into an arms race. Under the Shah, Iran also had a military nuclear programme, … Continue reading

The post The Nuclear Near East appeared first on LewRockwell.

Psychological Operations » (Psy Ops) are « tricks of war », like the Trojan Horse. Under the influence of General Edward Lansdale, the United States equipped their armies and the CIA with these special Psy Ops units, first of all in the Philippines, in Vietnam and against Cuba, then as permanent fixtures [1]. Psychological Operations are far more complex than propaganda, which is aimed only at deforming the perception of reality. For example, during the war against Syria in 2011, allied propaganda consisted of convincing the population that President el-Assad was going to abdicate, as President Ben Ali of Tunisia had … Continue reading

The post Even More Sinister Than You Thought appeared first on LewRockwell.

Tye Arab world today is dominated by the United States, who are intent on exploiting it and hindering its development. However, numerous revolts, in Palestine, Syria, Iraq, Yemen and Bahreïn, attest to a will to resistance which is in contrast to the voluntary servitude of the Europeans. This game, entirely controlled by Washington since Henry Kissinger’s diplomatic successes, has been upset, on the one hand, by the Russian military intervention in Syria and, on the other hand, by the return of Chinese commerce, which dominated the Mediterranean in late Antiquity and the Middle Ages. It is in this context that … Continue reading

The post The New Silk Road appeared first on LewRockwell.

According to the official version, the attacks of January and November 2015 in Paris were sponsored by Al-Qaïda in the Arab Peninsula (AQAP) —for the execution of the editors of Charlie-Hebdo— and by Daesh for all the others. The authorities have admitted that the Charlie-Hebdo attack was coordinated with the attack against the supermarket at the Porte de Vincennes, although, according to them, AQAP and Daesh are enemies. They also admitted that doubt persists concerning the claim that Amedy Coulibaly was a member of Daesh. Reuters revealed that the weapons used in the attacks came from the factory of Crvena Zastava, … Continue reading

The post Who Organised the Paris Attacks? appeared first on LewRockwell.

The last address on the State of the Union, given by President Obama, was designed primarily to write the pages of his own history in the imagination of his compatriots [1]. Apart from a few allusions to the danger represented by the excesses of Republican candidate Donald Trump, the address was a long panegyric to the supremacy of his country, and ended with a proposition for the reform of political life as necessary as it is inapplicable. « The strongest economy in the world » Barack Obama began by declaring that : « The United States of America, right now, has … Continue reading

The post The American Presidential Empire appeared first on LewRockwell.

While the Saud family enjoys the last few moments of its dictatorship, the decapitation of the leader of the opposition, Nimr al-Nimr, deprives half of the Saudi population of all hope. For Thierry Meyssan, the fall of the kingdom has become inevitable. It will probably be accompanied by a long period of extreme violence. In one year, the new king of Saudi Arabia, Salman, 25th son of the founder of the dynasty, has managed to consolidate his personal authority to the detriment of other branches of his family, including the clan of Prince Bandar ben Sultan and that of the … Continue reading

The post Saudi Arabia Will Be Overthrown appeared first on LewRockwell.