‘The national police force, Rigspolitiet, wants the ability to track every user’s digital footprints. “Tracking online movements will help them to identify and arrest criminals, as crime and communication about crime is increasingly taking place in cyberspace,” Rigspolitiet commissioner Jens Henrik Højbjerg told DR Nyheder. Højbjerg is publicly supporting Søren Pind, who said last month […]

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‘The race is on to provide students with personalized learning experiences based on their individual emotions, cognitive processes, “mindsets,” and character and personality traits. Academic researchers, for example, are busy developing computerized tutoring systems that gather information on students’ facial expressions, heart rate, posture, pupil dilation, and more. Those data are then analyzed for signs […]

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‘In a survey of 1,000 UK shoppers by the retail personalisation company RichRelevance, respondents were asked to rate a suite of in-store shopping technologies as either “cool” or “creepy”, and facial recognition fell decidedly on the creepy end of the scale. In this survey it was found that companies will soon be using a range […]

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‘One of the most effective methods of creating a surveillance state, authoritarian society, fascist nation or whatever one wishes to call it, is to inform children at an early age that they have no individual privacy rights. Take a child and reinforce the notion that everything he or she does, every activity participated in, will […]

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‘After several years of consumer complaints, Microsoft Windows 10 has been getting a lot of attention as of late for many upgrades slated for their new version of the popular operating system. However, it appears […]