Shock Video: Crazy Lady Tells Children ‘I Hope You All Die’ For Not Wearing Masks in Supermarket
Globalists using mask debate to further divide Americans.
News posts aggregated from alternative news sources.
Globalists using mask debate to further divide Americans.
AG slams ongoing riots during testimony
‘My grandmother was a immigrant from the Carribean.’
Some speculate that the definition is the result of an algorithm error or manipulation.
Soros-funded Marxist program marches forward, new city attorney funded by Soros.
YouTube is taking down this video left and right.
BBC confirms Bill Gates’ agenda for all travelers to be inoculated and microchipped to travel, work or leave home.
Policy indicates economy needs more help
Rioters deploying larger explosives as violence escalates
Democrats working to thwart Trump admin’s efforts to restore law and order
Globalists laying groundwork for perpetual lockdowns
Authorities cite coronavirus restrictions in apprehension of BLM radical
Government admits connection.
Attorney General torches Dems in epic testimony.
BBC confirms Bill Gates’ agenda for all travelers to be inoculated and microchipped to travel, work or leave home.