It’s another school walkout today, so you know what that means: Facebook is full of rational discussion about guns. All right, probably not. Ever since the school shooting in Parkland, Florida, on February 14, 2018, the debate over gun ownership – social media has been even more toxic than usual. The gun-control side has in general been content to attribute vile motives to their opponents, and to contend that people arguing for gun rights prefer guns over their own children. Their reaction has made the debate over the 73 genders seem downright civil. I wouldn’t say they’re being dishonest. It’s … Continue reading

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We are long past the point at which constitutional arguments have much hope of restraining the American political class, either at home or abroad. They are still worth making, though, since they serve to show the two major parties’ contempt for American law and tradition. Ever since the Korean War, Article II, Section 2 of the Constitution — which refers to the president as the “Commander in Chief of the Army and Navy of the United States” — has been interpreted to mean that the president may act with an essentially free hand in foreign affairs, or at the very … Continue reading

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I’ve been spending this week in New York City with my daughter Veronica, so I’ve taken time off from writing. But man, that Jeff Sessions. Just the other day, he said: There is no nullification. There is no secession. Federal law is “the supreme law of the land.” I would invite any doubters to go to Gettysburg, to the tombstones of John C. Calhoun and Abraham Lincoln. This matter has been settled. As the author of Nullification, I am driven insane by fact-free platitudes like this. (Nullification is the idea that the states have the right to prevent the enforcement of unconstitutional federal … Continue reading

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If you’re reading this, chances are you’ve considered starting a blog. Lots of people consider it, but few of them do it. They don’t know what step one is, and they probably assume the process is complicated, even insurmountable. Nope. It’s easy. I can have you up and running in five minutes. A blog can improve your writing, position you as an authority, help you let off steam, build an audience, earn affiliate commissions — you name it. Where Do You Start? The first thing you need is a name for your site – a domain name. Without a domain … Continue reading

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I can’t keep up with the left-libertarian world anymore. The nuttiness is coming out faster than I can smash it. The latest entry: Sarah Skwire, in Newsweek. “Who Hates Women Most? Pence, Trump, or Weinstein?” You can already see where this is going (Skwire in italics): Vice President Mike Pence won’t meet alone with women. Meanwhile, guys like Donald Trump and Harvey Weinstein won’t keep their hands off them. Almost the same thing, obviously! Time to buy old US gold coins Pence’s camp would have women kept in some sort of professional purdah, where important avenues to public influence and … Continue reading

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[Originally published in 2003 as “Cobden on Freedom, Peace, and Trade,” a prize-winning essay in the Independent Institute’s Olive W. Garvey Fellowship contest.] Every student of political economy knows that Adam Smith dealt mercantilist economic ideas a profound intellectual defeat in The Wealth of Nations (1776). The mercantilist had viewed economic interaction as a zero-sum game — that is, the benefit of one party had to come at the expense of the other. Sound economic policy, therefore, involved encouraging a favorable balance of trade (an excess of exports over imports), the acquisition of colonies, and the construction of a powerful navy to secure and … Continue reading

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Thomas DiLorenzo’s The Real Lincoln (2002) was as much an event as it was a book. Here was a brutally frank treatment of a political figure we are all expected to treat with a quiet awe, and certainly not with the kind of serious and sustained scrutiny reserved for mere mortals. With every major aspect of the standard narrative that students are taught about Lincoln laughably and grotesquely false, this book was a shocking reminder of suppressed truths. It sold extremely well, managing the truly astonishing feat of reaching number two in Amazon sales rank in the face of (surprise!) a complete … Continue reading

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Since nobody in his right mind sympathizes with Nazis (of all people), everyone is cheering at the example being made of various organizations that are losing various online services essential to their survival. I am not suggesting that we must shed tears for these groups. Only that we be aware that there are people who have longed to shut down far more voices than just these obviously odious ones, and that we might want to keep a close eye as events continue to unfold. For example, a bunch of right-wing websites, including a 50-year-old Catholic publication I myself wrote for … Continue reading

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Following up on his successful and highly regarded James Madison and the Making of America (St. Martin’s, 2012), Kevin Gutzman has returned with a fresh look at Jefferson in Thomas Jefferson, Revolutionary: A Radical’s Struggle to Remake America. It could well have been called The Jefferson Nobody Knows. Jefferson, Gutzman reminds us, had such a fertile mind that he would devote himself to the study of a subject and become the leading figure of his day in that area. Architecture may be the most obvious example – at the time of the bicentennial, the American Institute of Architects declared Jefferson’s … Continue reading

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(Excerpted with permission from Dr. Woods’s daily email.) Sure enough, a YouGov poll taken in late 2016 confirmed my suspicion. Some 42% of millennials have no idea who Mao Tse-Tung was. For comparison, I’m pretty sure they all know who Hitler was. Somehow Mao never hit their radar screens. Ever heard of V.I. Lenin? One-third of millennials haven’t. Why are the most advertised Gold and Silver coins NOT the best way to invest? Of those who have, one in four view him favorably. Arbitrary arrests and killings, some 50,000 people in concentration camps, one-party rule, and a reign of terror … Continue reading

The post Crimes of Communism appeared first on LewRockwell.

I have plenty of experience in publishing. I’m the author of 12 books, including two New York Times bestsellers. The most recent of my 12 was self-published, and I was very pleased with the experience. I’ve also published five free eBooks. I’m going to share with you what I’ve learned, and how you can use my experience to your advantage. Most of what I say will have to do with eBooks, but I’ll have some recommendations for print books as well. First of all, understand that although self-publishing yields an author much higher royalty percentages, it also involves costs. You … Continue reading

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