‘It is refreshing to see more and more of humanity wake up to the functional real-time political reality of the world we now live in. There are many human beings throughout the planet who now understand that corruption has taken over. They understand that criminals run the world. They understand that in America a powerful […]

The post How The Deep State’s Two-Dimensional Engineered Reality Actually Works appeared first on David Icke.

‘This year’s best spy thriller isn’t fiction – it’s history. David Talbot’s previous book, the bestseller “Brothers: The Hidden History of the Kennedy Years” explored Robert F. Kennedy’s search for the truth following his brother’s murder. His new work, “The Devil’s Chessboard: Allen Dulles, the CIA, and the Rise of America’s Secret Government,” zooms out […]

The post ‘Every president has been manipulated by national security officials’: David Talbot exposes America’s ‘deep state’ appeared first on David Icke.

The Status Quo would have us believe that America and its Empire are one entity. This is handy for those with Imperial designs but it is false: America could be untangled from its Empire, and many of us believe it

Disagreement is part of discourse, and pursuing differing views of the best way forward is the heart of democracy. Disagreement is abundant, democracy is scarce, despite claims to the contrary. If you think you can surgically extract Empire from the

The nation is wallowing self-piteously in a fetid trough of denial and adolescent rage/magical thinking now that the nation’s bogus, debt-based “prosperity” has crashed and cannot be restored. If you type Deep State into the custom search window in the

The U.S. Deep State is in favor of Saudi Arabia’s strategy of forcing production cuts on its rivals and marginal producers for two profound reasons. It is widely presumed that if the U.S. government isn’t actively concerned about the financial