Nothing seems to cause one of the neocon talking heads to fall into a rage more than discussing a politician or political candidate who “doesn’t believe in American exceptionalism!!”  Sean Hannity seems especially unhinged under such circumstances.  This is because “American exceptionalism” has long been the ideological underpinning of – and justification for –the American empire and all of its military adventures.  As shills for the American military/industrial complex and the empire that it is forever expanding, Hannity, O’Reilly, Limbaugh, and all the rest are required by their masters to express outrage – outrage! – whenever anyone questions the propriety … Continue reading

In his recent speech to the U.S. Congress Pope Francis declared that “the common good is the chief aim of all politics” and that “freedom requires love of the common good.”  Legislation is “always based on care for the public,” the pontiff pontificated.  Only a naïve child could believe such a thing. The pope said these things in the context of imploring the Congress to adopt some kind of Soviet-style central planning of the economy in the name of “fighting global warming,” while simultaneously exploding American welfare state spending by extending welfare benefits to all welfare parasites from every Third … Continue reading

. . . as mentioned in his speech to Congress today is the man who, in his first inaugural address, pledged his support for a constitutional amendment that would have enshrined slavery explicitly in the Constitution (the Corwin Amendment).  The man who made dozens of speeches in favor of deporting all the black people out of America and worked on plans to accomplish it to his dying day.  The man who threatened “invasion” and “bloodshed” in his first inaugural address in any state that refused to collect the newly-doubled federal tariff tax.  The man who waged total war for four … Continue reading

For 150 years the American Lincoln cult denied what it called a “rumor” that, after a string of devastating battlefield defeats, Abraham Lincoln in 1862 offered command of the U.S. Army to an Italian mercenary named Giuseppe Garibaldi.  The “rumor” was proven to be true, however, when an Italian historian named Arrigo Petacco discovered in an Italian archive a faded letter from Garibaldi to King Victor Emmanuel II of Italy, telling the king of the offer (See Rory Carroll, “Garibaldi Asked by Lincoln to Run Army”). Garibaldi was Lincoln’s first choice to replace General George McClellan, long before Ulysses S. … Continue reading

The totalitarian socialists among us who try to disguise their true beliefs by calling themselves “progressives” are currently in the middle of one of their periodic fits of hyper-PC hysteria.  Upon learning that the mentally deranged, drugged-up little monster who murdered all those people in a Charleston church had his picture taken with a Confederate flag, the “progressives” commenced a new crusade to obliterate not only the Confederate flag from American memory, but also the memory of anyone in history whose views on race are not identical to theirs.  They have even called for the demolition of the Jefferson Memorial; … Continue reading

Every couple of years the totalitarian socialist Left in America (a.k.a., the Democratic Party and all of its appendages) pretends to be indignant about the existence of the Confederate flag somewhere.  The lapdog cultural Marxist media fall in line, treating the siting of the flag in the same way they would treat the siting of an Ebola victim in a large crowd.  Americans are reminded once again by the New York/New England/Ivy League-educated presstitute class that they should hate Southerners and all things Southern.  As Comedy Central’s Jon Stewart recently whined in faux horror, Southerners “waged war against the United … Continue reading

Former Fed Chairman Ben Bernanke is in love with another man – Alexander Hamilton.  Defending his man’s honor on his personal blog published through his new employer, the left-wing Brookings Institution, Bernanke recently said he is “appalled” that the U.S. Treasury Department is considering removing Hamilton’s mug shot from the ten dollar bill and replacing him with a woman (Bella Abzug? Elinor Roosevelt?  Oprah?  Who knows). Bernanke makes a case for “the greatest of our founders” on his June 22 blog entry, but in doing so he gets his economics and his American history exactly backwards.  He first praises Hamilton … Continue reading

“Those people who owned slaves in the pre-Civil War U.S. were guilty of the crime of kidnapping.” Professor Walter Block, Human Rights Review, July-Sept. 2002, p. 55 Most readers of are probably aware of the facts that: 1) A New York Times reporter maliciously libeled Professor Walter Block in a hit piece on Senator Rand Paul by claiming that Professor Block, who has supported Senator Paul, supposedly said that slavery was “not so bad”; 2) that Professor Block sued the New York Times for libel; 3) an establishment judge (the only kind) ruled against Professor Block; and 4) Professor … Continue reading

According to his Wikipedia entry, New York Times house neocon David Brooks is a protégé of William Kristol – the two labeled themselves as “national greatness conservatives” back in the ‘90s; predicted in the Wall Street Journal in 2003 that American forces would be “welcomed as liberators” in Iraq; describes himself as a follower of Alexander Hamilton’s mercantilist economic agenda; has argued that Republicans should abandon completely the limited government philosophy that became popular (at least rhetorically) during the “Goldwater and Reagan years”; wrote his senior thesis at the University of Chicago about a book that argued that humans evolved … Continue reading

This year marks the 150th anniversary of the end of the American “Civil War,” more accurately described as the War to Prevent Southern Independence.  It is also the 31st anniversary of the movie, The Godfather, Part II.  A single scene in the movie illustrates the true cause of the “Civil War.” The scene in question involves a Hells Kitchen New York Mafia boss in the early twentieth century named Don Fanucci, whose character is based on a real-life Mafia boss named Ignazio Lupo (“Lupo the Wolf”).  In the scene Don Fanucci meets with a young Vito Corleone (who would later … Continue reading

This year marks the 150th anniversary of the end of the American “Civil War,” more accurately described as the War to Prevent Southern Independence.  It is also the 31st anniversary of the movie, The Godfather, Part II.  A single scene in the movie illustrates the true cause of the “Civil War.” The scene in question involves a Hells Kitchen New York Mafia boss in the early twentieth century named Don Fanucci, whose character is based on a real-life Mafia boss named Ignazio Lupo (“Lupo the Wolf”).  In the scene Don Fanucci meets with a young Vito Corleone (who would later … Continue reading

Should the Polish people memorialize fellow Poles who collaborated with the Soviets?  This of course is a preposterous question to ask, yet the “logic” displayed in a recent National Review article suggests that the answer to the question would be an unequivocal “yes.” The article in question is “The Romance of the Confederacy” by one Josh Gelernter (March 28 issue), who is identified as someone who “writes for National Review and The Weekly Standard.”  In this article Gelernter points out that there were Southerners in the Union Army during the War to Prevent Southern Independence.  In border states like Maryland, … Continue reading