“If there is one operative rule in Washington’s left-right paradigm, it is to shift the focus of any conversation that seems at risk of revealing something approximating truth-…” Kathleen Parker WP 4-4-2017 It’s wordy but close enough…or would have been if she had left it there. Journalistic professionals think their jobs require improvements on the truth. And they believe they can make them down to a man, a woman or a whatever. So she had to spoil it adding: “…a game at which the current administration and its media surrogates happen to excel.” “We all cheat but they’re better at … Continue reading

The post Hide the Truth appeared first on LewRockwell.

That mainstream media only missed it by “that” much? So how much is that exactly? The CIA’s old tripping over its own two-feet trick is getting a little played. What they call “tradecraft” became a public spectacle, after the fact, abducting Abu Omar in Milan February 2003. The 20 some agents involved managed not to get caught red-handed. They were none too quiet about it though and left a trail behind an asthmatic lapdog with a cold could have followed. Italian authorities were not inclined to turn a blind eye to felonies on their turf. They indicted the culprits trying … Continue reading

The post Bring Back ‘Get Smart’ appeared first on LewRockwell.

Why is everybody always picking on the elite these days? The American upper-crust has been taking it on the chin so long they don’t even know who they are anymore. There’s an identity crisis going on in polite society. What can the man on the street be thinking when he calls out his betters? There ought to be a law. There probably will be. Congress can be counted on to act when all the right people are suffering. Haters spewing out the E-word need to start watching their backs. John Kennedy said: “Forgive your enemies but remember their names.” The … Continue reading

The post Where Do You Fit In? appeared first on LewRockwell.

 “We are surely a kinder and gentler nation because of you, and we can’t thank you enough,” President Obama told ex-prez GHW Bush at a July 2013 White House ceremony. What to make of the event depends on how you look at things.  Crime, especially the violent variety, peaked in the 3rd year of the Bush I the presidency and entered a steady year by year decline. By 2014, rates were down to 1962 per capita levels. American has cleaned up its act over the last quarter century going by available figures. Unfortunately, the yardstick is only ever exactingly applied … Continue reading

The post Murder of a California Landowner appeared first on LewRockwell.

A Town Hall meeting at George Mason University over executive action on gun control included this yelp from the chief executive himself. “Our position is consistently mischaracterized … If you listen to the rhetoric, it is so over-the-top, it is so overheated.” But on this or any other subject in 21st century America whose position hasn’t been? Media, government, think tanks and academia devote enormous resources toward hyping the opinions of their ideological opponents into the extreme-osphere. Racism, sexism, isolationism, xenophobia and nationalistic jingoism are routinely found lurking in the most precisely fact based observations afforded by the English language. … Continue reading

The post Guns, Conspiracy, Revolution appeared first on LewRockwell.

Victoria Nuland is a storybook kind of name you could hang on an actress. It’s a good fit for the reigning princess of an over the rainbow place where rulers are wise and peasants are prosperous. If such a Eurotopia doesn’t already exist, well, it ought to and it can. Euro-crats just have to change course and put subjects of the realm on the path to enlightenment. That’s a route you can only traverse, incidentally, by shutting up and keeping the hind quarters of an enlightened one in front of you for the trip. In the real world Madame Nuland … Continue reading

“[I]t is important and it is also right,” Wyoming Governor Matt Mead declared in a letter to the legislature, to keep 4th, 5th and 6th amendment protections outside the boundaries of his bailiwick. The Gov had just vetoed a bill making strong-arm robbery as illegal for police as it is for anyone else. The theory goes that government, the same crew running courts and paying judges, is overwhelmingly disadvantaged in the arena of “justice.” Prosecutors only have a chance to save the world against opponents with both hands tied behind their backs. Public safety depends on heroes who can rifle … Continue reading

Every dog has his day. The shepherd breeds got theirs on Christmas with the limited release of American Sniper. The film gives mainstream traction to the idea that armed government employees are to society what guard dogs are to livestock. Rush Limbaugh couldn’t resist all the hype and crashed in January 27th. That’s when the schlock-jock declared himself an equal to a soldier, a cop or any other member of the packs that watch our backs. So far neither the Pentagon nor the constabulary has driven him back to the herd. Going to the dogs is the latest craze for … Continue reading

In 1952 Learned Hand ruled “publicity is a black art.” The good judge wasn’t really ahead of the curve. J. Edgar Hoover already had his coven in thrall for 28 years when Ike moved into 1600 Penn. Nobody looking for the fast track to an influential career dared crossing it. Most of the ones who did never even knew they had. The full tally of losers who died in ruin without hearing the snake that bit them was buried with JEH. Melvin Purvis, who caught more public enemies in 8 years than any Fed since, got hung by celebrity. Taking … Continue reading