Podcast: Play in new window | Download James Turk joins us this week for a MUST LISTEN show discussing: Silver Has Been in Backwardation Since January– No One Wants the Counter-Party Risk! The writing is on the wall for Greece- Bail-in appears inevitable!  When Greece

A final End Game has begun.  The current stage is the global rejection of the USDollar, the once respected revered and resilient currency which has in recent years fallen on its own Third World sword. QE is a Third World

A final End Game has begun.  The current stage is the global rejection of the USDollar, the once respected revered and resilient currency which has in recent years fallen on its own Third World sword. QE is a Third World

The forecast for fast acceleration of events into the January month has occurred on schedule.  Normally a very big event occurs every several weeks, or every few months.  In just the last three weeks, ten have taken place of significance.  The pace has