Sometimes my clients, readers, friends, and even family “forget” that I have Multiple Sclerosis. I intentionally focus on how much I’ve recovered, and the things I do to minimize symptoms. I rarely talk about, or focus on, the symptoms that I experience. But, I do experience symptoms sometimes. Most times my MS symptoms are a result of an immune response to something I’ve eaten. If I’m honest with myself I can usually find some food item eaten in the previous two days that I knew at the time I should not eat. Other times the MS symptoms I experience are … Continue reading

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Mises University is this week, and the annual event has me thinking (and talking about) how vitally important it is for each person to be responsible for their own health.  Of course, it doesn’t help that I’m currently reading Crony Capitalism in America 2008-2012 by Hunter Lewis. The book explains how so much of the economy in America is manipulated and controlled by politicians and special interest groups. There is a full chapter devoted to the American medical system. Politics and economic principles aside, I firmly believe that people are better served when they are in complete control the “four W’s” of their … Continue reading

The post You Can’t Trust the Medical Apparatus appeared first on LewRockwell.