‘The American civil rights leader and Nobel Peace Prize laureate as well as the American poet, philosopher and historian writing a century before him dealt with hefty issues indeed and shared a compelling antipathy to unfairness and injustice, and to the bureaucratically ridiculous. So, while it is clearly not a matter of existential angst or […]

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‘Students at Amherst College have issued a list of demands that includes a threat to stage “civil disobedience” if the President of the college doesn’t punish and prevent other students from expressing support for “free speech”. The demands were issued in support of the “Stand with Mizzou” movement which stoked controversy earlier this week after […]

The post Amherst Students Threaten ‘Civil Disobedience’ if President Doesn’t Eliminate ‘Free Speech’ appeared first on David Icke.

‘If the Baltimore riots seem like a tired replay of Ferguson, there might be a good reason as to why. A data mining firm with government ties that tracks social media reported that they uncovered […]