‘In the previous posting, The Grand Manipulation, I again wrote about the false reality that government manipulation of information and control over explanations creates for Americans and others who have subordinated themselves to Washington. Consider […]

‘Zacarias Moussaoui, the so-called 20th September 11 hijacker, has fingered members of Saudi Arabia’s royal family as major al-Qaeda donors. The New York Times reports the Saudis deny the accusation and dismiss Moussaoui as mentally […]

‘Zacarias Moussaoui, the so-called 20th September 11 hijacker, has fingered members of Saudi Arabia’s royal family as major al-Qaeda donors. The New York Times reports the Saudis deny the accusation and dismiss Moussaoui as mentally […]

Rather than face the truth that our government lied us into a devastating war that forced countless naive kids to go halfway across the world and murder people that did absolutely nothing to them, we happily celebrate the story of