Top Border Official Says Illegal Immigration at 45-year Low
Credits Trump ‘messaging’ for success in cutting flow.
Credits Trump ‘messaging’ for success in cutting flow.
Credits Trump ‘messaging’ for success in cutting flow.
The people of the world are standing up to globalism.
Unbridled immigration producing similar results in other states
Unbridled immigration producing similar results in other states
Swiss de-centralization provides valuable lessons for future
Swiss de-centralization provides valuable lessons for future
Young Americans need to do more research on the horrors of Communism.
Young Americans need to do more research on the horrors of Communism.
The establishment hack will fight Trump at every turn.
Congress can no longer ignore mounting evidence of wrongdoing by Obama & Clinton Justice Dept.
Also calls out turncoat McCain on Obamacare.
CNN launches marketing campaign titled “Facts First”
The world is waking up to the global elite who have been running countries into the ground.
Move could open door for Brussels to start dictating domestic policies and impose regulations on member states.