A mother and her 12-year-old daughter celebrating a birthday at a popular restaurant in Oklahoma City were shot Thursday night around 6:30 p.m. by a man in his late teens, when a bystander armed with a pistol confronted the shooter and fatally shot him as he tried to flee, according to Oklahoma City Police – who called the citizen “a blessing.” Capt. Mathews says when the suspect exited the restaurant, he was confronted by a citizen who took out his own firearm, shooting and killing the suspect. –News9 Natalie and her daughter Niah Will were walking into Louie’s Grill & Bar to … Continue reading

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Survivors and families of those who were affected by Project MK-Ultra, also called the United States Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) mind control program, administered at McGill University’s Allan Memorial Institute in Montreal are preparing a class-action lawsuit against the Quebec and federal governments because of what they alleged had been done to them five decades ago. According to the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation (CBC), more than forty Canadians for the first time gathered at a Montreal condo over the weekend to share their disturbing stories about how MK-Ultra destroyed their lives. “The government should offer an apology and there should be recognition of the … Continue reading

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The Las Vegas Police Department has released nearly three hours of footage from the October, 2017 shooting at Mandalay Bay, in which Stephen Paddock, 64, killed 58 and wounded over 500 more. The footage shows a group of officers as they prepare to enter Stephen Paddock’s 32nd floor room, when one shouts “Breach, breach, breach,” before a loud explosion can be heard nearby. The footage is the first peek into the actions of the LVPD on the fateful evening of October 1.  Officers move slowly and quietly out of the 32nd floor stairwell as a fire alarm blares – due to the explosive … Continue reading

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Late on Monday we reported that US Navy Destroyer, USS Donald Cook (DDG-75), equipped with Tomahawk cruise missiles, as well as the Aegis missile defence system, was approaching the port of Tartus in Syria, which doubles as the location for the Syrian logistics base of the Russian Navy. According to CNN Turk, the US destroyer was at at a distance of 100 km from the port, as of Monday. The destroyer, which left the Cypriot port of Larnaka and was headed for the Syrian shore, was reportedly buzzed by Russian warplanes which circled above the US warship four times. #USSDonaldCook 🇺🇸 departed … Continue reading

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Taking a break from her girls’ trip to India with top aide Huma Abedin and an unknown blonde woman, Hillary Clinton told a Mumbai audience that Americans don’t “deserve” Donald Trump as President, and that Trump voters hate black people, women, and Indian Americans. “I would have to say, no, we did not deserve that,” said Clinton at the Saturday event, adding “He ran the first reality TV campaign and he was the first reality TV candidate.” “If you watch reality TV, you know it means that the person who is the most outrageous, the person who says the politically incorrect … Continue reading

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Alhambra Investment Partners CIO Jeffrey Snider returned to Erik Townsend’s MacroVoices podcast this week to discuss one of his favorite topics: How central banks’ use gold lending to manipulate their balance sheets, and also to manipulate the broader market for precious metals by sheer dint of their size, and willingness to buy and sell without any consideration for the price. Their conversation begins with Snider explaining the history of “gold swaps” between central banks that helped birth the concept of fractional reserve lending. The first “gold swap” conducted between the Federal Reserve and the Bank of England: The Fed handed the BOE $200 million … Continue reading

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If there is a European election, and the anti-establishment parties score a stunning victory (as just happened in Italy, and a few months prior, in Austria), who’re you gonna blame? Vladimir Putin (of course)! That’s what Samantha Power, one of the top diplomats in the Obama administration, did when she shared an article by Spain’s El Pais newspaper about how Russia predetermined the outcome of Sunday’s election by spinning an immigration discourse in Italy: “Italy’s joins long list of elections influenced by Russia. Sputnik will do what Sputnik does. The question is: what are our democracies going to do about it? … Continue reading

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Apple CEO Tim Cook has one big hope for the future – that he lives to see the end of money. “…I’m hoping that I’m still going to be alive to see the elimination of money.” Speaking at a meeting for Apple shareholders in Cupertino, California earlier this month, Cook made it clear that he is firmly on the side of the war-on-cash establishment. “Because why would you have this stuff! Why go through all the expense of printing this stuff and then some people steal it, and you’ve got to worry about counterfeits and all these things,” he continued. As … Continue reading

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Coral Springs police officers were “stunned and upset” to learn that four Broward County Sheriff’s Deputies were stationed outside the Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School and had not entered to face an active shooter, sources with the Coral Springs, FL police department told CNN. As the details behind the Police response to the Valentines Day massacre emerge, it appears that the Coral Springs Police department – which sent 130 officers to the scene – put their lives on the line while Broward County officers simply waited for backup as the scene unfolded, in what some Coral Springs officials perceived to be a derilection of duty. … Continue reading

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“The shield that protects the Earth from solar radiation is under attack from within. We can’t prevent it, but we ought to prepare…” is the ominous sub-headline of a worrisome new report that shows scientists around the world fearing that the earth’s magnetic field is shifting, with potentially disastrous consequences for mankind. “When next the poles change places, the consequences for the electrical and electronic infrastructure that runs civilization will be dire. The question is when that will happen.” As SHTFplan.com’s Mac Slavo notes, scientists from the University of Colorado in Boulder are sounding the alarm that the Earth’s magnetic poles are showing signs … Continue reading

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FBI Director Christopher Wray was allegedly “shocked to his core” after viewing the four-page FISA memo Sunday night – hours before asking Deputy FBI Director Andrew McCabe to step down, according to journalist Sara Carter. Hannity sat down once again with journalist Sara Carter, whose sources say McCabe may have instructed FBI agents to alter their “302” forms – the paperwork an agent files after interviewing someone: 6) The 302 reveals the content of interview as well as identify ALL PARTICIPANTS. The 1023 outlines who met who, where, when, and why. — TrumpSoldier (@DaveNYviii) January 5, 2018 Carter: What we know tonight … Continue reading

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In the latest of a series of undercover operations targeting the mainstream media and now Social Media, James O’Keefe of Project Veritas has just dropped a new undercover video which reveals Twitter “shadow banning” and creating algorithms that censor certain ideas. The first clip features a former Twitter software engineer who explains how/why Twitter “shadow bans” certain users: Abhinav Vadrevu:  “One strategy is to shadow ban so you have ultimate control. The idea of a shadow ban is that you ban someone but they don’t know they’ve been banned, because they keep posting but no one sees their content.” “So they just think that no one … Continue reading

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“Once you understand what people want, you can’t hate them anymore. You can fear them, but you can’t hate them, because you can find the same desires in your own heart” – concluded Andrew Wiggins in the novel Speaker for the Dead.  When Americans hear the word Iran, many have a sort of knee-jerk visceral reaction.  The very mention of the word conjures up frightful images of be-turbaned bearded imams leading mobs of Kalashnikov-carrying Muslim men and women whose faces are grotesquely contorted by intense anger as they enthusiastically wave banners bearing squiggly lines, no doubt saying, “Death to America”.  Such specters are no frightful flights of … Continue reading

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Exactly two weeks after we reported that Attorney General Jeff Sessions instructed DOJ prosecutors to dig into the FBI’s handling of the Uranium One investigation, we learn that the FBI has opened a new investigation of the Clinton Foundation launched by the DOJ – spearheaded by its Little Rock, Arkansas field office, according to John Solomon of The Hill. The probe will focus on pay-for-play schemes and tax code violations, according to law enforcement officials and a witness who wishes to remain anonymous. The officials, who spoke only on condition of anonymity, said the probe is examining whether the Clintons promised or performed any policy favors in return for … Continue reading

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In the early 1990s, Colombia was locked in a brutal drug war, led by Pablo Escobar, that saw homicide rates in Medellin surge over 8x in a matter of just a few years… …and it was that surging violence that first prompted Miguel Caballero to start his line of bulletproof clothing some 25 years ago. Now, as Racked points out today, with violent crime in Colombia back to levels not seen since at least the 70s, Caballero is looking to bring his bulletproof fashions to the United States where he’s hoping that growing fears of gun violence, combined with an eager American consumer that is … Continue reading

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