Zuckerberg Hires ‘Gang of Eight’ Pollsters To Skew DACA Amnesty Polls
Amnesty push is back, and so are the pollsters
Amnesty push is back, and so are the pollsters
The elite have been warned
Trump was right when he said Americanism not Globalism
Suit will allege wall violates federal environmental standards, as well as separation of powers and states’ rights.
Potentially bombshell move being blocked by DoJ
President’s first U.N. address could ruffle globalists’ feathers
Clinton’s financial ties to Antifa have been revealed
The special agent in charge of the Bundy Ranch standoff has been fired, but that’s not enough
Google has monopoly on flow of information
You’re the serf
Assisting Tehran with sidestepping an ongoing Washington sanctions regime against the country, China has opened a $10 billion line of credit intended to finance energy, transportation, water and other key Iranian infrastructure projects. Following the ground-breaking 2015 Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA) between Iran and Russia, the US, China, France, the UK, as well […]
NSA and CIA at the top of the shadow government apparatus
Trump using the wall as a bargaining chip
Trump administration urged Senate to take up legislation Thursday.
Democratic lawmakers haggled over scope of protections for illegal immigrants.