‘Antibiotic resistance is reaching such dangerous proportions that the entire global health system is at risk of collapse, the World Health Organization (WHO) warned on November 16. The agency released a report highlighting many of the myths about antibiotics that people believe worldwide, and how these contribute to the spread of antibiotic resistance. “The rise […]

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‘The biggest seller of organic foods has decided to greatly reduce the number of antibiotic-treated salmon it purchases from Chile, a move that’s expected to a deliver a huge financial blow to the aquaculture industry. Costco recently announced that they will no longer be buying the majority of its salmon from Chile, the world’s second […]

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‘Last year it was revealed that a handful of the activist agencies behind the petition to the EPA to regulate nano-silver as a pesticide received funding from pharmaceutical giant Merck, which annually has hundreds of billions of dollars in profits from patented antibioics which many believe are less effective, less safe and far more expensive […]

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‘Pharmaceutical companies should be given cash incentives of up to $3bn to find and develop new antibiotics desperately needed to keep infections at bay, according to a UK government review. Jim O’Neill, the economist and […]