The aftermath of today’s surprising decision by a UK high court to rule against the government‘s Brexit stance, pushing a Parliamentary vote to ratify Article 50, may have major consequences for the political landscape of the UK according to Deutsche Bank. As DB’s Oliver Harvey writes, the court’s decision today reduces odds of a “hard Brexit” and weakens PM May’s position, which makes a 2017 election now the German bank’s most likely scenario. Here is a recap of what happened for those who missed it, and what Deutsche Bank thinks will happen next: UK High Court Rules against government prerogative … Continue reading

The post Nigel Farage Warns of Untold Public Anger appeared first on LewRockwell.

On Monday we were the first to note that Podesta’s friend Peter Kadzik was the DOJ representative chosen to head up a “thorough” review of the new Huma Abedin emails as revealed by a letter he wrote to Congress.  Given Kadzik’s personal relationship with Podesta, it seemed like a “convenient” choice for the Clinton campaign. In the letter to Congress, the DOJ writes that it “will continue to work closely with the FBI and together, dedicate all necessary resources and take appropriate steps as expeditiously as possible,” assistant attorney General Peter J. Kadzik writes in letters to House and Senate … Continue reading

The post There’s Something Rotten in the State of Weiner appeared first on LewRockwell.

In today’s, 25th, Wikileaks release of hacked Podesta emails, one of the notable highlights is a March 2, 2015 exchange between John Podesta and Clinton aide Cheryl Mills in which the Clinton Campaign Chair says “On another matter….and not to sound like Lanny, but we are going to have to dump all those emails.” The email, which may indicate intent, was sent at the same time as the NYT story “Hillary Clinton Used Personal Email Account at State Dept., Possibly Breaking Rules” –  which for the first time revealed the existence of Hillary’s email server – hit, and just days … Continue reading

The post ‘We’re Going To Have To Dump All Those Emails’ appeared first on LewRockwell.

Moments ago, Russian president started speaking at the final session of the Valdai International Discussion Club’s 13th annual meeting in Sochi. More than 130 experts and political analysts from Russia and other countries are taking part in this year’s three-day meeting, titled ‘The Future in Progress: Shaping the World of Tomorrow’. While Putin’s speech can be seen below, he has already had a handful of soundbites, most notably the following he just said in response to accusations that Russia could influence the US election: “Hysteria has been whipped up in the United States about the influence of Russia over the … Continue reading

The post ‘Is America Now a Banana Republic’ appeared first on LewRockwell.

After months of exposing damaging internal information from both the Democratic National Committee and the Hillary Clinton campaign, much of which actually points to criminal behavior but seemingly has no impact on the polls, Julian Assange has concluded that “There is no US election. There is power consolidation. Rigged primary,rigged media and rigged ‘pied piper’ candidate drive consolidation.” There is no US election. There is power consolidation. Rigged primary, rigged media and rigged ‘pied piper’ candidate drive consolidation. — WikiLeaks (@wikileaks) October 21, 2016 Sadly, it is difficult to disagree with the assessment.  That an establishment democratic candidate could endure … Continue reading

The post Rigged Primary, Rigged Media, Rigged Candidate appeared first on LewRockwell.

The Paris you know or remember from adverts or brochures no longer exists. While no part of Paris looks like the romantic Cliches in Hollywood movies, some districts now resemble post-apocalyptic scenes of a dystopian thriller. This footage, taken with a hidden camera by an anonymous Frenchman in the Avenue de Flandres, 19th Arrondissement, near the Stalingrad Metro Station in Paris as well as areas in close proximity, shows the devastating effects of uncontrolled illegal mass immigration of young African males into Europe. If it weren’t for the somewhat working infrastructure, the scene might as well have been the setting … Continue reading

The post Scenes From The Apocalypse appeared first on LewRockwell.

As election day looms in America, it appears the writing that Vladimir Putin drew on the wall just a few short months ago is coming to fruition. Having lost his patience with the constant spewing of anti-Russia propaganda – missing the bigger picture of vicious circle towards nuclear confrontation – Putin implored the western media, for the sake of the world, to listen: We know year by year what’s going to happen, and they know that we know. It’s only you that they tell tall tales to, and you buy it, and spread it to the citizens of your countries. … Continue reading

The post Hillary’s War Drums appeared first on LewRockwell.

Trump had some harsh words for the Republican establishment last night during an interview with Bill O’Reilly of Fox News.  Asked whether he thought he would get the support of the GOP if elected Trump said, “Yes”, although speculated that Ryan would lose his speakership position saying “maybe he’ll be in a different position.”  In the end, Trump concludes “So look, I don’t want his support, I don’t care about his support.” “They’ll be there. I would think that Ryan maybe wouldn’t be there, maybe he’ll be in a different position.” “The fact is, I think we should get support … Continue reading

The post No More Mr. Nice Trump appeared first on LewRockwell.

Last October, about 6 months after the New York Times first revealed the existence of the Hillary Clinton private email server, President Obama appeared on “60 Minutes” and denied any and all knowledge of her potentially illegal technology arrangements.  When asked point blank whether he knew about Hillary’s private email server, Obama responded, quite simply, “No.” Of course, we now know from the FBI’s investigation notes that, in fact, that was a complete lie.  As we noted back in September, Huma Abedin’s interview with the FBI on April 5, 2016, revealed an email sent on June 28, 2012, from Obama, … Continue reading

The post Barack Intervened for Hillary appeared first on LewRockwell.

Last year we took you inside the communal bunker of Vivos Indiana, a shelter “strategically located in midwestern America” and “specifically built during the Cold War to withstand a 20 megaton blast”.  The impervious underground complex was designed to accommodate up to 80 people, for a minimum of one year of fully autonomous survival, without needing to return to the surface. Unfortunately, California’s billionaire techies and movie stars are slightly out of driving range for the Vivos Inidiana communal bunker so they’re having to build their own luxurious underground hideouts instead.  And, as it turns out, the underground bunker construction … Continue reading

The post Billionaires ‘Bunker’-Down appeared first on LewRockwell.

Late last Friday, we reported that in a troubling development for all Americans, Barack Obama sided with Saudi Arabia when he vetoed the Justice Against Sponsors of Terrorism Act , better known as the “Sept 11″ bill, allowing Americans to sue Saudi Arabia over its involvement in terrorism on US soil, passed previously in Congress, despite clear signs that the veto may be rejected by both the Senate and the House. Moments ago, that is precisely what happened, when the Senate voted overwhelmingly 97 to 1, to override President Obama’s veto of a bill letting the victims of the 9/11 … Continue reading

The post El Jefe Humiliated in Front of His Saudi Handlers appeared first on LewRockwell.

We have one simple question – how is beating, dragging, stripping, and laughing at an innocent white man going to help the discourse about police violence against black men? In Charlotte overnight… #CharlotteProtest Beating man begging for mercy in parking garage. @AC360 @seanhannity @BretBaier Credit:Lenard Bennett (facebook) @ncnaacp — Libertarian Queen (@LibertarianQn) September 22, 2016 But that was not all… As Mediaite notes, among the many reports of violence from the Charlotte, North Carolina unrest Wednesday night was one particular shocking example: rioters tried to throw a news photographer into a burning fire. Local CW-affiliate WCCB was on the … Continue reading

The post Do WhiteLivesMatter? appeared first on LewRockwell.

In recent months the mainstream media has worked itself into a frenzy trying to defend Hillary from the various scandals surrounding her campaign.  There is seemingly no end to the “plumes of smoke” emanating from the Clinton camp including questions over Benghazi, missing emails, pay-for-play at the Clinton Foundation, strange “medical episodes”, etc, etc, etc.  All the while, the press simply can’t bring themselves to understand why voters never quite view her as a trustworthy candidate.  The problem, says Peggy Noonan of the Wall Street Journal, is that the Clinton’s have been embroiled in so many scandals dating all the … Continue reading

The post Lie, Deny, Revise, Claim Not To Remember, Stall appeared first on LewRockwell.

It is no secret that earnings have gone nowhere over the past two years (and are set to decline for 6 consecutive quarters), while on a GAAP basis earnings as of 2015 were the lowest since 2010… … which means that earnings growth has not been a factor behind the stock market’s recent ascent to all-time highs. As a result, the conventional explanation to justify the S&P trading just shy of 2,200 is that the market has been the beneficiary of unprecedented multiple expansion. To be sure, as Goldman recently opined, the median stock multiple has never been more overvalue. … Continue reading

The post How Much of The S&P’s Value Is Due To Central Banks? appeared first on LewRockwell.

It is no secret that one of the most admirable qualities of the German public – in addition to its striking propensity for thrift in the aftermath of Weimar – is its stoic patience and pragmatism when dealing with adversity. However, over the past month, we grew increasingly confident that said patience would be tested, if only when it comes to matters of monetary trust vis-a-vis the local, neighborhood bank. First, it was the news that Raiffeisen Gmund am Tegernsee, a German cooperative savings bank in the Bavarian village of Gmund am Tegernsee, with a population 5,767, finally gave in … Continue reading

The post Germans Lose Faith In the Banks appeared first on LewRockwell.