‘Special law enforcement task forces, believe it or not, are reportedly being deployed throughout California to deal with a new crime wave blossoming in what 10 years ago would have been a rather unlikely economic […]

‘The U.S. government is becoming less transparent than it has been at any time in our history, as evidenced by pending water legislation in the nation’s capital that voters, via their elected representatives, are not […]

‘California’s green living delusion is collapsing by the day. As the drought worsens, and lawns everywhere have turned to crispy brown dead zones, desperate residents are hiring companies to spray paint their lawns green. As […]

In 1977, Governor Brown warned that California was facing an unprecedented drought, blamed at the time on global cooling. This year, Governor Brown warned that California faces an unprecedented drought caused by global warming. Read more: […]

‘Gov. Jerry Brown (D-CA) issued an Executive Order on April 1 mandating a 25 percent reduction in urban water use across California. The announcement follows the release of recent data showing that Californians reduced their […]

‘With water being our most precious commodity, you would think that government officials would be keeping very close tabs on its usage, especially in states like California where drought conditions are now entering their fourth […]

‘For anyone who has closely tracked the evolution of California’s ever-worsening drought, it has been apparent — from the very beginning — that something is very wrong with this mostly manmade catastrophe. The purpose of […]