In my previous post on the aftermath of the U.S. Supreme Court’s gay marriage decision, I noted that U.S. Progressives are taking their victory laps, and I suspect that before they are done, those laps are going to morph into a marathon. By a 5-4 vote, SCOTUS forever changed the political and religious landscape in a way that ironically breaks down the wall of separation between church and state.  That’s right. For all of their endorsement of the principle that church and state must be separate, American Progressives have made the state the final arbiter of the purity of Christian doctrine, … Continue reading

It really was The Week That Was. Where do I begin? The U.S. Supreme Court has struck down all prohibition of gay marriage in the manner that it struck down state laws forbidding abortion in 1973, and the ramifications for that will be around for the rest of our lives. In response to the murders of the nine black Christians in a church in Charleston, South Carolina, the Confederate battle flag and, indeed, pretty much anything that has to do with the old Confederacy, from flags to statues of Confederate Civil War generals, to monuments to names on schools and … Continue reading

During his presidency, Barack Obama on many occasions has claimed that the market economy is based upon what he (and other leftists) call “trickle-down economics.” A few years ago, Obama declared: Now, just as there was in Teddy Roosevelt’s time, there’s been a certain crowd in Washington for the last few decades who respond to this economic challenge with the same old tune. “The market will take care of everything,” they tell us. If only we cut more regulations and cut more taxes – especially for the wealthy – our economy will grow stronger. Sure, there will be winners and … Continue reading

Like so many other “official” social and governmental institutions that were birthed during the Progressive Era a century ago, the Federal Bureau of Investigation – better known as the FBI – has been held up as a model of governmental professionalism. The G-Men, as they were called, were to be the cream of the crop of professional and “scientific” lawmen, incorruptible, diligent, and generally correct about everything. Progressives believed that all of American life needed to fall under central governmental control, and law enforcement should be no exception. Journalists touted the “professional” lawmen of the FBI, contrasting them with the … Continue reading

So, Theresa Sullivan, president of the University of Virginia, finally has spoken about the piece of fiction in Rolling Stone that falsely claimed a UVA freshman named “Jackie” had been brutally raped at a fraternity party in September, 2012. Yes, this is the same story that Sullivan helped to create, one she wanted to believe when it first was published last November, and a story that enabled her to impose her own hard-left agenda at her university. Sullivan is upset that the story said so many false and nasty things about UVA, false and nasty things that gave her presidency … Continue reading

At last, with the usual fanfare of self-importance served with a side of dishonesty and arrogance, Rolling Stone admits that its November 2014 “A Rape on Campus” story was a hoax, a hoax created in “good faith” and in “sensitivity to a rape victim,” but a hoax nonetheless. As I had predicted in an earlier story, no one lost his or her job over this piece of fiction, and the writer, Sabrina Erdely, no doubt soon will be off to her next writing assignment for another high-profile American publication like New Yorker (which has published her work before) or even … Continue reading

An Atlanta jury has spoken and 11 former employees of the Atlanta school system are headed for prison after it was found that they had engaged in changing standardized test scores in order to give the false impression that Atlanta city schoolchildren were doing better, academically speaking, than was the case. The headlines from around the country almost are identical: “Former Atlanta Educators Convicted in Cheating Scandal.” According to the New York Times: In 2009, The Atlanta Journal-Constitution started publishing a series of articles that sowed suspicion about the veracity of the test scores, and Gov. Sonny Perdue ultimately ordered … Continue reading

At this writing, Islamic State militants are engaging in some of the most horrific persecution of Iraqi Christians since the days of the Roman Empire. Children are being beheaded, parents gunned down, churches burned, and whole populations uprooted, all to feed a monster known as radical Islam. While I believe that those who commit such atrocities should be held accountable personally for this violence, I am under no delusion as to who bears much of the responsibility for creating the conditions that have nurtured this outrage: conservative American Christians. That’s correct; I am calling out the Religious Right for helping … Continue reading