Expert Slams “Trumped-Up” Jobs Report
Says unemployment rate north of 10%
Says unemployment rate north of 10%
“Bottom line, America is working.”
US consumers have little problem spending like drunken sailors when armed with a credit card
China desperately needs both to avoid a food crisis
The unemployment rate has held steady between 4% and 3.7% for more than a year
This immense cooperative system is known as a free-market economy. It was not consciously planned by anybody. It evolved
Newly-minted dollars never make it into broader economy
Rubio in particular launched an attack on the market economy under the guise of promoting “common-good capitalism”
Move intended to end massive welfare state
Americans have record debt with low savings
Expert blames central bank for stirring up economic chaos
Rates could reach 100 percent on wine, cheese, handbags
President grinding Chicoms down
When governments devalue the currency to push more exports, the country is getting rich in terms of foreign currency, but it is getting poor in terms of real wealth
Expert blames government programs