‘I wish I could download to your brain everything you need to know about the European Crisis unfolding right now. The possibility of the breakup of the European Union could be the spark that sets […]

‘The Ukraine Nazi regime was installed by Obama and his NATO bitches. The various international fronts for the American Empire have poured billions into this black hole of corruption and ineptitude. You can be sure […]

‘When Christine Lagarde, managing director of the International Monetary Fund (IMF), announced Ukraine’s new, $17.5 billion bailout package Thursday morning (Feb. 12), she suggested it would be a “turning point for Ukraine,” which stands to […]

‘When Christine Lagarde, managing director of the International Monetary Fund (IMF), announced Ukraine’s new, $17.5 billion bailout package Thursday morning (Feb. 12), she suggested it would be a “turning point for Ukraine,” which stands to […]

‘When Christine Lagarde, managing director of the International Monetary Fund (IMF), announced Ukraine’s new, $17.5 billion bailout package Thursday morning (Feb. 12), she suggested it would be a “turning point for Ukraine,” which stands to […]

Many in the precious metals community are eagerly anticipating a complete systemic collapse of the financial system because as “preppers”, they expect to not only survive, but to prosper in a SHTF scenario.  We suspect however that the following MUST READ account of