‘I recently snapped a photo from an advertising circular that was delivered to my home, proudly promoting Monsanto’s ‘probably carcinogenic’ Roundup, on sale no less, at a local hardware store. While US garden and DIY […]

‘Brazil’s government has excluded an Israeli “security” company from working at the 2016 Olympics in Rio de Janeiro following a campaign by Palestine solidarity activists. In October 2014, the Israeli firm International Security and Defence […]

‘Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper’s Conservative government has signaled plans to apply hate crime laws against advocacy groups that encourage the boycott of Israel, a report says. The report by the Canadian broadcaster, CBC News […]

‘Don’t let the bastards get you down – choose action over despondency when coming to terms with the general election result.’ ‘Hours after the Conservatives were re-elected, the government looked at cutting access to work […]

‘Hundreds of protesters took to the streets to express their anger about the new Tory government. The anti-Conservative protesters, some holding placards reading “I pledge to resist” and “Stop the cuts”, took part in the […]

The treatment of “conspiracy theories” by the US intelligentsia is reminiscent of the Soviet commissions that labeled political dissidents mentally ill. ‘While psychiatry as a means of repressing political dissent was well-known for its use […]

‘Public resistance to Common Core is exploding across America, and officials are not happy about it. The Obama administration’s Department of Education, along with pro-Common Core government officials across the country under pressure from the […]