‘2016 marks the 40th anniversary of the Toxic Substances Control Act. But there is little to celebrate. Signed into law by President Gerald Ford in 1976, the TSCA has been sharply criticized for failing at what it was meant to do: protect public health and the environment from the tens of thousands of chemicals that […]

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‘They say it’s better to give than to receive, and a Massachusetts woman agrees. After winning $200 in the lottery, she used her fortune on the less fortunate, buying a hotel room for a homeless man. She has since raised thousands of dollars for him online. Sofia Andrade of Wareham, Massachusetts, had just won $200 […]

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‘Agri-giant Monsanto continues to lose the public affairs battle with the people of the world who, by the hundreds of millions, are catching on to the dangers of genetically modified foods. For more than three years now, protestors in Malvinas, Argentina have blocked the construction of what would become Monsanto’s second-largest seed plant in Latin […]

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‘When you become a parent, life changes a lot. Suddenly, you’re responsible for another life and you realize that you can’t afford to do a lot of things that you used to. Obviously, there are pros and cons, but one constant is that every parent feels a burning need to be there for their daughter […]

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‘It turns out Mr Cameron’s aunt has more intelligence than anybody expected – including, it seems, her nephew. He was probably hoping she would pipe down after he magicked up a grant of more than £300 million for primarily-Tory, southern counties, to relieve the effect of his cuts there. Instead, Clare Currie appears to have […]

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‘Two women accused of anti-social behaviour for attempting to feed the homeless in Liverpool have been acquitted, while two others await judgement. They were arrested outside a building the Love Activists were occupying to house and feed homeless people. The police had sealed off the building to prevent more people entering. However, people gathered outside, […]

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‘In this important note to all Natural News fans and readers, I explain why every branch of holistic and naturopathic medicine will be criminalized or banned if we don’t stop the government’s 100-year censorship of natural medicine, medical marijuana and healing foods. Sadly, most people who promote holistic medicine are “progressives” who believe in bigger […]

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‘Spiritual maturity is what is needed most right now by humanity en masse to deal with the predicament we are in. We are in the midst of an unspeakable and horrific evil, but rather than evil, I suggest we use the termunconsciousness (as Eckhart Tolle author of Power of Nowadvises). We have allowed deeply unconscious […]

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‘Police have fired tear gas at protesters on the Greek island of Kos, where several thousand people rallied against the construction of a refugee facility. Kos is a tourist hub that found itself on the frontline of Europe’s migrant crisis last year. Locals fear that migrants will deter holiday makers from visiting the island. “Some […]

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‘Hundreds of anti-government protesters clashed with tear-gas firing police in Bahrain over the weekend in demonstrations marking the fifth anniversary of a violently suppressed uprising in 2011 that had sought political change in the Sunni Arab country. Activists from the Sitra community, located south of Manama, Bahrain’s capital, attempted to march towards a local highway […]

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‘Police in England have arrested a teenage boy on suspicion of hacking into the emails of senior US officials last year and posting nearly 30,000 US government employees’ private information online this week. He has reportedly been released on bail. The South East Regional Organized Crime Unit (SEROCU) sent out a terse email to the […]

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‘About 60 percent of Scots think that Scotland should be independent from the United Kingdom if Britain leaves the European Union, a STV News poll reveled Wednesday. The poll results suggest that some 62 percent would support the UK remaining in the bloc in a referendum, with 26 percent supporting Brexit, while 12 percent are […]

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‘Anti-fracking campaigners occupied branches of Barclays bank in five British cities yesterday. Sit-ins took place in London, Leeds, Sheffield, Lancaster and Oxford, forcing staff to close the branches and turn customers away. Campaigners are calling on the bank to cancel its £1.2 billion of investments in ‘extreme energy’ producers.’ Read more: Anti-fracking protests target Barclays

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