‘The House of Lords Speaker ran up a £230 bill for keeping her car waiting four hours while she watched an opera – just a mile from Parliament. Baroness D’Souza spent four hours watching Benjamin Britten’s Gloriana with the chairman of the Federation Council (Russia), at the Royal Opera House and was then driven back […]

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Robert Halfon claimed £30,000 in expenses between 2010 and 2014 for ‘secret meetings’ with his mistress at the East India Club. He is allowed to claim for overnight accommodation even though he lives within commuting diatance of Parliament due to his disability. Read more: Taxpayers charged £30,000 by Tory Minister Robert Halfon for ‘secret meetings’ with […]

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‘Stop thief! Oh wait a second.. it’s a bloody police man! You may have seen headlines today revealing how police chefs obtained £55,000 of taxpayer money just so they could move house, but we’ve found plethora of unethical behaviour by police forces. An investigation by the Daily Mail and TaxPayers’ Alliance found that:’ Read more: British […]

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‘Congress is asking the Pentagon’s watchdog for another probe into how the military racked up 5,000 charges at casinos and strip clubs totaling more than $1 million over the course of a year – and whether the government footed the tab. In a memo released on Monday, the Pentagon inspector general said the Senate Armed […]

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‘Twenty “silent peers” have been paid more than £1.6million in allowances and travel expenses over the past five years despite them making almost no contribution to debates in the House of Lords. The peers, who include former ministers and an aide to the Queen, are entitled to claim a tax-free allowance of £300-a-day for attending […]

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‘British campaigners demand a review of the queen’s finances after reports that royal spending will not face cuts for at least another couple of years. Anti-monarchy activists urge cuts to Queen Elizabeth II’s multi-million-pound annual income in line with the rest of the nation. They say the current funding formula for the queen must be […]

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‘MPs and peers are lavishing hundreds of thousands of pounds a year attending little-known summits in glamorous locations across the world, figures released under freedom of information have revealed. Politicians from all parties have run up huge bills attending ‘parliamentary assemblies’ for organisations including the Council of Europe and Nato held in locations such as […]

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‘Alison Saunders, the Director of Public Prosecutions, spent almost £7,000 of taxpayers’ money on business class flights around the world while the Crown Prosecution Service headed towards crisis over Greville Janner and doomed trials of […]